As we have already reported, a prominent local attorney is about to present Martin with a demand to mail out similar political propaganda pieces for the rest of Villa Hills mayoral and city council candidates. Imagine the additional taxpayer-funded expense.
We also know that at least one resident has sent a formal complaint to the Kentucky Attorney General. While we applaud that effort, we know it will only lead to more billable hours for Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns). It is almost certain that no opinion will be handed down prior to the November 4 election. Hopefully that means any potential remedy will come out of Martin's own pocket.
So, what will Martin say? Can't you imagine? Sure you can.
"The people elected me to keep them informed. My piece (of political propaganda) was designed to do exactly that. It was just a newsletter letting everyone know what we have planned."
But that defense is shoddy-at-best. Why? Martin's past actions during tax time and on other occasions provide all the proof soon-to-be voters need.
Think about it. Did you receive a "newsletter" last tax season? No. How about the tax season two years ago? Well, no. Maybe three years ago? No, yet again. Yep. The past provides the proof.
So, why now? Because Martin's phony list of his faux-accomplishments and non-existent plans is designed to deceive low information voters as the election draws near.
Think about it. The city budget was passed in late June. Generally, the tax bills are then prepared and mailed out by August.
So, ask yourself this question. Why didn't the tax bills go out until very, very late September? The answer to that question provides further proof of Martin's misuse of taxpayer money. While we're sure he'll blame the late arrival of the tax bills on someone else's incompetence, sources say Martin held them off until closer to the election. Why? So that his taxpayer-funded political propaganda piece would have what he thought would be maximum impact.
There is more proof about Martin's lack of transparency as well. It wasn't really all that long ago when outgoing Councilman Jim Cahill asked Martin to begin posting the details of legal expenses on the city website. Given the fact that Martin has wasted more than $500,000 from the city coffers on lawyers and legal actions, Martin said no.
What was Martin's excuse then? The teen idol claimed he had done "extensive research" and that no other mayor in any other city does it. Councilwoman Mary Koenig supported Martin, chiming in that "the residents don't need to know that." Oh, really? You don't say? Is that a fact?
But then, no other mayor in any other city has wasted more than $500,000 on lawyers and legal actions.