Instead, let's do what the mendacious Martin himself would do. Let's totally ignore the truth and do something absolutely crazy. Let's take the little liar at his word.
Here's the REAL issue. It's not how much taxpayer money you spend. Instead, it's how you spend the taxpayers' money that is important. When you measure it the correct way, Martin is completely mismanaging the taxpayers money.
Martin is not spending taxpayer money on a properly staffed and equipped police department. Instead, Martin is wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on lawyers and lawsuits to press his vendetta on the local police department's leadership.
Martin is not spending money adequately funding a real street repair and replacement program. Instead, Martin is-according to public statements of city councilmembers-wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on the -by Martin's own admission-inadequate services of the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission.
Martin has spent somewhere in the ugly neighborhood of one half million taxpayer dollars on lawyers and legal actions. Instead of sitting down like a rational adult with former Police Chief to discuss an amicable-and far less costly to the taxpayers-path to parting ways, Martin chose to waste well over one hundred thousand taxpayer dollars to push out Goodenough at the end of an unnecessary, ugly, public spectacle.
Martin has spent more than one hundred thousand taxpayer dollars to a crony-hire, bucket-headed bookkeeper who has completely fouled-up the city's financial records.
Martin has spent more than twenty-three thousand taxpayer dollars signing a purchase order that cut a check that went right in to the diminutive dictator's pocket.
Martin has spent more than twelve thousand taxpayer dollars on playground equipment in a park almost no one ever uses.
So, it's not how MUCH taxpayer money Martin spends. It's HOW Martin spends taxpayer money that matters. Using that correct measurement, Martin has been an intentional disaster for the taxpayers.
Villa Hills can choose a mayor and council who will make the right spending choices in just 88 days.