The Martin Chronicles has kept in close contact with its Kenton County Courthouse sources. Why? To keep up-to-date on the mayor and council candidate filings to stand for election this November in current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's embarrassed burg of Villa Hills.
We have already told you that long-time Villa Hills resident Ernie Brown and former Covington Mayor Irvin Callery have filed to challenge the mallet-headed Martin for the keys to the mayor's office. To date, Martin has not returned calls from the media who are inquiring whether or not the little liar plans to stand for re-election. Don't worry. Our deep-cover sources continue to tell us that Martin-with assistance from some of the leadership of the asshats at the civic club-has every intention to sling a mountain of mud in his attempt to earn another undeserved four years in power.
We have already learned that the first council candidate has now filed his papers. Who is it? None other than current Councilman Brian R. Wischer. Wischer has had an outstanding first term on Villa Hills City Council. His top achievements include, uh . . . well. . . er . . . ahh . . . umm . . . okay, we need to give that some thought.
Hey, wait a minute, Wischer has served as the chairperson of the Villa Hills Administration Committee. You know, the Administration Committee that has done, uh . . . well . . . we . .. ahh . . . umm . . . okay, we need to give that some thought too.
We admit it. We don't know much about Brian R. Wischer. But what we do know troubles us. Despite his media quote that he "likes the idea of knowing each Villa Hills Police Officer by name", he has been an ardent supporter and guaranteed "yes" vote for the malevolent Martin in the tiny tyrant's well-documented vendetta against the police.
We also know that Wischer had a close relative-you know, like perhaps a sister who works as a paralegal-assist Martin in constructing an infamous Municipal Order. You remember, don't you? The Municipal Order Martin signed in January, 2013. The one Martin signed after the voters gave him his mostly-supplicant "golden moment" council? The one that gave Martin the power to even bring in the FBI to harass the local police department's leadership. Yeah, that one. We knew you'd remember.
We also decided to "Google" Wischer to put some meat on the bare bones of his biography. So what did we find? Well, we found that somebody named Brian R. Wischer was arrested in Kenton County on eleven counts-of mostly drug-related crimes-in 1997.
Well, don't that beat all? We don't know if the Brian R. Wischer arrested in Kenton Count on eleven counts-of mostly drug-related crimes-in 1997 is the same Brian R. Wischer who is running for re-election to Villa Hills City Council. You know Villa Hills. That little town that happens to be in, uh . . . well . . . er . . . ahh . . . um . . . okay, KENTON COUNTY.
But what if it is the same Brian R. Wischer? Let us tell you why that presents a major revelation about the hypocrisy of the current, malfeasant Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin.
You see, we have already reported that Martin is compiling a calumnious case against upcoming opponents Ernie Brown and Irvin Callery. The miniature mullah plans to falsely claim that falsely-alleged past personal indiscretions disqualify Brown and Callery from taking his undeserved place.
But what about the mysterious Brian R. Wischer who was arrested in Kenton County? If the same Brian R.Wischer arrested on-mostly-drug-related-charges-is the same Brian R. Wischer who is a full supporter of the miscreant Martin's mindless agenda, is he somehow exempt from the mendacious Martin's upcoming mountain of mindless mud?
Is it simply because Martin knows that Brian R. Wischer is a guaranteed "yes" vote for the mismanaging mayor's mindless agenda?
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Time Flies Even When You're NOT Having Fun
The Martin Chronicles has a large election countdown clock in the foyer of its palatial offices. Today marks 96 days-and counting. Time is beginning to race by.
The next significant signpost is Tuesday, August 12. Why? Because all of the candidates for mayor and city council in Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's embattled burg will have filed their election paperwork. We certainly look for some big surprises.
We are absolutely certain that no matter how many new council members are elected on November 4, Villa Hills' lousy lot will not improve if Martin lies his way to re-election. The diminutive dictator has already clearly demonstrated that his oddly-oversized ego prevents him from effectively working with anyone. Two different sets of councilmembers over the past four years-and nothing but failure and turmoil.
We are already tracking down several of those aforementioned "big surprises" as the August 12 filing deadline quickly approaches.
The next significant signpost is Tuesday, August 12. Why? Because all of the candidates for mayor and city council in Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's embattled burg will have filed their election paperwork. We certainly look for some big surprises.
We are absolutely certain that no matter how many new council members are elected on November 4, Villa Hills' lousy lot will not improve if Martin lies his way to re-election. The diminutive dictator has already clearly demonstrated that his oddly-oversized ego prevents him from effectively working with anyone. Two different sets of councilmembers over the past four years-and nothing but failure and turmoil.
We are already tracking down several of those aforementioned "big surprises" as the August 12 filing deadline quickly approaches.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Legal Fees About To Spike Yet Again
The Martin Chronicles has been talking with several well-placed sources who tell us that legal fees in Villa Hills will soon be on the rise again. To a person, these sources tell us that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's June council meeting assertion that "legal fees will be coming down" was-to be nice-grossly inaccurate. As one source put it so well, "What Martin said was either complete deception or complete delusion".
If Martin is trying to deceive the public, it is another example of where the tiny tyrant tells a lie simply to survive the moment. "The moment"-in this particular case-is his re-election bid that will be decided in a mere 97 days. If the diminutive dictator can hold his finger in the dyke holding back a torrent of legal fees until then, he can simply shrug his stooped shoulders and say, "I didn't know that then. But I know that now". Then the miniature mullah will proceed to blame everybody but himself for the explosion of waste on legal fees. He-he-he-he-he.
It doesn't take a highly-skilled cartographer to understand the legal "lay of the land" in Martinville. Let's take a simple inventory. There are still several unresolved-and serious-lawsuits outstanding from the mindless Martin's vendetta against the Villa Hills Police Department. Despite Martin's failed efforts to have the taxpayers pick up the full tab for his personal liability, these lawsuits continue. Oh, and the legal meter on these unresolved lawsuits continues to run and run and run and run and run and run and run.
Despite the continual lies Martin is telling his feeble friends at the civic club, the taxpayer money the pint-sized PerĂ³n has spent on lawyers and legal fees is speeding towards seven figures with no end in sight. The sane members of Villa Hills' voting public should be sounding every alarm bell they can about this abject waste of taxpayer money.
How about a little historical perspective? Martin's first-and hopefully only-mayoral term will end in the fifty-second year of Villa Hills' history. At that point, Martin will have spent more money on lawyers and legal actions in his four years in office than all of the previous administrations spent over the previous forty-eight years combined.
All of this taxpayer money has been squandered simply because Martin was hell-bent on exacting revenge for his judicially-justified 2007 FORGERY ARREST. That is a complete disgrace.
The mallet-headed Martin's so-called "tight ship" is sinking in a sea of red ink.
If Martin is trying to deceive the public, it is another example of where the tiny tyrant tells a lie simply to survive the moment. "The moment"-in this particular case-is his re-election bid that will be decided in a mere 97 days. If the diminutive dictator can hold his finger in the dyke holding back a torrent of legal fees until then, he can simply shrug his stooped shoulders and say, "I didn't know that then. But I know that now". Then the miniature mullah will proceed to blame everybody but himself for the explosion of waste on legal fees. He-he-he-he-he.
It doesn't take a highly-skilled cartographer to understand the legal "lay of the land" in Martinville. Let's take a simple inventory. There are still several unresolved-and serious-lawsuits outstanding from the mindless Martin's vendetta against the Villa Hills Police Department. Despite Martin's failed efforts to have the taxpayers pick up the full tab for his personal liability, these lawsuits continue. Oh, and the legal meter on these unresolved lawsuits continues to run and run and run and run and run and run and run.
Despite the continual lies Martin is telling his feeble friends at the civic club, the taxpayer money the pint-sized PerĂ³n has spent on lawyers and legal fees is speeding towards seven figures with no end in sight. The sane members of Villa Hills' voting public should be sounding every alarm bell they can about this abject waste of taxpayer money.
How about a little historical perspective? Martin's first-and hopefully only-mayoral term will end in the fifty-second year of Villa Hills' history. At that point, Martin will have spent more money on lawyers and legal actions in his four years in office than all of the previous administrations spent over the previous forty-eight years combined.
All of this taxpayer money has been squandered simply because Martin was hell-bent on exacting revenge for his judicially-justified 2007 FORGERY ARREST. That is a complete disgrace.
The mallet-headed Martin's so-called "tight ship" is sinking in a sea of red ink.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Does He REALLY Believe It Himself?
The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher hosted a "working" luncheon for our entire staff on Saturday. Even our third shift staff and reporters came to the gathering. And why not? Who passes up the chance for prime rib, sirloin steak, rib-eye, T-bone, filet mignon, crab, shrimp, scallops, clams, lobster and an open bar just to sleep?
The "working" part of the grand buffet? To discuss whether or not Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin REALLY believes all of the lies he has told over the past almost-four dreadful years.
Here is how our beloved publisher ran the "working" lunch. Armed with a stack of 4x5 flash cards, our beloved publisher read one Martin lie at a time and then opened the floor for discussion.
Here is just a small sampling of the topics discussed over the seven-plus hours of surf & turf feast:
98 more days of "moments" until election day.
The "working" part of the grand buffet? To discuss whether or not Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin REALLY believes all of the lies he has told over the past almost-four dreadful years.
Here is how our beloved publisher ran the "working" lunch. Armed with a stack of 4x5 flash cards, our beloved publisher read one Martin lie at a time and then opened the floor for discussion.
Here is just a small sampling of the topics discussed over the seven-plus hours of surf & turf feast:
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that all those people he promised in 2010 he would repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX would forget that broken promise when they went to the polls in 2014?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that he didn't commit FORGERY when four respected appellate judges with decades of legal experience clearly opined that what Martin was doing for many years "fit the very definition of FORGERY?"
- "Does Martin REALLY-happily-believe that he wasn't suing the taxpayers of Villa Hills for the hefty sum of $1.505 MILLION when no less a distinguished judicial body than the US Supreme Court opined that Martin was doing exactly that?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that it is was acceptable to hire an unqualified, incompetent crony to oversee the City's finances, preventing City Council from performing their mandated duty of fiscal oversight?
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that it was okay to use taxpayer money to hire multiple computer companies to hack in to the police department computers looking for some phony way to prove that department leadership really was trying to frame him for FORGERY?"
- Does Martin REALLY believe that it was okay to misuse taxpayer-funded City personnel and resources for POLITICAL PURPOSES, despite the fact that he received a reprimand from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for doing so?"
- Does Martin REALLY believe it was acceptable to sit idly by when a female employee was being harassed by a former City Councilman-despite the risk it created for the City's taxpayers-and say nothing when his own wife gleefully participated in the harassers failed State Senate campaign?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that the non-existent NKAPC President Paul de Paul really exists?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that it was somebody else's fault when hundreds of City documents pertaining to a serious, ongoing lawsuit were ILLEGALLY BURNED when he ordered the Public Works Director to burn those very documents-and ordered the Public Works Director to say nothing about the ILLEGAL BURNING?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that it doesn't matter that he was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY by a duly-enacted, legal, governing body?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that all he needed was a "new City Council" to trample over in 2013 and beyond when what has happened after a majority of voters bought in to his FALSE PREMISE in the 2012 election has proven to be a cruel hoax?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that it passes conflict-of-interest muster to hire his own personal attorney to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY?"
- Does Martin REALLY believe that it is perfectly fine to sign a City purchase order that put more than TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS IN TO HIS OWN POCKET?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that it way okay to publicly trash the former-Assistant Police Chief for justifiably earning money resulting from a LEGAL CONTRACT Martin himself spent TAXPAYER MONEY to draft and then signed himself was correct?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that no one would remember that he LIED when he told television cameras that former Villa Hills Police Chief Dan Goodenough was "taking a few days off" when the reality was that Martin himself was hatching a pernicious plot to publicly embarrass the former Chief in to an unfair and premature retirement?"
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that anyone believed his bull$#!+ that 48 of 52 City budgets were nothing more that "bottom line" budgets", despite the fact that none of the previous Villa Hills City budgets were "bottom line" budgets that enabled a mayor to spend TAXPAYER MONEY any way he saw fit.
- Does Martin REALLY believe that its no big deal that his City Administrator/City Clerk Craigory T. Bohman is interviewing with both Ludlow and Ft. Mitchell for another job?
- "Does Martin REALLY believe that The Dark Knight known as The Martin Chronicles would ever go away as long as that little liar sits in the mayor's office?"
98 more days of "moments" until election day.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
WEEKENDER II: Free Speech is EXACTLY That.
The Martin Chronicles has written about this topic before. We're going to write about this topic again. Why? Because it is extremely important.
The topic is the US Constitutionally-guaranteed First Amendment right of free speech. That guaranteed right is under shameless attack by supporters of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Their incessant attacks on that guaranteed right is both vile and disgusting.
Again, we don't mind a bit when these pinheads criticize us. In fact, it energizes us to work even harder uncovering the incompetence and corruption of Martin and his minions. We sure hope these mindless morons keep it up through November 4.
But reasonable people should find it intolerable when nasty nitwits say or post that critics of the misdirecting Martin are simply people who lost an election. Aside from the absolute fact that the calumnious claim is completely untrue (and we are living proof of that), it is also a hypocritical and heinous assault on the Free Speech rights of those who did lose an election.
Why "hypocritical", you ask? Just look at what the mendacious Martin himself did. Mostly because Martin's judicially-justified 2007 FORGERY ARREST was fresh in the minds of voters, he was defeated in his bid for re-election to City Council in November, 2008.
What did the malevolent Martin do next? The little liar spent most of the next two years constructing a fantastic fairy tale that he was some kind of "good government zealot" who was "set up" by dark forces (we will call those non-existent dark forces "the good old boys") hell-bent on derailing his efforts. This despite the proven fact that Martin absolutely did COMMIT FORGERY when he signed his deceased mother's name on checks incorrectly mailed to his deceased mother, cashed them and pocketed the proceeds for years.
Smarting from the embarrassment of the very real (and widespread) scandal of hundreds of thousands of dollars embezzled from the Villa Hills Civic Club, the ass clowns who regularly waste their evenings at the civic club bar lapped up Martin's lies and spread those lies at every opportunity. Back then, those inebriated ne'er-do-wells actually had some level of credibility. Go figure.
But the miscreant Martin didn't stop there. Martin routinely pimped the high-strung, former City Councilmember Mike Pope (January, 2009-December, 2012) with tall tales of government waste, fraud and abuse. Why? Because the pernicious punk knew full well that Pope is an easy touch with his own axes to grind. So, Pope would come to council meetings intent on spreading Martin's mendacity. Pope's "alternative reality" City website was also full of Martin's lies.
As they say in the infomercials, "But wait, there's more". Martin recruited drones who went by pseudonyms like "meto3130", "skittle" and "kentoncounty1" to sit in their dimly-lit basements in their stained underwear with drool running down their cheeks to post all manner of defamation and deceit on dinosaur sites like While the efforts were decidedly low-brow-just as Martin himself is-they did have some impact on the inattentive voters of Villa Hills.
So-after his deceitful campaign-Martin was indeed narrowly elected mayor in 2010. What has happened since has brought incredible embarrassment on Villa Hills and its City Government.
Besides, when former elected officials criticize the mallet-headed Martin, they are absolutely right. They had the incredible misfortune to attempt to work with the miniature mullah, after all.
Oh, there is also the fact that they have every guaranteed right to speak out. Despite what Sheila, Wanda, David, Judy Grisly, Les, Adam and other fascists say. These people-and a sizable segment of others-are precisely why Villa Hills City Government is currently in expensive turmoil.
Even still, we hope they keep yapping.
Friday, July 25, 2014
WEEKENDER: Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick Redux
The Martin Chronicles is amazed by the rapid passage of time. By the time Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's dreadful "Reign of Error" ends its first-and hopefully only-orbit around the inner circle of Dante's Inferno, the diminutive dictator will have spent 1,461 days severely screwing up Villa Hills once well-running City Government.
Lies. Corruption. Incompetence. Mismanagement. Malfeasance. Misconduct. Neglect. Wastefulness. Lies. Fraud. Abuse. Stupidity. Avarice.Humiliation. Defamation. Intimidation. Lies. Cronyism. Embarrassment. Harassment. Chaos. Tumult, Murkiness, Uncertainty. Lies. Deceit. Lawlessness. Abnormality. Shame. Conflict. Manipulation. Exploitation. Lies. Bungling. Uncertainty. Doubt. Absurdity. Greed. Distortion. Coercion. Lies. It would be wholly unfair to say that any one of these words describe Martin's administration over the past nearly-four, dreadful years. Why? Because absolutely all of them do. It has been a total disgrace.
That is why we see Sunday, July 27 as a banner day. So, why? Because that is Day 99 in the countdown to when the malevolent and mismanaging Martin must face the voters again. The voters will have the opportunity to correct the embarrassing mistake they made in November, 2010.
TIme is running out.
Lies. Corruption. Incompetence. Mismanagement. Malfeasance. Misconduct. Neglect. Wastefulness. Lies. Fraud. Abuse. Stupidity. Avarice.Humiliation. Defamation. Intimidation. Lies. Cronyism. Embarrassment. Harassment. Chaos. Tumult, Murkiness, Uncertainty. Lies. Deceit. Lawlessness. Abnormality. Shame. Conflict. Manipulation. Exploitation. Lies. Bungling. Uncertainty. Doubt. Absurdity. Greed. Distortion. Coercion. Lies. It would be wholly unfair to say that any one of these words describe Martin's administration over the past nearly-four, dreadful years. Why? Because absolutely all of them do. It has been a total disgrace.
That is why we see Sunday, July 27 as a banner day. So, why? Because that is Day 99 in the countdown to when the malevolent and mismanaging Martin must face the voters again. The voters will have the opportunity to correct the embarrassing mistake they made in November, 2010.
TIme is running out.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
One-Trick Pony?
The Martin Chronicles is perfectly content with its role as Villa Hills' "Dark Knight". We'd rather have Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's supporters taking cheap shots at us. That diverts the Martin supporters away from taking their usual cheap shots at those who are running against the tiny tyrant to restore some sense of sanity in Villa Hills City government.
Interestingly, when we're accused of "bashing", it is actually the accusers who are "playing politics". Let's face it. Politics at all levels is-by its very nature-partisan. The term "bashing" is frequently used to cast negative aspersions on critics for-you guessed it-"political" gain. It's enough to make your head spin, isn't it?
We fully admit that we are very critical of the misdirecting Martin. We have a natural dislike for government corruption and incompetence-the cornerstones of Martin's nearly-four dreadful years in the mayor's office. Any fair-minded person must admit that there has been far too much waste, far too much turmoil and far too much embarrassment. Almost all of it has been unnecessary. In fact, a great deal of it has been intentionally manufactured by the mendacious Martin and his cronies.
One might think that local politics-especially in a small town like Villa Hills-would be exempt from the ugliness of politics at the state and national level. That's not the case in Villa Hills, however. That could be why some folks derisively refer to the town as "Vitriol Hills".
The origins of the ugliness date back before Martin. The innuendoes, whispering campaigns and below-the-belt cheap shot-style politics actually began-and were authored by-Mary Koenig during her first go-around on City Council in the 1990's. The mean-spirited Martin-and others-have simply strongly embraced Koenig's philosophy and perfected it to "high-or better put, low-art".
In a twisted way, it makes sense for Martin to conduct himself in such a nasty manner. Why? Because he actually can't tell the truth. Because the truth in Martin's case is not good.
So, why shouldn't the mallet-headed Martin try to divert attention away from his own dishonesty, shortcomings and abject failures by slinging mud at other people? It worked for him in 2010 and 2012. Besides...
It's all Martin's got.
Interestingly, when we're accused of "bashing", it is actually the accusers who are "playing politics". Let's face it. Politics at all levels is-by its very nature-partisan. The term "bashing" is frequently used to cast negative aspersions on critics for-you guessed it-"political" gain. It's enough to make your head spin, isn't it?
We fully admit that we are very critical of the misdirecting Martin. We have a natural dislike for government corruption and incompetence-the cornerstones of Martin's nearly-four dreadful years in the mayor's office. Any fair-minded person must admit that there has been far too much waste, far too much turmoil and far too much embarrassment. Almost all of it has been unnecessary. In fact, a great deal of it has been intentionally manufactured by the mendacious Martin and his cronies.
One might think that local politics-especially in a small town like Villa Hills-would be exempt from the ugliness of politics at the state and national level. That's not the case in Villa Hills, however. That could be why some folks derisively refer to the town as "Vitriol Hills".
The origins of the ugliness date back before Martin. The innuendoes, whispering campaigns and below-the-belt cheap shot-style politics actually began-and were authored by-Mary Koenig during her first go-around on City Council in the 1990's. The mean-spirited Martin-and others-have simply strongly embraced Koenig's philosophy and perfected it to "high-or better put, low-art".
In a twisted way, it makes sense for Martin to conduct himself in such a nasty manner. Why? Because he actually can't tell the truth. Because the truth in Martin's case is not good.
So, why shouldn't the mallet-headed Martin try to divert attention away from his own dishonesty, shortcomings and abject failures by slinging mud at other people? It worked for him in 2010 and 2012. Besides...
It's all Martin's got.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
"Martin Could Not Be Reached For Comment"
The Martin Chronicles has been receiving a flood of phone calls and emails sparked by the recent article posted on entitled, "Candidates: Villa Hills Deserves Better". This seemingly innocent news item has sparked a massive amount of speculation.
Why? Simply because Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Martin could not be reached to confirm whether or not he intends to run for re-election in the fall. And as the saying goes, "nature abhors a vacuum". This particular vacuum is being filled by rumors about Martin's intentions.
Many speculate that Irvin Callery's announcement to run is a sign that Martin will not. Why? Because Martin believes Callery will continue his agenda (whatever the hell that is). People are connecting Callery to Mary Koenig, Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry, City Clerk/City Administrator Craigory Bohman and the new police chief who served as a Covington Police Captain when Callery was mayor of that City.
The theory continues that Koenig has convinced Martin to bow out. How? By assuring the tiny tyrant that he will continue to have a prominent place at the table in Koenig's "Star Chamber". Wouldn't that be great?
But, the Martin Chronicles is not yet prepared to assign all of that nasty baggage to Callery. The theory certainly makes sense in a circumstantial way. But-until we do some investigating-we will continue to consider the theory "circumstantial".
We still believe Martin intends to dupe the voters again on November 4.
Why? Simply because Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Martin could not be reached to confirm whether or not he intends to run for re-election in the fall. And as the saying goes, "nature abhors a vacuum". This particular vacuum is being filled by rumors about Martin's intentions.
Many speculate that Irvin Callery's announcement to run is a sign that Martin will not. Why? Because Martin believes Callery will continue his agenda (whatever the hell that is). People are connecting Callery to Mary Koenig, Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry, City Clerk/City Administrator Craigory Bohman and the new police chief who served as a Covington Police Captain when Callery was mayor of that City.
The theory continues that Koenig has convinced Martin to bow out. How? By assuring the tiny tyrant that he will continue to have a prominent place at the table in Koenig's "Star Chamber". Wouldn't that be great?
But, the Martin Chronicles is not yet prepared to assign all of that nasty baggage to Callery. The theory certainly makes sense in a circumstantial way. But-until we do some investigating-we will continue to consider the theory "circumstantial".
We still believe Martin intends to dupe the voters again on November 4.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
"This Is No Way To Run A City"
The Martin Chronicles suggests our readers check out the online article on entitled "Candidates: Villa Hills Deserves Better". The candidates are Ernie Brown and Irvin Callery. Both men have announced they are challenging Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin in the fall.
Hopefully, the misdirecting Martin will not get re-elected because of the now-watered down anti-incompetence and anti-corruption vote. Imagine Martin running the City for another four dreadful years after being re-elected with, say, 34% of the vote?
The best line in the article regards one of Martin's opponents' epiphany about the tiny tyrant's vendetta against the local police department. The epiphany? "This is no way to run a City."
No $#!+, Sherlock.
Hopefully, the misdirecting Martin will not get re-elected because of the now-watered down anti-incompetence and anti-corruption vote. Imagine Martin running the City for another four dreadful years after being re-elected with, say, 34% of the vote?
The best line in the article regards one of Martin's opponents' epiphany about the tiny tyrant's vendetta against the local police department. The epiphany? "This is no way to run a City."
No $#!+, Sherlock.
Monday, July 21, 2014
"I Only Get Paid $200 A Month."
The Martin Chronicles wants you to think back to a little less than four months ago. Do you remember the kangaroo court Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin orchestrated in late March. The show trial that was designed to publicly humiliate then-Police Chief Dan Goodenough and then fire him. This after Martin told the residents that Goodenough was "just taking a few days off."
Martin made another disgraceful statement during that hateful hearing when he was on the witness stand. Local voters should remember that statement when they go to the polls in November.
The mallet-headed Martin was being questioned by Goodenough's attorney and admitted that he had never once had a sit down meeting with the former Chief to discuss his trumped-up concerns. The mealy-mouthed Martin bitterly complained that he was "too busy" and "I only get paid $200 a month" as mayor.
That's an outrageous statement. So, Martin didn't have time to sit down to discuss his grievances with Goodenough because he only gets paid $200 a month? Goodenough successfully served under four previous mayors. Didn't he deserve the courtesy of a face-to-face meeting before the show trial? Not in Martinville.
The voters should remember that Martin asked for the job in 2010. They gave it to him, after all. Didn't Martin know how much the job paid? Of course he did.
Some Martin defenders say that Martin didn't fire Goodenough. They say Goodenough retired. True enough. But why?
Martin has clearly demonstrated that he has no reluctance to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on lawyers and lawsuits. He could and would have bled Goodenough white. Even if council had voted against firing Goodenough, Martin would have jumped at the first opportunity to drag the police chief through the mud yet again.
Voters need to free up some of Martin's time on November 4.
Martin made another disgraceful statement during that hateful hearing when he was on the witness stand. Local voters should remember that statement when they go to the polls in November.
The mallet-headed Martin was being questioned by Goodenough's attorney and admitted that he had never once had a sit down meeting with the former Chief to discuss his trumped-up concerns. The mealy-mouthed Martin bitterly complained that he was "too busy" and "I only get paid $200 a month" as mayor.
That's an outrageous statement. So, Martin didn't have time to sit down to discuss his grievances with Goodenough because he only gets paid $200 a month? Goodenough successfully served under four previous mayors. Didn't he deserve the courtesy of a face-to-face meeting before the show trial? Not in Martinville.
The voters should remember that Martin asked for the job in 2010. They gave it to him, after all. Didn't Martin know how much the job paid? Of course he did.
Some Martin defenders say that Martin didn't fire Goodenough. They say Goodenough retired. True enough. But why?
Martin has clearly demonstrated that he has no reluctance to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on lawyers and lawsuits. He could and would have bled Goodenough white. Even if council had voted against firing Goodenough, Martin would have jumped at the first opportunity to drag the police chief through the mud yet again.
Voters need to free up some of Martin's time on November 4.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT: "Fixing" The Lack Of Trust
The Martin Chronicles wonders if you realize that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has been the self-proclaimed "CEO" now for 1,298 dreadful days. That is 8,986 days in dog years. Even at that, the diminutive dictator has told enough lies to last 100 years. Even if you want to measure them in the legendary dog years.
But, the sands of the hour glass are quickly running down. It's now barely more than 100 (human) days until the misdirecting Martin has to face the voters again. Now the addled administrator has a ruinous record for voters to evaluate. Sure, he'll do everything he can to distract people away from the reality of his failed administration by slinging mud in every direction. But his ruinous records is there.
A new mayor will have major problems to face if the mallet-headed Martin is defeated in November. A new mayor will have to work extremely hard to restore trust in Villa Hills City Government. It will be a Herculean task.
Why? Because Martin has refined the fine art of deception. Just look at his track record.
But there's only one way everything will work out. There has to be a massive effort to wake November 4 voters out of their state of denial. Martin has to be sent to the dustbin of history or the City will simply have to muddle through more of the mayhem, mendacity and madness. Yes, Martin must be sent away.
Then the real work can begin.
But, the sands of the hour glass are quickly running down. It's now barely more than 100 (human) days until the misdirecting Martin has to face the voters again. Now the addled administrator has a ruinous record for voters to evaluate. Sure, he'll do everything he can to distract people away from the reality of his failed administration by slinging mud in every direction. But his ruinous records is there.
A new mayor will have major problems to face if the mallet-headed Martin is defeated in November. A new mayor will have to work extremely hard to restore trust in Villa Hills City Government. It will be a Herculean task.
Why? Because Martin has refined the fine art of deception. Just look at his track record.
- Martin promised voters he would repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign. At last check, residents continue to pay that tax.
- Martin promised voters in 2010 that he had no plan to disband the local police department to outsource coverage to another entity. His long-standing plan to do exactly that was inadvertently revealed two years later.
- Martin promised voters in 2010 that he would encourage a good working relationship with the local police department despite the fact that he was suing its leadership-and the residents-for $1.505 MILLION. So what has happened? Martin used his wife Janet and his sister Cindy to file open records requests to dig dirt on police department leadership-and a minor boy. Martin constantly encouraged local police officers to produce evidence of wrongdoing by the department's leadership. The addled administrator's horrible treatment of the local police department has triggered several costly-to-the-taxpayer lawsuits, brought great embarrassment to the City in at least two public spectacles and he has run off all but two of the police officers he inherited.
- Martin promised the voters in 2010 that he would "restore truth and integrity to the mayor's office". We're pretty sure truth and integrity were already in the mayor's office. But that matter is for another post. In any event, Martin's official behavior has been so egregious that he received a confidential reprimand from the Villa Hills Ethics Board, a dressing down by a judge from her bench and CONVICTIONS ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY.
- Martin persistently prattles on that he is some kind of "budget hawk" despite the fact that he has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on unnecessary employee overtime, begged for a budget amendment to cover his wasteful spending every budget year, pays $47.50 per taxpayer-funded hour to a personal friend to tangle up the City financial records, approved the spending of thousands of taxpayer dollars for playground equipment in a park nobody uses and led the waste of nearly $500,000 for lawyers and legal actions, including the efforts of his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kearns).
- Martin assured the previous City Council that he adequately represented the City's concerns about a new residential development when he spoke with NKAPC "President Paul DePaul". There is a problem with Martin's "promise". "President Paul DePaul" doesn't exist.
- Martin handed the previous City Council a document that he claimed reflected all of the documents he had illegally burned in January,2012. It was soon after proven beyond any doubt that Martin destroyed many more records most likely to cover his backside in some of the lawsuits he has triggered.
- Martin promised the voters that all he needed was a new City Council in 2012 to restore what his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kearns) described as "normalcy and lawfulness". People who have been paying attention have seen what has happened since an entirely new, supplicant council was sworn in for 2013.
- Martin was seemingly "blessed" by the gods of the crazy, hillbilly lunatic Branch Norwoodians when inattentive voters surrounded the miniature mullah with the likes of vile, ancient crocodile Mary Koenig, the addle-minded Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour and the chemically-driven Brian R. Wischer in November, 2012. But the turmoil continues.
- Martin assured the TV cameras that now-screwed, former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was "just taking a few days off" a few months ago. That lie was told after Martin and his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner & Kerns) had delivered an deadly ultimatum to Goodenough. Is this what that nitwit meant when she proclaimed that "this mayor does great things for people"? We guess it must be.
- Martin recently brazenly tried to grab complete, unchecked control over $3 MILLION OF TAXPAYER MONEY by telling reporters that "48 of the 52 City budgets have been 'bottom line' budgets" Despite Martin's whopper, his normally supplicant City Council unanimously refused to play along
But there's only one way everything will work out. There has to be a massive effort to wake November 4 voters out of their state of denial. Martin has to be sent to the dustbin of history or the City will simply have to muddle through more of the mayhem, mendacity and madness. Yes, Martin must be sent away.
Then the real work can begin.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
WEEKENDER III: "Fixing" The Road Problem
The Martin Chronicles is continuing to drill down. We are examining the ways that the many, many problems created in Villa Hills City Government by the dreadful mismanagement of current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin can be "fixed". Let's spend some time on the road issue.
First, let's look at the City's taxpayer-funded $3 million-plus annual budget. Despite the mendacious Martin's well-documented 2010 lies, there simply isn't enough money available in that current amount to completely fund a street repair and replacement program. It's nothing more than basic math.
But-despite the fact that some seem oddly uneasy about discussing it-if the malevolent Martin hadn't squandered somewhere in the neighborhood of a half million dollars on lawyers and legal fees on his personal vendetta against the police, there certainly could have been a great deal more road work completed. Again, it's nothing more than basic math.
Some also take solace in blaming previous administrations for the problem, But it matters not that previous City leaders didn't begin building a road fund "twenty years ago". The problem exists now. It can either be addressed now or-as is happening currently-ignored now.
So, what will a new mayor and council have to do? They are going to face the unenviable task of asking the taxpayers to pay more for road funding. Why "unenviable"? That's easy. Everybody dislikes taxes. And they despise tax increases. But, if more road work is to be done, more revenue is required to fund it.
How can they do it? Hopefully. they won't use the sneaky approach the misdirecting Martin and his mostly-compliant new council has used. Martin walked away from his 2010 "solemn promise" to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and convinced enough on council to raise the insurance premium tax by fifty percent. Even still, any real road repair and replacement program remains in mothballs.
If a new mayor and council decides to ask the voters to support a tax increase on themselves, they had better be ready to thoroughly explain and campaign for it. A half-hearted and deceptive effort like the one put forth by the tiny tyrant and council members like Jim Noll in 2011 will not work.
There is also the universally unpopular method of assessing residents for the repair of their streets. Former council person Mike Pope floated that trial balloon a few times and each time it was quickly shot down in flames. We suppose that the idea may have to be re-visited.
All of these points are moot if Martin is re-elected on November 4. He has proven himself utterly incapable of managing anything other than his own personal vendettas.
We'll know in 103 days.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
WEEKENDER II: "Fixing" The Mess Continued
The Martin Chronicles entire staff is continuing to examine ways that the current mess in Villa Hills City Government might be "fixed" in a "post-Martin" era. First, let's drill down a little deeper in to the issue of police protection.
To begin, the current mayor has completely disqualified himself as someone who should be involved in the discussion. Voters ignored the accurate warnings in 2010 that Mike Martin was running for mayor mostly to "settle scores" arising from his judicially-reviewed, justifiable 2007 forgery arrest.
Martin's persistent, disgraceful treatment of the rank and file police officers is STEEEE-RIKE ONE. Because of his hacking of police department computers, meddling in day-to-day operations and complaining about nonsensical matters like allowing officers to eat dinners at area restaurants, get their cruisers washed, make coffee and use paper towels, Martin has run off all but two of the fine police officers he inherited on January 11, 2011.
When it was revealed that Martin was lying about long-standing, secret plans to disband the local police department to outsource coverage to any other agency that would cooperate, the tiny tyrant took STEEEE-RIKE TWO.
When Martin wasted hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on lawyers and legal fees to intentionally-and wrongfully-embarrass and terminate the long-serving leadership of the police department, the diminutive dictator took STEEEE-RIKE THREE right down the heart of the plate. Heeeeeee's OUT!
Even people on the distant periphery now post on the social networks that Martin allowed his "personal feelings" to guide his actions over the past nearly-four dreadful years. We agree with them.
Okay. So what does need to happen? Well, a new mayor will have some heavy lifting to do beginning in January, 2015. This new mayor will have to reach out to the County and neighboring municipalities to nurture the long-standing concept of MUTUAL AID that has been used and abused by current Mayor Mike Martin.
Then, the new mayor will have to reach out to those elected to council on November 4, 2014 who truly want to participate in a serious discussion about the correct manpower level for the local department. That will be hard work as well, It simply cannot be driven by false premises, previous grievances or a desire to appeal to some group off folks who have long-standing axes to grind, A serious, sober discussion of this extremely important issue is an absolute must.
Remember, the very costly financial burden of the Frankfort-mismanaged retirement system must be factored in to the discussion, But, so must the very real-and totally ignored by Martin-safety needs of the residents be considered, It's going to be an incredibly difficult job.
Is eight police officers the correct number? Is it the current five that the mismanaging Martin is currently fielding? Is it nine? Ten? Three? We have our views, But a new mayor and City Council will be tasked with getting that number right.
In case any of our supporters or the nay-sayers are interested, we are convinced that the mallet-headed Martin has it completely wrong. Given the size, and population of Villa Hills, we believe that a combination of full-time and part-time officers much larger than what the miniature mullah is currently fielding is in order. After all, Villa Hills ain't a cookie factory.
Who was one of the main opponents to Goodenough's right-headed idea? Why, that would be Mike Martin. Oh, that was before Martin was rightfully arrested for forgery in late 2007.
But after a new mayor and council makes their decision, that big decision needs to be effectively communicated to the residents. Sure, the mendacious Martin falsely promised to explain his position on police department staffing levels way back in early 2012. But the miniature mullah never followed through.
The first step is sending the dishonest Martin packing on November 4.
To begin, the current mayor has completely disqualified himself as someone who should be involved in the discussion. Voters ignored the accurate warnings in 2010 that Mike Martin was running for mayor mostly to "settle scores" arising from his judicially-reviewed, justifiable 2007 forgery arrest.
Martin's persistent, disgraceful treatment of the rank and file police officers is STEEEE-RIKE ONE. Because of his hacking of police department computers, meddling in day-to-day operations and complaining about nonsensical matters like allowing officers to eat dinners at area restaurants, get their cruisers washed, make coffee and use paper towels, Martin has run off all but two of the fine police officers he inherited on January 11, 2011.
When it was revealed that Martin was lying about long-standing, secret plans to disband the local police department to outsource coverage to any other agency that would cooperate, the tiny tyrant took STEEEE-RIKE TWO.
When Martin wasted hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on lawyers and legal fees to intentionally-and wrongfully-embarrass and terminate the long-serving leadership of the police department, the diminutive dictator took STEEEE-RIKE THREE right down the heart of the plate. Heeeeeee's OUT!
Even people on the distant periphery now post on the social networks that Martin allowed his "personal feelings" to guide his actions over the past nearly-four dreadful years. We agree with them.
Okay. So what does need to happen? Well, a new mayor will have some heavy lifting to do beginning in January, 2015. This new mayor will have to reach out to the County and neighboring municipalities to nurture the long-standing concept of MUTUAL AID that has been used and abused by current Mayor Mike Martin.
Then, the new mayor will have to reach out to those elected to council on November 4, 2014 who truly want to participate in a serious discussion about the correct manpower level for the local department. That will be hard work as well, It simply cannot be driven by false premises, previous grievances or a desire to appeal to some group off folks who have long-standing axes to grind, A serious, sober discussion of this extremely important issue is an absolute must.
Remember, the very costly financial burden of the Frankfort-mismanaged retirement system must be factored in to the discussion, But, so must the very real-and totally ignored by Martin-safety needs of the residents be considered, It's going to be an incredibly difficult job.
Is eight police officers the correct number? Is it the current five that the mismanaging Martin is currently fielding? Is it nine? Ten? Three? We have our views, But a new mayor and City Council will be tasked with getting that number right.
In case any of our supporters or the nay-sayers are interested, we are convinced that the mallet-headed Martin has it completely wrong. Given the size, and population of Villa Hills, we believe that a combination of full-time and part-time officers much larger than what the miniature mullah is currently fielding is in order. After all, Villa Hills ain't a cookie factory.
Also, the residents need to understand that that-the recently-screwed-by-Martin-former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was one of the first to suggest part-time officers more than eight years ago, Why? Because Goodenough was concerned about the rising cost of the State-mismanaged retirement system.
Who was one of the main opponents to Goodenough's right-headed idea? Why, that would be Mike Martin. Oh, that was before Martin was rightfully arrested for forgery in late 2007.
But after a new mayor and council makes their decision, that big decision needs to be effectively communicated to the residents. Sure, the mendacious Martin falsely promised to explain his position on police department staffing levels way back in early 2012. But the miniature mullah never followed through.
The first step is sending the dishonest Martin packing on November 4.
WEEKENDER: How To "Fix" The Problems
The Martin Chronicles listens to the concerns being expressed by many, many people. These folks are desperately trying to come up with a way to "fix the problems" of malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's City Government. We hear you. We completely understand.
The first step in fixing a problem is recognizing that a problem exists. It appears that a growing number of residents are realizing that a problem exists in Villa Hills City Government. That may be a good sign as November 4 draws near.
Next, it makes sense to identify the root cause of the problem. We don't think its a stretch to say that the root cause of the problems in Villa Hills' City Government is the man who was elected to lead it-and most certainly has not. You know, Mike Martin. To paraphrase what one recent social networker wrote, Martin mayoral actions have been driven by his "personal feelings". We would call it a "personal agenda".
Through nearly four dreadful years and two completely separate sets of City Councils, Villa Hills has moved from one embarrassment to the next. The common thread through these nearly four dreadful years of embarrassment is Mike Martin.
Let's go out on a limb and say that Villa Hills finds itself "under new management" on January 1, 2015. That "new management" will have some major challenges. Much of it comes down to simple math.
A new City Government should make some sober decisions on how best to use the taxpayer-funded $3,000,000 it collects annually. That is not a mystery.
So, what are the big challenges?
The first chance to begin fixing the problems presents itself on November 4.

The first step in fixing a problem is recognizing that a problem exists. It appears that a growing number of residents are realizing that a problem exists in Villa Hills City Government. That may be a good sign as November 4 draws near.
Next, it makes sense to identify the root cause of the problem. We don't think its a stretch to say that the root cause of the problems in Villa Hills' City Government is the man who was elected to lead it-and most certainly has not. You know, Mike Martin. To paraphrase what one recent social networker wrote, Martin mayoral actions have been driven by his "personal feelings". We would call it a "personal agenda".
Through nearly four dreadful years and two completely separate sets of City Councils, Villa Hills has moved from one embarrassment to the next. The common thread through these nearly four dreadful years of embarrassment is Mike Martin.
Let's go out on a limb and say that Villa Hills finds itself "under new management" on January 1, 2015. That "new management" will have some major challenges. Much of it comes down to simple math.
A new City Government should make some sober decisions on how best to use the taxpayer-funded $3,000,000 it collects annually. That is not a mystery.
So, what are the big challenges?
- What is the best way to provide police protection for the City's nearly 8,000 residents? What is the most important driver? Is it cost? Is it safety? Or, as is usually the case, is it a careful mix of both? As others have already written, much of the havoc Martin has wreaked on the local police department results from his personal animosity. That dog don't hunt.
- What is the best way to fund an ongoing program of street repair and replacement? Despite what Martin falsely promised in 2010, there is not enough money to completely fund such a program in the current budget. The "new management" will have to undertake a massive effort to gain public support for additional funding.
- What is the best way to get other expenses under control? Some people may not want to accept it, but the amount of money that has been spent on lawyers and legal fees under Martin's disastrous guidance is shameful. Particularly because-as others have already written-it has been wasted because of Martin's "personal feelings".
- What is the best way to restore transparency in Villa Hills City Government? Well, a great place to start would be to post City Financial Records more current than March, 2014 on the moribund City website. That is indefensible.
- What is the best way to restore trust in Villa Hills City Government? A new mayor-who is capable of telling the truth-would be a huge step in the right direction.
The first chance to begin fixing the problems presents itself on November 4.
Moral Equivalency?
The Martin Chronicles just can't get enough of the latest social network stream. There is all manner of distortion, deceit and dander-flying being posted. Some people simply refuse to admit that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is a corrupt and incompetent failure. That's what makes it so much fun.
We also enjoyed one notorious nag's feeble attempt at "moral equivalency" regarding Martin's disgraceful squandering of taxpayer money on lawyers and legal actions. So what was the inconsistent comparison?
This poster evidently believes that the approximately $50,000 spent on Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro over roughly a dozen years somehow equates to the nearly $500,000 of taxpayer money Martin has squandered on legal fees since he convinced his new council to approve the hiring of his personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry to serve as City Attorney in early 2013.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But that opinion is hard to understand.
There are flaws in the comparison. The most obvious flaw is that the money spent on Mr. Taliaferro was intended to stop unfair treatment of City employees and to put an end to costly lawsuits. On the other hand, the malicious Martin has used taxpayer money to fuel his vendetta against City employees and his crazy actions have actually sparked several costly lawsuits.
Martin has gone so far as to sign a purchase order that put more than $23,000 dollars in his pocket. This all at the expense of the taxpayers. We wonder if some goofball considers that questionable action an example of the "great things" Martin does for people?
A great deal more is bound to happen over the next 108 days.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
240,000 Visits And Going Strong!
The Martin Chronicles welcomed its 240,000th visitor today. Another landmark in our ongoing efforts to cover the rampant corruption and abject mismanagement of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.
We know some of our regular readers sometimes get upset with us. Some go so far as to call us names like "vile", "disgusting" and "evil". That just makes us work harder to expose the truth about the mendacious Martin.
By the way, the truth is never "negative".
We know some of our regular readers sometimes get upset with us. Some go so far as to call us names like "vile", "disgusting" and "evil". That just makes us work harder to expose the truth about the mendacious Martin.
By the way, the truth is never "negative".
"We're Only Going After A Few People"
The Martin Chronicles doubts that many people finds it comforting that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin told people not to worry about the new nuisance ordinance because he's "only going after a few people". Unless, of course, they already know that they're not going to be subjected to the malevolent Martin's selective enforcement of the new, onerous ordinance.
If the past nearly four, dreadful years provides any example-and we're quite sure it does-the mealy-mouthed Martin plans to use this new, draconian ordinance to curry favor with the mean-spirited, gutless folks who want City government to settle their petty grievances with their neighbors.
Oh, and the puny Martin will also use the new, over-reaching ordinance to harass and intimidate people who have been added to his well-documented "enemies list". Yes, the little liar has played that game many times before.
Yes, the election is looming ever closer. Sources have already told us that Martin and the vile hag Mary Koenig are hatching plans to falsely accuse political opponents of criminal activity. Their campaign will be reminiscent of 2010. Devoid of ideas and heavy on mud-slinging. That's all they've really got.
But you've got a vote on November 4.
If the past nearly four, dreadful years provides any example-and we're quite sure it does-the mealy-mouthed Martin plans to use this new, draconian ordinance to curry favor with the mean-spirited, gutless folks who want City government to settle their petty grievances with their neighbors.
Oh, and the puny Martin will also use the new, over-reaching ordinance to harass and intimidate people who have been added to his well-documented "enemies list". Yes, the little liar has played that game many times before.
Yes, the election is looming ever closer. Sources have already told us that Martin and the vile hag Mary Koenig are hatching plans to falsely accuse political opponents of criminal activity. Their campaign will be reminiscent of 2010. Devoid of ideas and heavy on mud-slinging. That's all they've really got.
But you've got a vote on November 4.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
You Just Have To Laugh
The Martin Chronicles sometimes finds the social networks highly entertaining. We just read a rambling post on Facebook that-all in all-was, well, uh, kinda thoughtful. But one line in that post had the entire office laughing. Everyone needs a good laugh sometimes. Especially in Martinville.
So what was that comment? "I think Martin had good ideas, but let his personal feelings get in the way." Oh, really? Is that a fact? You don't say?
What sent everybody over the edge was when one of our reporters said, "That guy sounds like he could be related to Marge Schott! You know. Everybody thought Martin-much like Hitler-was good in the beginning. They both just went too far."
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
So what was that comment? "I think Martin had good ideas, but let his personal feelings get in the way." Oh, really? Is that a fact? You don't say?
What sent everybody over the edge was when one of our reporters said, "That guy sounds like he could be related to Marge Schott! You know. Everybody thought Martin-much like Hitler-was good in the beginning. They both just went too far."
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
Police Department Questions
The Martin Chronicles has reported that the Sensible Citizens group has prepared a list of questions for Villa Hills mayoral and council candidates for the coming fall elections. Following are the questions the group prepared regarding the police department.
It appears that the group is interested in electing a mayor and six councilmembers who understand that trained law enforcement professionals are far better suited to make law enforcement decisions than they are.
In the last nearly four years we have seen malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin incessantly meddle in all manner of police department issues. The minutia of scheduling, training, car washes and paper towels. The result? Broken morale, turmoil and mayhem.
Martin used his very heavy hand to not only force out the police department leadership, but also run off all but two of the officers who worked for the residents of Villa Hills when the tiny tyrant plopped his butt in the mayor's office on January 1, 2011. Martin and his apparatchiks like Mary Koenig, Brian Wischer and Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour would most likely say that "turnover is good". If so, perhaps these four could also explain why they believe that?
Freed from the very real fear of Martin-style redneck retaliation, former Villa Hills police officers have nothing good to say about the diminutive dictator. They say his inability to understand even simple concepts is shocking. These former officers also resented Martin's perpetual efforts to entice them to "dig dirt" on former Police Chief Dan Goodenough.
As one former officer put it, "If Martin was a decent man, he would have sat down with Goodenough to talk over any concerns he had. But he never did. Not one time. I wouldn't treat a rabid coyote the way Martin treated the Chief."
There is other serious fallout from Martin's mishandling of the police department. A large part of the nearly half million dollars of legal fees that have been squandered in the last two years is a direct result of Martin's terrible mismanagement and retaliation against certain police officers.
It is unimaginable that one of Martin's "inner circle" hasn't pulled him aside to counsel him to consider less radical policies. Literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees could have been saved for something of value.
Maybe someone has pulled Martin aside to counsel him. Maybe Martin simply responded that he's "the CEO" and its his decision.
At least for the next 109 days.
A. Police
Is there a way for the Police Department to operate
autonomously, but within the “guidelines” of the city government and the Safety
What would your role be in the day-to-day
operations of the Police Department?
Are you committed to keep our Police Department
local and fully accredited?
It appears that the group is interested in electing a mayor and six councilmembers who understand that trained law enforcement professionals are far better suited to make law enforcement decisions than they are.
In the last nearly four years we have seen malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin incessantly meddle in all manner of police department issues. The minutia of scheduling, training, car washes and paper towels. The result? Broken morale, turmoil and mayhem.
Martin used his very heavy hand to not only force out the police department leadership, but also run off all but two of the officers who worked for the residents of Villa Hills when the tiny tyrant plopped his butt in the mayor's office on January 1, 2011. Martin and his apparatchiks like Mary Koenig, Brian Wischer and Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour would most likely say that "turnover is good". If so, perhaps these four could also explain why they believe that?
Freed from the very real fear of Martin-style redneck retaliation, former Villa Hills police officers have nothing good to say about the diminutive dictator. They say his inability to understand even simple concepts is shocking. These former officers also resented Martin's perpetual efforts to entice them to "dig dirt" on former Police Chief Dan Goodenough.
As one former officer put it, "If Martin was a decent man, he would have sat down with Goodenough to talk over any concerns he had. But he never did. Not one time. I wouldn't treat a rabid coyote the way Martin treated the Chief."
There is other serious fallout from Martin's mishandling of the police department. A large part of the nearly half million dollars of legal fees that have been squandered in the last two years is a direct result of Martin's terrible mismanagement and retaliation against certain police officers.
It is unimaginable that one of Martin's "inner circle" hasn't pulled him aside to counsel him to consider less radical policies. Literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees could have been saved for something of value.
Maybe someone has pulled Martin aside to counsel him. Maybe Martin simply responded that he's "the CEO" and its his decision.
At least for the next 109 days.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Sensible Questions
The Martin Chronicles has secured a copy of seven multi-part questions the Sensible Citizens group will respectfully submit to every Villa Hills mayoral and council candidate this fall. These questions cover topics including public safety, street repair, budgeting and ethics.
It is certainly reasonable to expect anyone seeking office in Villa Hills to have well-developed views on these topics. Current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has been a dismal failure in every one of these arenas, especially when it comes to ethics.
We expect the Martin sycophants will soon jump on to the social networks in an attempt to marginalize the Sensible Citizens. They'll falsely claim its all driven by people who lost elections. While that hateful claim is utter nonsense, it also betrays a dangerous viewpoint. You see, people who lose elections in The United States are not forced to surrender their First Amendment freedoms. This despite what Sheila, Wanda and other facile fascists continually write.
Three Villa Hills wags predicted how the mallet-headed Martin will handle the questions:
Only 111 days to go.
It is certainly reasonable to expect anyone seeking office in Villa Hills to have well-developed views on these topics. Current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has been a dismal failure in every one of these arenas, especially when it comes to ethics.
We expect the Martin sycophants will soon jump on to the social networks in an attempt to marginalize the Sensible Citizens. They'll falsely claim its all driven by people who lost elections. While that hateful claim is utter nonsense, it also betrays a dangerous viewpoint. You see, people who lose elections in The United States are not forced to surrender their First Amendment freedoms. This despite what Sheila, Wanda and other facile fascists continually write.
Three Villa Hills wags predicted how the mallet-headed Martin will handle the questions:
- "He won't answer them and claim he never received them because everyone is out to get him."
- "No surprises here. He'll tell a bunch of lies just like he did in 2010."
- "He'll pay his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry to answer them. That should only cost the taxpayers two or three thousand dollars. Such a deal!"
Only 111 days to go.
Friday, July 11, 2014
WEEKENDER: We Don't Give A Damn What They Think
The Martin Chronicles can tell by the vitriol being posted on Facebook today that this coming election is going to be a nasty slugfest. The good news? At least some of the venom will be directed at us. So, these nasty nitwits won't be able to spew all of their hatred at candidates opposing their beloved hero, Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.
The Martin goons are rolling out their usual "Mary Koenig" pap:
- "Good old boys"
- "Cyber bullies"
- "Poor Eddie and Donna"
One hateful hag even started celebrating the departure of one City employee she didn't like. She wrote that this former City employee shouldn't have been earning more than the Chief of Police, you know, Dan Goodenough. Yet another good guy that Martin screwed.
Of course this nasty nag either misses or intentionally avoids the truth that the departed City employee's pay was higher than Goodenough's because of a contract that Martin entered in to with that departed employee.
These morons would like to continue to suck their thumbs and convince themselves that The Martin Chronicles is written by "angry former elected officials" or maybe alien beings recovered at Roswell. Keep guessing, Sheila. Because you haven't got a clue. Who knows? We may be some of your former neighbors of whom you didn't approve.
We also like being called "evil" by evil, mean-spirited people. Its a badge of honor. And it also proves that reporting the truth about Martin's rampant corruption and mismanagement is effective.
We aren't going anywhere Sheila.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Smiling Faces
The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher was heading in to work very early this morning listening to one of his current favorite songs on 8 Track. Why has this song become on of his favorites? Because he thinks it comes about as close to any song he's heard that describes Villa Hills mendacious and menacing Mayor Mike Martin.
Below are the lyrics to the Undisputed Truth's 70's mega-hit, Smiling Faces. We suggest you cue up the song on You Tube. For full effect, read the lyrics as you listen.
Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend
Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
The truth is in the eyes
Cause the eyes don't lie, amen
Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
The truth is in the eyes
Cause the eyes don't lie, amen
Remember a smile is just
A frown turned upside down
My friend let me tell you
A frown turned upside down
My friend let me tell you
They don't tell the truth, uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Beware, beware of the handshake
That hides the snake
I'm telling you beware
Beware of the pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Jealousy (jealousy)
Misery (misery)
Envy I tell you, you can't see behind smiling faces
That hides the snake
I'm telling you beware
Beware of the pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Jealousy (jealousy)
Misery (misery)
Envy I tell you, you can't see behind smiling faces
Smiling faces sometimes they don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
That hides the snake
Listen to me now, beware
Beware of that pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Your enemy won't do you no harm
Cause you'll know where he's coming from
Don't let the handshake and the smile fool ya
Take my advice I'm only try' to school ya
Cause you'll know where he's coming from
Don't let the handshake and the smile fool ya
Take my advice I'm only try' to school ya
Less than 116 days to go.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
NEWS FLASH: What Is He Up To Now?
The Martin Chronicles is receiving numerous calls and emails from Sunglow Drive. Residents on this street are wondering why Villa Hills menacing Mayor Mike Martin continues to drive slowly up and down their street. We have reporters staking out the area.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
BREAKING NEWS: Seeameasigntosteal?
The Martin Chronicles has learned from some Civic Club sources that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin was overheard spouting off at "the Lodge" the other night. It seems he has apparatchiks searching for the "Fire Mike Martin in 2014" signs that are popping up throughout his tattered town.
Between his usual litany of "F him", "F her", "F it", "F them", "F that" "F us" et al, Martin made this ominous vow,
"Those signs will not last long".
Between his usual litany of "F him", "F her", "F it", "F them", "F that" "F us" et al, Martin made this ominous vow,
"Those signs will not last long".
This Oughta Be A Classic
The Martin Chronicles has a high level of confidence in our sources who tell us that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is making it abundantly clear to anyone who will listen that he will soon be filing paperwork to run for reelection. We certainly hope so. Why? Because we will finally learn over the next 118 days just how talented the remarkably-skilled LIAR Martin is.
Just for fun, let's use the misdirecting Martin's FALSE 2010 campaign promises and pronouncements to see how he'll try to defend his FAILURE over his first-and hopefully, last-four dreadful years.
#1 - "I will repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and find the money needed to adequately fund the street repair and replacement program". SOURCE: August, 2010 Community Recorder.
Well, we know that all of the non-scofflaw Villa Hills residents who renew their auto registration are still paying the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. So, Martin told a huge LIE.
Our observation? The only way the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX goes away is if either City Council or the voters approve yet another UNFAIR Martin tax proposal. Martin's once-"golden moment" council has already approved Martin's proposal to INCREASE THE SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX BY A SHAMEFUL FIFTY PERCENT.
#2 - "I run a tight (financial) ship". SOURCE: The mendacious Martin's oft-repeated, public pronouncement during his 2010 campaign found in his LYING literature and during his subsequent mayoral administration.
So, how will Martin explain his incredible WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY on unnecessary overtime and-worse-yet-on his incredible WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY to fuel his hateful vendetta against the people he incorrectly blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST? A HALF MILLION DOLLARS ON LEGAL FEES?!?!?!?
#3 - " I will bring honesty and integrity to the mayor's office."
Is that why Martin received a "CONFIDENTIAL REPRIMAND" from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for his misuse of City resources and personnel, received a court room reprimand from a judge for his ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS, was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY and was caught in a SHAMEFUL LIE when he FALSELY CLAIMED that railroaded, former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was "taking a few days off"? What a DISHONEST LIAR.
#4 - "Safety is my first priority." Oh, this one will be rich.
Sure, compared to many other Cities, Villa Hills is a safe town. Part of the reason for that is its' "tucked-away" location. Another big part of the reason is that those who continue to serve on Martin's decimated police force are a dedicated group of professionals who will do their jobs to the best of their abilities no matter how dreadful Martin treats them.
But crime has certainly risen during Martin's "Reign of Error". That is a fact. But of course, that will be everyone else's fault. Despite Martin's chest-beating about being the "CEO".
#5 - "I will work with everyone on council."
Oh, really? You don't say? Is that a fact? Everyone has seen it. A majority of voters even tried to rescue Martin by giving the miniature mullah an entirely new council in 2012. But excepting when they helped the junior jihadist screw people like Dan Goodenough, Martin has been completely unable to work with anyone on council.
Martin's LIES will be legendary. We'll be exposing every last one of them. And that will be no small task. Why?
Because there are LIES, DAMNABLE LIES, and then-worst of all-there is MARTIN.
Just for fun, let's use the misdirecting Martin's FALSE 2010 campaign promises and pronouncements to see how he'll try to defend his FAILURE over his first-and hopefully, last-four dreadful years.
#1 - "I will repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and find the money needed to adequately fund the street repair and replacement program". SOURCE: August, 2010 Community Recorder.
Well, we know that all of the non-scofflaw Villa Hills residents who renew their auto registration are still paying the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. So, Martin told a huge LIE.
Our observation? The only way the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX goes away is if either City Council or the voters approve yet another UNFAIR Martin tax proposal. Martin's once-"golden moment" council has already approved Martin's proposal to INCREASE THE SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX BY A SHAMEFUL FIFTY PERCENT.
#2 - "I run a tight (financial) ship". SOURCE: The mendacious Martin's oft-repeated, public pronouncement during his 2010 campaign found in his LYING literature and during his subsequent mayoral administration.
So, how will Martin explain his incredible WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY on unnecessary overtime and-worse-yet-on his incredible WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY to fuel his hateful vendetta against the people he incorrectly blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST? A HALF MILLION DOLLARS ON LEGAL FEES?!?!?!?
#3 - " I will bring honesty and integrity to the mayor's office."
Is that why Martin received a "CONFIDENTIAL REPRIMAND" from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for his misuse of City resources and personnel, received a court room reprimand from a judge for his ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS, was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY and was caught in a SHAMEFUL LIE when he FALSELY CLAIMED that railroaded, former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was "taking a few days off"? What a DISHONEST LIAR.
#4 - "Safety is my first priority." Oh, this one will be rich.
Sure, compared to many other Cities, Villa Hills is a safe town. Part of the reason for that is its' "tucked-away" location. Another big part of the reason is that those who continue to serve on Martin's decimated police force are a dedicated group of professionals who will do their jobs to the best of their abilities no matter how dreadful Martin treats them.
But crime has certainly risen during Martin's "Reign of Error". That is a fact. But of course, that will be everyone else's fault. Despite Martin's chest-beating about being the "CEO".
#5 - "I will work with everyone on council."
Oh, really? You don't say? Is that a fact? Everyone has seen it. A majority of voters even tried to rescue Martin by giving the miniature mullah an entirely new council in 2012. But excepting when they helped the junior jihadist screw people like Dan Goodenough, Martin has been completely unable to work with anyone on council.
Martin's LIES will be legendary. We'll be exposing every last one of them. And that will be no small task. Why?
Because there are LIES, DAMNABLE LIES, and then-worst of all-there is MARTIN.
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