As we continue our investigation of the latest crime scene, we'll provide a few quick takes on other happenings in Martin's embattled burg. Tally ho!
First, we have already reported to you that the misappropriating Martin is out of town. Undercover agents have secured a copy of a photo an "anonymous" Floridian sent to vile Villa Hills Councilwoman Mary Koenig. We don't know what Koenig intends to do with the photo sent to her by that "anonymous" Floridian. But we do know that the malicious Martin is evidently reaping huge dividends from the TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND-PLUS DOLLAR BONUS CHECK he shockingly cut himself. Again, at TAXPAYER EXPENSE. By the way, how would you describe the expression on the malfeasant Martin's face? Perhaps he just isn't photogenic.

Second, as we have told you several times, we keep a constant vigil on the social networks to take the pulse of Villa Hills residents. Staunch miscreant Martin defender and close ally Joe Seeameasigntosteal recently posted this disgusting comment on the Voice of Villa Hills Facebook page about America's bloody fight against terrorism in Afghanistan, "I don't support the war OR OUR TROOPS". Really? Is that a fact? You don't say? Evidently, Joe Seeameasigntosteal is an unpatriotic jerk of a Martin supporter.
Third, evidently the folks running the Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt store in Crescent Springs are far, far, far smarter than the "golden moment" council who approved the misdirecting Martin's appointment of his personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry to the lucrative-because of Martin's incredibly excessive amount of inexplicable, costly legal actions-post of TAXPAYER-FUNDED City Attorney. Why do we write this? Because its evident they don't want McMurty to spend his Villa Hills profits in their store. You see, they have posted a sign in front of their store that reads, If TOAD parks here, he will be TOWED. Good for them!
Fourth, The Martin Chronicles continues to dig, dig, dig in to the legal case Scott A. Berger vs. Summer P. Berger (Docket number 14-CI-00055 Motion Hour) to get the facts. Why? Well, both of them are huge supporters of the misrepresenting Martin and we are determined to tell the truth about both of those inexplicable Martin sycophants. Perhaps Scott has decided to stop eating the lunches that Summer is packing for him? Could it be that Scott has been going elsewhere to eat? Stay tuned!

Fifth, we think a long time Villa Hills political observer said it best about our old pal Holly Boo-Boo when that observer opined, "Holly Menninger-Isenhour is soooooo stupid that she doesn't even know the correct response to "Hello".
Sixth, it isn't clear what has happened to all of the mindless pinheads who used to robotically jump to the LAWBREAKING Martin's defense. You know, like the nitwit who took to the podium to declare that the malevolent Martin "does great things for people" or the moron who stuck her ugly mug in front of a camera and microphone to denounce the mendacious Martin's 2012 JUSTIFIED REMOVAL HEARING.
Seventh, we aren't sure exactly what has happened to former Villa Hills Councilmember Jim Noll, who-along with former Councilmember Mike Pope-went in to the tank to vote against malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's more-than-justified removal from office in October, 2012. You remember Noll. Noll was arrested for driving through peoples' front yards on Amsterdam Road while running a police barricade during a shooting incident during which he was accused of transporting a box of illegal controlled substances.
Eighth, we continue to research what role the remaining Martin supporters at the Villa Hills Civic Club will play in the diminutive dictator's upcoming re-election bid. Will General Zod, Too-Fat-Tony, Greg the sinister Schwabber, Denny Hooligan and the Persian Prince Leo cook up yet another bogus Candidate Forum in the fall of 2014 to allow the mendacious Martin the chance to spew more unchallenged LIES. If so, who can gauge the outcome of this year's mayoral race?
Ninth, what role will the mostly-supplicant "golden moment" City Council play in the moribund Martin's re-election bid. Will their continued silence on Martin's ongoing LAWBREAKING lead to another four years for the tiny tyrant?
This is the disaster that the mallet-headed Martin has mindlessly created. The diminutive dictator couldn't have done more damage to a once-respected community if he had set his tiny mind to doing so on purpose. The only question remaining is whether or not the embattled residents of this embarrassed town will finally figure out that Martin is the root cause of all of this mortification. And have the house-cleaning courage to do something about it.
We will know for sure in 246 days.