Evening Update: Thanks To The Public Works Department
The Martin Chronicles knows that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin will do everything within his unpleasant power to cheat the public works crew out of any overtime pay despite their yeoman-like efforts making the City's streets drivable in the aftermath of last night's ice storm. Sure, Martin can spend tens-of-thousands of dollars on a squad of taxpayer-funded attorneys and unnecessary legal actions. Yes, Martin can fleece the children wanting to play organized sports on his Villa Hills Civic Club ass clown cronies crappy ball fields. Yup, Martin can squander tens of thousands of dollars on an obscure park in Mary Koenig's backyard. Okay, Martin can justify spending money on Christmas carriage rides. Yes sir, Martin can justify signing a purchase order that puts more that TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS in his pernicious pocket. But he can't pay any overtime to the three-man crew who work their tails off during a terrible winter to keep the City's streets drivable.
Despite Martin's abject malevolence, The Martin Chronicles extends its heart-felt thanks to the Public Works crew for their hard work. Working for a lunatic like Martin cannot be easy.
But the Public Works crew's efforts throughout this entire dreadful winter have made it possible for every reporter and staff member employed by The Martin Chronicles to maintain a 100% attendance record. We are forever in their debt.
And to show our appreciation, we are about to post even more shocking news about their botching boss and his insidious insiders.