Why? Simply because Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Martin could not be reached to confirm whether or not he intends to run for re-election in the fall. And as the saying goes, "nature abhors a vacuum". This particular vacuum is being filled by rumors about Martin's intentions.
Many speculate that Irvin Callery's announcement to run is a sign that Martin will not. Why? Because Martin believes Callery will continue his agenda (whatever the hell that is). People are connecting Callery to Mary Koenig, Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry, City Clerk/City Administrator Craigory Bohman and the new police chief who served as a Covington Police Captain when Callery was mayor of that City.
The theory continues that Koenig has convinced Martin to bow out. How? By assuring the tiny tyrant that he will continue to have a prominent place at the table in Koenig's "Star Chamber". Wouldn't that be great?
But, the Martin Chronicles is not yet prepared to assign all of that nasty baggage to Callery. The theory certainly makes sense in a circumstantial way. But-until we do some investigating-we will continue to consider the theory "circumstantial".
We still believe Martin intends to dupe the voters again on November 4.