Sure, 250,000 isn't a very big number when compared to the far more than 500,000 taxpayer dollars Martin has squandered on lawyers and legal actions. But our blog is reporting on a city-albeit a very, very troubled one-that is only 3.5 square miles in size with a population of less than 8,000 people. Needless to say, our beloved publisher is extremely pleased by-and thankful for-the reception The Martin Chronicles is receiving.
Hey, we know the haters are out there. You know, we're glad they are there. We have been called "vile" and "disgusting" for simply reporting the truth about Martin's willful wrongdoing and nascent nitwittery. But, considering the salacious sources, we wear their insults as a badge of honor.
One of our finest moments occurred when Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry wasted a great deal of taxpayer money interrogating witnesses at the disgraceful removal hearing for former Police Chief Dan Goodenough, angrily asking, "Do you write The Martin Chronicles? Do you know who writes The Martin Chronicles? Have you ever provided information to The Martin Chronicles, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah". There is nothing more satisfying than coming to the realization that you are squarely in the bald head of one of the worst of the bad guys.
We have to admit that we also enjoyed the vile ancient crocodile Mary Koenig's stumbling admission that even she reads our blog. Mary Koenig is probably one of the meanest people who has ever walked the face of The Great Spirit's green earth. Koenig has perpetrated so much heartache and headache on Villa Hills that its extent is incalculable. She is nefarious and Machiavellian. So, we also enjoy being inside her evil head.
Yes, its been fun. But its been hard work as well. Why? Because despite the nitwit who took to a podium to foolishly declare that "this mayor (Martin) does great things for people", covering all of the crime and incompetence of Martin's Reign of Error has required virtually non-stop effort.
We've worked every Christmas since we launched. We've worked on every Thanksgiving. We've worked on every Memorial Day and July 4. Why? Because Martin never stops breaking the law. And because we have a deep, abiding affection for the beloved publisher who brought us all together.
But the entire staff of The Martin Chronicles is up to this daunting task. Our beloved publisher has assembled a battle-hardened staff who has covered government corruption all across this great country of ours. Almost to a person, all of our veteran reporters say that they have almost never witnessed someone as corrupt and incompetent as the egomaniacal Martin. And, brothers and sisters, that is really saying something.
Our fondest hope is that the voters of Villa Hills resoundingly toss out the mean-spirited Martin on his pimply ass on November 4. But, surprisingly, that result will have a bitter-sweet element to it.
Why? Because relentlessly covering all of Martin's endless wrongdoing and stupidity has been like a white-hot crucible far hotter than the hastily dug pit where Martin illegally burned City records in early 2012. That white-hot crucible has forged the entire staff of The Martin Chronicles in to a deeply-connected Band of Brothers and Sisters. Most of The Martin Chronicles staff never had the great pleasure of working together before. But, our efforts for The Martin Chronicles have truly been a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
So, if Martin is defeated-as he deserves-on November 4, all of us know that this great crusade will be nearing its necessary end. All of us realize that a Martin defeat will mean that many people who have become incredibly close friends will have to start thinking about packing up their personal belongings and moving on to their next assignment. Perhaps many of us will never see each other again.
Even still, we are fine with that result.