Sunday, January 18, 2015

SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT: The Old Leopard Can't Change Her Spots

The Martin Chronicles is watching the early days of the new City Administration of Mayor Irvin "Butch" Callery with great interest. Most of the early reports have been very good. Not surprisingly, an experienced hand like Callery should know how to effectively run a City Government.

Sure, we don't-and won't-agree with every decision Callery makes. For example, we don't understand why Callery hasn't already eliminated his over-taxed-payer-funded, divisive City Administrator. Callery certainly has the time to handle the day-to-day operations of a City the size of Villa Hills. Why waste taxpayer money paying someone who has already caused so many problems? We can only speculate that Callery doesn't have the energy or the interest to spend his days at the City Building. Fair enough. At least for now.

Fortunately for Callery, the previous mayor and his mismanaged, incompetent and corrupt administration set the bar incredibly low. No matter what Callery does or doesn't do, it would take a Herculean effort to be as dishonest and incompetent as his resoundingly-defeated predecessor. In point of fact, it is virtually an impossibility.

The sole member of the City Council returning from the class of 2013/14 is a different story, however. Several sources have confirmed that Mary Koenig continues to operate in the same, worn-out way she has since she was first elected to City Council in the last century. The year? 1989.

We hear that Koenig actually continues to believe that the degradation and embarrassment of the past four years somehow represents an example of "moving the City forward". We hear that Koenig continues to desperately cling to her unfounded prejudices and still believes all of her false, pre-conceived notions of the actions and intentions of others. This despite the fact that very solid evidence proves her absolutely wrong.

Folks around Villa Hills tell us that Koenig continues to push the same, tired lies she has been telling for almost thirty dreadful years. Sure, the opinionated haters will always lap up Koenig's lies. Why? Because they share the same false beliefs. But, everyone else is four-years-past ready to finally move on.

The Martin Chronicles has a very stern warning for newbie Councilperson Jennifer Yost-Vaden. If Yost-Vaden doesn't decide to become an independent thinker, she will be sacrificed on the same altar of Koenig human shields that destroyed people like Steve Clark, Chuck Fieger, Mike Pope, Holly Menninger-Isenhour and the despicable Mike Martin. Yost-Vaden would be wise to separate herself from Koenig's ongoing-and unfounded-hatred. We aren't convinced she is wise enough to do so.

The Martin Chronicles also has a very stern warning for Mayor Callery and the rest of the members of the new City Council about how to deal with the toxic Mary Koenig. Koenig needs to be handled with the same care as a box full of bottles of nitroglycerin. Why? Because there are enough opinionated haters in Villa Hills to do severe damage to the well-intentioned efforts of the new administration and majority of council.

Please, please, please don't open yourself up to bogus criticisms of misogyny. Too many people-who simply don't pay enough attention-will buy in to those bogus criticisms. The opinionated haters will also spread bogus charges of misogyny with misplaced glee. Please, please, please don't allow that to happen. You will only be opening the door for the return of the abject corruption and incompetence that everyone witnessed these past four, dreadful years.

Here is our advice. Let Koenig be Koenig. Give her every opportunity to reveal her hateful prejudices to the public-at-large. And, if Yost-Vaden is mindlessly willing to dutifully serve as Koenig's latest human shield, allow her to do so. If Yost-Vaden is willing to be Koenig's latest "fall guy", let them both reveal themselves to be who they truly are.

Why? Because the 2014 election proved that even the usually inattentive voters of Villa Hills will eventually wake up to the corruption, incompetence and perpetual lies that were the hallmarks of the previous mayor. If the voters finally get enough of the real Mary Koenig and anyone else who is foolish enough to serve as the latest Koenig human shield, they will finally be sent to the dustbin of history.

And that is where they belong.