Well, anyway, there are a number of theories that abound. This post will explore some of those theories. The Martin Chronicles will report. You will decide.
First, there is the obvious possibility. Perhaps Menninger-Isenhour has finally awakened to the fact-as so many others are doing-that Martin is nothing more than a deeply corrupt and hopelessly incompetent nincompoop. Menninger-Isenhour has seen the sputtering and deceitful Martin in action up close now for nearly two dreadful years. Maybe she simply feels a civic-minded obligation to rid the city of the pernicious plague known as "Martin".
Second, there are the conspiracy theories. Here is one. Some are absolutely convinced that the misdirecting Martin somehow convinced Menninger-Isenhour to-as-the-dinosaur-media-so-tediously-wrote-"throw her hat in the ring". These conspiracy theorists believe that the malevolent Martin is banking on Menninger-Isenhour sucking off votes from his other two opponents.
While we promised to let you decide, we do offer this view. In our humble opinion, Menninger-Isenhour is far more likely to suck off the voters who would otherwise likely support the miscreant Martin. Think about it. Both share a common base of support with their long-time friends, the civic club asshats.
Third, there is the conspiracy theory making its way around town that the vile, ancient crocodile Councilmember Mary Koenig convinced Menninger-Isenhour to make a run for the mayor's office. Why? Because the always-conniving Koenig is offering up mostly-distaff council candidates (with the notorious exception of Dave Hilgeford) for 2014 voters. Summer Berger. The mysterious Jennifer Vaden. So-as this conspiracy theory goes-why not a distaff mayor?
Koenig does have a long, well-documented history of offering up other mayors as "human shields". Most reasonable people realize that Koenig ruthlessly used a previous mayor to achieve her "sausage-stabbing" goal of getting Dennis Stein, Bob and Sue Kramer and Michael "Corky" Brown. When her plans went south then, Koenig ran for the tall grass and left her "human shield mayor" to be hung by the neck until dead.
Most reasonable people also realize that the vile and disgusting Koenig convinced that poor sap Chuck Fieger to run for mayor in 2002. Despite Koenig's patented "whispering campaign" to the city's long-time haters, Fieger was unable to get out of his own clumsy way and went down to an embarrassingly ignominious defeat.
Koenig's foul fingerprints are also all over the crazy Mike Pope's 2006 write-in run for the mayor's office. Koenig so upset the unstable Pope that she almost sent him to an untimely demise on the final weekend before the 2006 election by filling his twisted mind with all manner of lies. If you would like, we'd be happy to share our recording of Mike Pope's nearly-suicidal actions that the evil Mary Koenig provoked.
Even our long-time readers might be surprised to learn that the crusty Koenig was a behind-the-scenes, top aide-de-camp for the malicious Martin's dishonest 2010 mayoral campaign. Sources have confirmed that Koenig spent many a campaign day working her vile and disgusting haters for votes. She actually assisted Martin construct his calumnious 2010 mayoral campaign, built on lie after lie after lie after lie after lie.
Our long-time readers may also be surprised that Koenig was a prime mover in the hiring of Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry and "photo bug" City Clerk/City Administrator Craigory T. Bohman. Sources inside Martin's recent four-year Reign of Error have provided indisputable truth.
People also wonder aloud if Menninger-Isenhour has the "gravitas" to turn the City around after four years of the mendacious Martin's tumult, uncertainty and deceit. Given her well-known reputation at the civic club and elsewhere, people are still amazed that Menninger-Isenhour doesn't understand the difference between "vertical" and "horizontal" on a budget spreadsheet. Many folks have said that difference should be right up Menninger-Isenhour's alley, so to speak.
All voters really need to know about Menninger-Isenhour is that she was happily singing the song made famous by the 70's band Steam, "Na, Na, Na, Na, Hey, Hey, Hey Goodbye", as she left the City Building to head over to the civic club immediately after former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was hideously screwed out of his job by the malicious Martin and his taxpayer-funded goon squad. We guess that made General Zod happy. But, seriously?
Will voters really elect Menninger-Isenhour to mayor of a once-proud city just because the even-more, vile and disgusting Mary Koenig tells them to in just 62 days?
We report. You decide.