Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Budget Hawk Bull Dung

The Martin Chronicles continues to be amazed by that remarkably skilled LIAR, Villa Hills mendacious and malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Some Tea Party wingnuts jumped on his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign bandwagon believing his fraudulent claim that he is some kind of "budget hawk". Martin's proof? He once raised hell about spending $35 on a garden hose and wanted the police to pay for their own uniforms. Oh, and he also fraudulently claimed to have "found" $30,000. He wasn't sure where or how he "found" the money. But he did. Uh-huh, Uh-huh, Uh-huh.

Well, Martin is beginning to roll with his budget hawk LIE yet again. How so? Surprisingly, there are still some rather dim people who actually believe Martin's malarkey that he is intentionally destroying the local police department because he wants to "save a whole bunch of money". But that is complete nonsense. Any honest assessment of this debacle makes clear that Martin's radical plan has nothing to do with finding more money for street repair-or any damn thing else for that matter. It is first, last and always about Martin's thirst for vengeance for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.

Martin will be asking his new city council to approve his 2013/14 budget proposal tonight. There are probably already at least three votes-Koenig, Menninger-Isenhour and Wischer-tucked safely in Martin's hip pocket, guaranteeing the budget's passage. Keep this in mind though. Giving Martin a new budget is the exact equivalent of giving Martin $3.2 MILLION OF YOUR MONEY TO SQUANDER ON MORE ATTORNEYS AND MORE LAWSUITS.

We suspect Martin is beginning his "budget hawk bull dung" again because his election day of reckoning is creeping ever closer. The voters will have a chance to fix the problems that a razor-thin majority created for everyone in Vila Hills in 2010 by tossing Martin out on his ass in just 496 days. Hell, we wouldn't even care if the new mayor went out and purchased a damned postage meter.

Let's face it. If Martin gave even one little damn about "saving money":
  • Martin would have heeded the auditor's advice that he would drastically reduce his SIX-FIGURE OVERTIME PROBLEM by hiring the eighth police officer;
  • Martin would not have squandered $7000 OF YOUR MONEY in a failed attempt to fire an employee who testified against him during the malfeasant mayor's removal hearing.
  • Martin would not have spent YOUR MONEY to sue the City just so he could cut himself a TAXPAYER-FUNDED $23,000-PLUS BONUS CHECK A FEW MONTHS AGO;
  • Martin would not be spending YOUR MONEY to pay for SIX ATTORNEYS who have their snouts firmly ensconced in the taxpayer trough;
  • Martin would not be spending YOUR MONEY to pay yet another clerk and another public works employee;
  • Martin would not have dipped in to the City's cash reserve via budget amendment-yet again-to paper over his terrible mismanagement of the City's annual budget;
  • Martin would not be using YOUR MONEY, continuing to pay his crony Cordelia Schaber an incredible $47.50 per hour just to foul-up the City's books;

And as you know, this is only a partial list of Martin's profligate waste.

Finally, consider this. Martin is paying an attorney to sue residents for unpaid UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAXES. All well and good. But then why is he ignoring the unpaid property taxes that are on the City's books? Good question. Uh-huh, Uh-huh, Uh-huh.

Today the staff spent some time laughing about a few of the feckless folks who remain entranced in the malevolent Martin's spell. We re-read a letter-to-the-editor that has become one of our absolute favorites. It begins like this.

Hmmm! Did I hear Tim Sogar call the Villa Hills City Attorney, Todd McMurtry, “Toad” at the city council meeting on Wednesday night.
Slip of the tongue – you think? Or maybe, just maybe it was a clue as to whom the individual or individuals may be who are part of the website, The Martin Chronicles. Hush, they say, don’t mention this website. It will only add fuel to their fire. Well, I say, hogwash, the people of Villa Hills need to know about this website.

To our dear friend who penned this a couple of months ago . . . judging by the fact that we are rapidly approaching 140,000 visits to our blog . . . the people of Villa Hills do indeed know about "this website".

A Toad by any other name is still a Toad. Poor Tim Sogar.