You see, the incoming 2015/18 mayor and incoming 2015/16 councilmembers took their oaths of office today in a quiet ceremony at The Dennis M. Stein Municipal Building. Happily, the last name of the mayor-elect is not Martin. Instead, the mayor-elect's last name is Callery. Change is coming and it is coming fast.
Consider the significance of today's electoral rite of passage. It puts the finishing touches on the repudiation Mike Martin was handed-and handed very loudly-on Election Day, November 4, 2014.
You may not realize this, but Mike Martin was absolutely convinced that he was going to easily cruise to re-election on Election Day. The little fella had no idea that a huge majority of Villa Hills voters had finally come to understand the obvious fact that Martin has been lying to them for years. Martin was clueless. And several well-placed sources tell us that Martin is even still both shocked and livid about his 84%-16% Election Day drubbing.
First, the voters finally came to understand that the entire premise of Martin's 2010 mayoral campaign was an outright lie. Martin has clearly proven that he has no ability to manage a taxpayer budget much less a City Government. Martin has clearly been revealed to be the perpetrator, not the victim. Martin has clearly shown himself to be completely devoid of honesty and integrity. Martin has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that his promised "fresh start" was as "fresh" as the smell that emanates from the sanitation plant located on the western end of Amsterdam Road on its very worst days.
Second, the return of 2015 councilmembers Bruns, Kilburn and Ringo absolutely prove that a huge majority of voters now also realize that Martin lied to them yet again in 2012. After being CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY in October, 2012, Martin ran a devious con that somehow worked. He convinced the still-inattentive Villa Hills voters that the convictions for his crimes were not his fault. He placed the blame for his crimes on Bruns, Kilburn, Ringo and Sogar. The 2012 voters wrong-headedly agreed.
That is no longer the case. Today clearly proves that fact. In fact, had Sogar not withdrawn from the council race in August, 2014, he also would have take his 2015/16 oath of office today.
The jig is now up. Martin has been revealed to be a sinister, pathological liar who was never up to the task of running the City he falsely professed to "love". The voters loudly told Martin on November 4 that they had finally figured-out the miniature mullah to be the ineffectual skunk that he has always been.
It will soon be a new day in Villa Hills. Let us fervently hope that this "new day" never includes a wacked-out lunatic giving another wacky, dishonest press conference in front of the City Building that Martin will finally be exiting in a little more than fifteen days.
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.