Monday, February 23, 2015

Rules Are Still For Everybody Else

The Martin Chronicles continues to be grateful for all of our readers who continue to e-mail, call and text asking when our next post will be published. We all value our large, loyal audience. Thank you all. Even those of you who consider us "vile and disgusting".

While we're on the subject of "vile and disgusting", our vast network of sources provided us with a bit of news that no one who has been reading us for awhile will find shocking. Not surprisingly, a former mayor of Villa Hills-who only received an hilariously small 18% of the vote last November 4 in his dishonest, failed quest for re-election-evidently continues to believe "rules are for everybody else".

We are hearing that this erstwhile, evil emperor is back full bore in the unlicensed electrical business. In fact we have been told that Villa Hills' disgraced former mayor is doing unlicensed electrical work for a local contractor who also has no electrical license. In other words, the unlicensed electrical work the former mayor is doing is-to perhaps be far too polite-"improper".

For any remaining apologists who still feel compelled to explain away the asinine antics of the former mayor's 01-01-11 through 12-31-14 Reign of Error, its far past time to "deal with it". He was a lousy CEO. He made terrible, corrupt decisions. He was moved on by the finally-attentive voters. And, he continues to believe that the rules apply to everyone else but him.

There is no room for discussion on this topic. If someone is being paid to do electrical work in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, State Law clearly mandates that this someone must have an electrical license to legally perform that work. There is no murkiness or nuance. It is either right or it is wrong. It is either good or it is bad. Black letter law. Plain and simple. Performing unlicensed electrical work is decidedly wrong.

Yes, The Martin Chronicles thinks this is very important. Why? Because the former, disgraced mayor of Villa Hills is already actively planning his next comeback. Solid sources confirm that he is telling anyone who will listen that he is "a lock" to be elected to city council in 2016 as a prelude to his triumphant return to the mayor's office on January 1, 2019. Don't kid yourself. History often repeats itself.

The voters of Villa Hills somehow have to remember that there is no room for a misguided mayor who oddly believes that the power he possesses somehow makes him exempt from the simple rules the rest of us must follow. If you don't believe that basic fact, the four year-long embarrassment from which Villa Hills just recently emerged should quickly bring you to your senses.

This is precisely why The Martin Chronicles isn't going anywhere.