Martin's trail of rampant corruption, abject incompetence, waste, fraud, abuse and embarrassment actually stretches back more than a decade. The tiny tyrant really began launching his crazy witch hunts even before he was first elected to city council in 2004.
Martin created a carefully crafted cottage industry of calumny. He spread all manner of false allegations against people he oddly decided were his enemies. He preyed on the simple minds of the civic club ass clowns and stoked the misinformed hatred of the mean-spirited and the baselessly opinionated.
Martin's endless stream of lies flowed through the last three election cycles. He was very narrowly elected mayor in 2010. He next conned voters in to giving him "a council he could finally work with" in 2012. Then, the little fella's luck-and lies- finally ran out.
You see, the last two years proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Martin simply can't work with anyone. He was caught in a colossal lie when his long-held plan to disband the local police department was finally revealed to the public. That revelation provoked a huge backlash from a sizable segment of the residents who would no longer believe Martin's lies.
Many residents were outraged when Martin hired his own personal attorney to serve as the taxpayer-funded City Attorney. Large numbers were appalled when Martin signed a City Purchase Order that landed more than $23,000 in to his own pocket. Most reasonable, intelligent residents were sickened by Martin's unjustified mistreatment of the local police department's leadership. People were sickened and shocked by the fact that Martin had squandered more than $500,000 on lawyers and legal actions in the last two years of his mayoral term.
So, what was the straw that finally broke Martin's political back? That question deserves a two-part response. Martin finally buried himself back in March, 2014.
First, Martin was caught in a huge lie when he proudly stood before the television cameras and reporters' note pads of the local media last March, falsely assuring residents that, "Dan Goodenough is just taking a few days off." When the fact that Martin and his personal-and now City-Attorney had already met with Goodenough telling him to either resign or face public humiliation was revealed, it was devastating for the tiny tyrant.
Second, the incompetence and dishonesty of Martin was placed on full display for the entire Tri-State to see when the diminutive dictator was forced to admit under oath that he had "failed in his duty as mayor" at Goodenough's kangaroo court railroading. KABOOM!
In retrospect, there was nothing that could have saved Martin's political fortunes at that point. The little fella was a dead man walking. If for nothing other than entertainment purposes, The Martin Chronicles is happy that Martin still had no idea how much trouble he was in even after that.
How much damage did Martin do to himself by being caught in so many lies? Consider these facts.
>Villa Hills was named "The Best Community in the Tri-State Region" during Martin's final year as mayor.
>Villa Hills was selected "The Seventh Best Community in The United States" during Martin's final year as mayor.
>Despite all of charges of Martin's mistreatment of the local police department, Villa Hills was designated the "Third Safest City in Kentucky" during Martin's final year as mayor.
A reasonable person could conclude that an incumbent mayor whose city had received so many prestigious awards in the final year of his term would be absolutely unbeatable in the next election. The logic of that belief is almost inescapable.
But here is the fatal flaw in that "logic". It does not include the fact that such a mayor could have already revealed himself to be a pathological liar who could no longer be trusted by reasonable people.
The Martin Chronicles is now convinced that many voters simply didn't believe it when Martin announced that the City had earned so many prestigious awards. As they headed to the polls last November 4, they wondered to themselves, "Are these awards as real as Dan Goodenough's taking a few days off?"
The Martin Chronicles is equally convinced that many other voters simply decided that even if the City did win these accolades it was despite Martin, not because of Martin. In truth, these voters were exactly correct.
Martin's endless stream of lies were the major factor in his astounding 84% - 16% crushing defeat on Election Day, 2014. Yes, Martin got exactly what he deserved. Well, he actually deserved 0% of the vote. But as one wise political pundit once said, "Even Elmer Fudd could accidentally get 20% of the vote in most local elections". We guess that means Martin would have even lost to Elmer Fudd". Luckily for Martin, Fudd was not on the ballot.
Fans (and foes) of The Martin Chronicles shouldn't jump to any conclusions as the clock winds down on Martin's four dreadful years in the mayor's office. We won't be popping any champagne corks at 11:59:59 on January 31, 2014.
Why? Because our reporters have already learned that-despite-his-unprecedented-defeat-Martin has no intention of doing the right thing and just going away for good. Hey, Martin is simply not smart enough to understand that the voters have finally had enough of him. That is why we aren't going anywhere.
You see, Martin is already reassuring his few remaining followers that he is a "lock" to be elected to council in 2016. Martin is already planning a return to the mayor's office in 2018. Isn't that great news.
The Martin Chronicles reporters have also learned that Martin surrogates are already planning their own blog, titled "Callery Count". These surrogates are hoping to set the stage for their hero Martin's glorious return. What do we day?
Shhhhhhhh. We're (still) hunting Martins!