Monday, June 3, 2013

The Rising Cost Of Martin's Vendetta

The Martin Chronicles finds Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's boast that he "runs a tight ship" using the savings of a measly one thousand dollars (then immediately wasted on new chairs in the council chambers) by eliminating the City's postage meter as proof more hilarious than ever. Why? Because far more than that will have ended up being wasted at last Friday's meeting of the Civil Service Board. And that was just a meeting about how to run the upcoming meetings.

So why is Martin spending so much of YOUR MONEY still seeking revenge for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST? That's easy. Because he can. The voters gave him that power back in 2010. And he has been exercising that power with extreme prejudice ever since.

Okay, how about some details? How is Martin wasting YOUR MONEY now? Well, there are now THREE MORE ATTORNEYS on his TAXPAYER-FUNDED PAYROLL. Keep in mind that Martin SQUANDERED $7,000 OF YOUR MONEY last year trying to get a poor clerk terminated. Martin is now using YOUR MONEY to pay one attorney to represent the Civil Service Board and two attorneys to represent the City in his spiteful effort to harm Joe Schutzman.

The Civil Service Board scheduled Joe Schutzman's hearing to begin this Thursday and continue Friday and next Tuesday. One attorney COST YOU $7,000 for a failed one-night hearing to terminate a poor clerk. How much of YOUR MONEY will be squandered paying three attorneys for a three-night process?

Additionally, how much money will new lawsuits cost you? Martin suspended Joe Schutzman without pay the day after the May council meeting. It now appears all these days later that Martin and his TAXPAYER-FUNDED GOON SQUAD are scrambling to cobble together "evidence" after the fact. Martin's latest thug move serves as further evidence of his systematic intimidation of employees, elected officials, family members of employees and elected officials and the residents-at-large.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We are pursuing more stories about Martin's systematic intimidation of employees, elected officials, family members of employees and elected officials and residents-at-large. We are also looking at the City Attorney's direct involvement in this latest fiasco and some of the potential conflicts that are surfacing as we head towards the beginning of the hearing process this Thursday evening.]
[PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Just a note for the "Facebookers" out there. If its' TRUE (as you all admit it is)-it ain't slander. Besides, if its in writing and its defamatory-like Martin's DEFAMATORY 2010 campaign literature-then it would be libel, not slander. Hey, everybody knows who we are. We're The Martin Chronicles! Lastly, please keep writing bad things about us-your driving our readership through the roof!!!!!]