We've already had one of the ten council candidates take himself out of the race. We know that current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has only begun to sling mud. We also know that- despite all of the corruption and mismanagement of the past four years-many potential voters remain unconvinced that the results of the coming election really matter.
There are also some-as-yet-undetermined-percentage of voters who still believe that the fraudulent and feckless Martin has done a good job. As Robert Ripley would say, "Believe it or not".
No amount of convictions for official misconduct and neglect of duty, reprimands from the Villa Hills Ethics Board, official warnings from respected judges to cease and desist illegal destruction of City records, endless streams of lawsuits, money skimming, cronyism and lies will change the views of Martin's mind-numbed robots and young skulls full of mush. Never underestimate the power of what unclogging a toilet and a few publicity-stunt trips to Haiti can do for an otherwise undeserving candidate.
Despite the fact that Martin is a dense, dishonest and hateful little troll, he still has a chance to win. A few double-agent Martin insiders explained to us the diminutive plan for victory in less than seven weeks. Again, despite the fact that the tiny tyrant is too stupid to realize it, he has actually "one-upped" former Bill Clinton political advisor Dick Morris' now-famous, successful Clinton 1996 reelection plan now known as "triangulation".
We'll use a term to describe Martin's reelection plan that is far beyond the miniature mullah's ability to comprehend. We'll call it "quadrangulation" (For the uninitiated, "quad" is another term for the number four.
Here is how the meager-minded Martin plans to threat the needle to earn reelection. The little liar is absolutely banking on the two best mayoral candidates (Ernie Brown and Irvin Callery) almost equally dividing the votes of the reasonable people in Villa Hills. That takes care of neutralizing about half the votes in Villa Hills.
Then, Martin plans to spend some time bashing the hapless fourth candidate, Holly B. Menninger Isenhour. Why? To prevent her from sucking off enough of his potential voters to cost him his coveted seat in the mayor's office. Sure, Menninger-Isenhour is most certainly going to suck off a good number of potential Martin supporters. But it just might not be enough.
The double agent insiders tell us Martin sees November 4's election results something like this:
Mike Martin: 28%
Ernie Brown: 26%
Irvin Callery: 24%
Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour: 22%
Here's a very stern warning to the reasonable people of Villa Hills. Don't think it can't happen. Because it can. If the reasonable people of Villa Hills want to finally put an end to the nightmare that has been Martin's last four years in office, they cannot play in to his hand.
Here's another very stern warning to the two best mayoral candidates. One of the two of you has to break through Martin's bu!!$#it. That is going to require a great deal of effort. You cannot assume that the people of Villa Hills understand what a mess Martin has made. You have to campaign hard from now through the close of the polls on November 4.
It won't be easy.