Martin had no shame about the fact that he was caught red-handed running an ILLEGAL handyman business while sitting in the mayor's office. Martin had no shame about the fact that he received a CONFIDENTIAL REPRIMAND from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for his misuse of City personnel and resources. Martin had no shame about the fact that four respected judges ruled that what he did FIT THE VERY DEFINITION OF FORGERY. Martin had no shame about the fact that a respected judge chastised him for his ILLEGAL destruction of City records. Martin had no shame about the fact that he was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY. So, why should Martin care what people think about his atrocious mistreatment of Police Chief Dan Goodenough?
This growing group of frustrated Villa Hillians needs to take the very good advice offered by a recent Facebook poster who wrote that they need to "ROCK THE VOTE IN NOVEMBER".
Every single one of these resident needs to take a red Sharpie and circle November 4 on their 2014 calendar. And then these residents need to develop a proactive plan to support a mayoral candidate and council candidates who will restore some level of honesty and integrity to their City government.
This growing group of frustrated Villa Hillians needs to summon all of their energies and courage to actively campaign-and campaign very hard-for the people they want to see elected. They have to be prepared to work as if their mayoral candidate is ten points behind Martin in the polls and knock on every door they can and make every phone call they can and write every letter-to-the-editor they can.
This growing group of frustrated Villa Hillians needs to come to grips with the fact that the average voter doesn't put much thought in to local elections. This despite the fact that local elected officials have much more impact on their day-to-day lives than national, state or county elected officials. That means their message of the need for change must be clear, concise and compelling.
This growing group of frustrated Villa Hillians needs to realize that the truth means less than nothing to Martin. They need to be fully prepared for the fact that Martin will go door-to-door along with the remaining members of his hillbilly lynchmob spreading LIES and DECEIT designed to blame the preceding four years of embarrassment on everybody else but the diminutive dictator. A rapid-response team must be ready to immediately counter that tidal wave of Martin LIES that is sure to come.
This growing group of frustrated Villa Hillians needs to realize that they need to gain some kind of consensus on who they are going to support for mayor and council. Perhaps they should consider inviting the people who have already made it known that they are considering a run for mayor or council to come to a very early-and unlike the Civic Club hoedown-legitimate Candidate Forum to decide who to back on the basis of what they hear at that legitimate forum.
Once this group of frustrated Villa Hillians decides who they want to manage their City, they need to be fully prepared for the cost they will have to pay. It won't be easy. They will have to wait 239 days from today for the results of their efforts. If they should happen to be unsuccessful, they can't complain about the results they didn't get from the work they didn't do.
Martin is certainly beatable.