The Martin Chronicles wonders why there has been a curious change in Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's phony financial reporting to city council and the taxpayers. What is that odd change? Well, the mismanaging Martin's out-of-control spending on lawyers and unnecessary legal actions has been moved under the innocuous umbrella of "Contracted Services".
Sure, in a strict accounting sense, such a move could be explained away as innocent "streamlining". But, we've learned that little or nothing the mendacious Martin does is "innocent". We've also learned that Martin knows little or nothing about accounting, as evidenced by three years of busted budgets.
So, why this curious move? Hasn't Martin's own mostly-supplicant finance committee actually requested more public disclosure about Martin's spending on lawyers and legal actions? Yes, they most certainly have. Hasn't Martin been asked to post a spreadsheet on the City's website detailing the diminutive dictator's spending on lawyers and legal actions? Yes, he most certainly has.
You will recall that Martin has brushed aside these requests. The smarmy sultan said he had done a lot of "soul-searching" and decided against more public disclosure of his spending on lawyers and legal actions. His excuse? Martin said other cities don't do it.
We've done our homework though. It seems other cities don't do it because no other mayor has behaved as Martin has. We couldn't find any other Northern Kentucky municipality where a mayor convinced city council to hire his or her personal attorney to serve as the taxpayer-funded City Attorney. We couldn't find any other Northern Kentucky municipality where a mayor used taxpayer money to hire squads of lawyers to sue taxpayer-funded city councils, boards, committees and employees. We couldn't find any other Northern Kentucky municipality where a mayor attempted to use legal maneuvers to force taxpayers to foot the bill for his or her personal legal liabilities. Only Martin has done these things.
Martin isn't without support in his effort to hide the information. Councilwoman Mary Koenig also came out against transparency on this issue when she said she didn't think the taxpayers needed to know about Martin's spending on lawyers and legal actions. Yes, this is the same Mary Koenig who made her phony pledge to seek greater transparency at the October 2012 Civic Club Candidate Forum. But of course that 2012 "Forum" was a sham that was rigged from the jump by Martin's allies at the Civic Club.
Why hasn't Councilwoman Holly Menninger-Isenhour railed about better reporting on Martin's spending on lawyers and legal actions? Hasn't Menninger-Isenhour been complaining for her entire term about the need for greater detail in the monthly police reports? Doesn't Menninger-Isenhour think Martin's spending on lawyers and legal actions is equally deserving of more, not less, public reporting?
Why do Martin, Koenig and others feel the need to hide the tiny tyrant's spending on lawyers and legal actions. Logic tells us that it can't be because the residents of Villa Hills would find that the information reveals good news.
Quite the opposite.

The Martin Chronicles runs in to the strangest things at times. One of our crack reporters was having a cheeseburger and french fries for lunch at Pee Wee's Restaurant in Crescent Springs yesterday and was approached by an elderly woman with a very concerned look on her face. Following is how the exchange went.
Elderly Woman (EW): Young man, don't you write for The Martin Chronicles?
Martin Chronicles Reporter (MCR): (Carefully looking around to make sure no one else overheard the question) Well, yes, ma'am, I most certainly do. Why do you ask?
EW: I have to tell you, I just stopped in to the Villa Hills City Building, you know, there on Rogers Road.
MCR: Yes, ma'am. I've been there picking up Open Records requests. Why?
EW: Well, I went there to ask to be placed on the agenda for this week's City Council meeting. I wanted to address that goofy Mayor Martin about all of the problems he's making for us residents.
MCR: Sure, I don't blame you. Go on.
EW: So, some young man, who seemed very odd, came to the window to tell me that Martin wouldn't even be at the meeting. This very odd young man told me that Martin was out of town.
MCR: Okay?
EW: I mean, imagine that? Some oddball tells someone he's never met before tells a total stranger that Martin is out of town. We don't have many police officers left to keep an eye on things, you know.
MCR: And?
EW: Good Lord. Suppose that this odd man has told other people that Martin is out of town. What if one of these other people comes here tonight to drink beer with their friends and tells those friends Martin is out of town? Why, they might decide to get in their car, drive west on Buttermilk, turn right on Collins, left on Amsterdam, left on Niewahner, left on Brookview and stop at Martin's house at 2630 and egg and toilet paper his house?
MCR: I see.
EW: Or suppose they have one of those new-fangled GPS thingies? All they would have to do is enter 39 degrees, .06 minutes, .0117 seconds North, 84 degrees, .599 minutes, .623 minutes West and they would find themselves right at Martin's doorstep. And his house is empty!
MCR: I get it. So you're afraid for Mr. Martin?
EW: Oh, no. A lot of people hate Martin as much as I do. That guy is terrible. I'm really afraid that they just won't take enough eggs and toilet paper!
MCR: I see. I'm sure it'll be fine.
EW: I certainly hope so. Someone needs to let that idiot Martin know how upset almost everybody is with him.
The voters will get the chance to send that message in 251 days.

The Martin Chronicles spends a lot of time scanning social networks to take the pulse of Villa Hills residents. We came across a Facebook comment on the Voice of Villa Hills page that we find extremely shocking.
According to current, "golden moment" Councilman Rod Baehner-rhymes with Koenig-Villa Hills taxpayers are forking over $215,000 ANNUALLY to the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission for building and zoning services. That can't be correct, can it?
After all, Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin breached the contract he had signed with Schutzman Inspection Services earlier this year to provide the taxpayers with the same exact services. What the heck? Schutzman Inspection Services only charged the taxpayer $24,000 A YEAR.
How does the mismanaging Martin think INCREASING THE COST TO TAXPAYERS FOR BUILDING AND ZONING SERVICES BY $191,000 PER YEAR MAKES SENSE? This just can't be correct, can it? And yet "golden moment" Councilman Rod Baehner-rhymes with Koenig-post says that is EXACTLY WHAT MARTIN HAS DONE TO THE TAXPAYERS.
Worse yet, Martin and some on his "golden moment" council WANT TO SPEND EVEN MORE TAXPAYER MONEY filling the gaps left by the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission. Seriously?
So, how did mallet-headed Martin end up in the mayor's office again?

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher recently had the opportunity to talk to someone who-as this person un-reluctantly describes it-has had the great misfortune to work with Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin on a number of City issues and projects. We asked this person's take on the state of Martin's three-plus year Reign of Error. The terse reply? "Hillbilly Nation".
While our beloved publisher was a bit surprised by such a response from someone who is making money working with the mismanaging Martin, it didn't deter a request for additional information. Following is a transcription of the recording of their discussion.
Beloved publisher (BP): I have to tell you that I'm at least mildly surprised by your answer. Do you care to elaborate?
Confidential informant (CI): I've got no problem with that. For starters, Martin is dumber than a brick. He never understands anything I tell him. Or, at least, he twists around what I tell him time and again to fit his own nonsensical purposes. It's seems almost pathological.
BP: I have to confess I'm not at all surprised. But why do you think he does that?
CI: You mean aside from the fact that Martin is one of the dumbest people I have ever met?
BP: Yeah, that's right. Aside from the fact that Martin is clearly an idiot.
CI: Where do I start? I don't think I've ever worked with a bigger rube in my career. He has absolutely no conscience about spending huge sums of taxpayer money to get what he wants. It's like working with a three year old-kid in a candy store and mommies credit card.
BP: That's an ironic observation given Martin's previous FORGERY problems. Go on.
CI: I know more than a little bit about Martin's history. While I know some people will be upset, Martin is a total hillbilly who seems hell-bent on getting some weird kind of backwoods justice against everyone who's pissed him off.
BP: I sure know that. Go on.
CI: Again, I did a lot of checking in to Martin before I agreed to work with him. I know he ran for his first term making the phony claim that he was gonna restore some form of unnecessary "truth and integrity" to the mayor's office. What a joke. I've never witnessed more corn pone corruption in my life than I've seen with Martin. But, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I can't walk away because I'm making too much money.
BP: What do you mean?
CI: You're kidding, right?
BP: Not at all. You've got insider day-to-day contact with Martin and I don't. Thank God.
CI: Look, Martin portrays himself as some kind of strange "wahoo messiah" bound and determined to "fix" all of the non-existent problems in Villa Hills City government. But the truth of the matter is, Martin is misusing the dwindling City treasury to carry out his own personal agenda of revenge. It couldn't be clearer to anyone with more than half a brain.
BP: You base that on what?
CI: C'mon (name withheld to prevent Martin's hillbilly lynchmob from retaliating). Have you been paying any attention to what's happened to the local police department, for God's sake? Sure you have. I read your blog.
BP: Okay. Fair enough. Go ahead.
CI: So why do you think they've dwindled down to almost nothing? Martin is trying to push most of the officers out just because he's pissed off about his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. Even though we both know he should have gone to jail for FORGERY. He's one lucky little bastard.
BP: At least for now.
CI: I hope you're right.
BP: What else?
CI: I wonder if people have clue one that Martin fully expects the taxpayers to foot the bill for all of the personal lawsuits he's generated? Martin was adamant about using taxpayer money to resolve the personal lawsuits against him in an October, 2013 mediation hearing. The mediator privately told me that "Martin wasn't too bright" after talking with him for just a few minutes. It's pathetic.
BP: That's a fair comment.
CI: But I just can't walk away. Even though I should.
BP: Why?
CI: Because I'm making way too much money covering Martin's constant foul-ups. I just can't walk away from that. After all, that's what I'm supposed to do.
BP: That's why I'm very glad to be way beyond that.
CI: And you should consider yourself one lucky sonuvabitch because of that.
BP: Oh, I do. What else?
CI: How in the world do you explain the nitwits who still try to defend Martin's lawbreaking and corruption? Oh, I understand the dim-witted relatives who showed up at Martin's removal hearing wearing straw hats with signs that said "Follow me to the witch hunt". And I can almost understand why Martin's wife Janet got herself dragged in to a serious lawsuit trying to dig dirt for her husband. I can almost understand stupid people like Dale Schaber who's now in a serious legal mess because he foolishly decided to push his buddy Martin's LIES door-to-door back in 2010. But what about the other people? How do you explain idiots who lie to the police or Special Counsel? How do you explain dumb asses who try to explain way Martin's criminal behavior by saying "he does great things for people". It's just dead-nuts crazy. That's the only way to explain it.
BP: I don't try to explain stupidity. My reporters simply bring our readers the facts.
CI: Yeah, I know that. You're a lucky bastard, too.
BP: Thanks. At least I guess.
CI: No, you're a very lucky bastard. I have to go home and take a scalding hot shower to wash the dirt off of me every time I have to meet with Martin. He's nothing more than a slimy crook hillbilly.
BP: Wow! That's clear enough. So, how would you sum it all up?
CI: Believe it or not, I've been hoping someone would ask me that question. I've been practicing my answer to that question for a while now.
BP: So what is the answer?
CI: Even if you think it's funny, its damned-well true. You can take the crooked hillbilly Martin out of the worst part of Norwood. But you can't take the worst part of Norwood out of that crooked hillbilly Martin.
BP: So you're saying Martin is just a simpleton jackass who road the 2010 Tea Party wave to win the mayoral race in 2010?
CI: No, I'm saying that Martin is certainly a simpleton jackass who also happens to be a corrupt, lawbreaking ridge runner who emigrated from Norwood, Ohio to end up completely ruining a City like Villa Hills. It's a cruel joke. In fact, it's a damned tragedy that the voters of Villa Hills created for themselves, TWICE. First, in 2010. Then again in 2012.
BP: Those are your words. Not the words of the Martin Chronicles. We don't abide by such highly-charged language. But, all I will say is that voters usually get the government they deserve.
The voters can send what our confidential informant describes as "a lawbreaking Norwood ridgerunner" packing in 253 days.

The Martin Chronicles is really, really, really looking forward to providing our vast audience with full, in-depth coverage of ELECTION 2014 in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills. It will prove to be the stuff that reporters live to cover.
Deep cover sources are telling us that Martin is already in full re-election mode. These sources report that Martin is desperately scrambling to convince his compliant City Council to agree to certain steps designed to create a phony façade of fitness masking the stench of abject failure that hangs over his dreadful and corrupt misadministration.
Oh, there are certain to be a lot of shocking and odd twists and turns in the days immediately ahead. We will be reporting on Martin's frantic attempts to paper over the fact that he has intentionally driven the local police department to the brink of extinction in brutish pursuit of his vendetta caused by his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.
The local department has lost three of its long-serving, dedicated officers recently as a result of Martin's vendetta. Sources in other City's tell us that other Villa Hills police officers are interviewing for a new job as well. Given the dreadful conditions Martin has created, who can blame them?
We also know for a fact that Martin will be playing a con man's shell game with a variety of proposed tax increases. Martin's sinister strategy? Our insiders tell us that the diminutive dictator will make sure that his compliant City Council loudly signs on to a number of proposed tax increases-like MARTIN'S UNFAIR ENERGY TAX, and MARTIN'S SNEAKY INCREASE of the current Insurance Premium tax, and Martin's proposed HUGE INCREASE IN PROPERTY TAXES TO FUND A NON-EXISTANT ROAD PLAN and Martin's broken-promise-continuation of the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX that he strongly supported. Then, when he rams only one of these taxes down the taxpayers' throats, he will falsely claim that he saved them money.
Multiple sources have also told us that it is a fact that Martin is frantically rushing to create the illusion that he actually has a real street repair program. Don't be surprised if Martin squanders large sums of taxpayer money blacktopping over a number of streets this year in hopes that the voters forget that he has done NOTHING for the previous three years.
Of course Martin's goon squad is happy to help the miniature mullah devise such a devious communications plan. Why? Because their noses are deeply ensconced in the taxpayer trough.
We also know for a fact that Martin is already lining up the remaining members of his hillbilly lynchmob to take to social networks FALSELY proclaiming what a mess he inherited and climb podiums to announce that he does "great things for people". It will be fun to read and hear all of those LIES and parse their DISHONEST words.
We also know for a fact that Martin is worriedly whipping up the civic club ass clowns that inexplicably remain loyal to him. He hopes these simple-minded ass clowns tell their friends and neighbors what a great mayor Martin has been. Why? Because even the dim-witted Martin realizes that most voters do only about ten seconds of planning before casting votes in local elections. Remember, the mendacious Martin only needs one more vote than his opponent or opponents on November 4, 2014 to be re-elected.
We also know for a fact that Martin already has his remaining lackeys compiling PHONY dirt on potential opponents. The tiny tyrant believes that since all of the LIES he told about his 2010 opponent worked, that those LIES will surely work again in 2014. Anyone thinking about running for mayor in Villa Hills in 2014 had better be prepared for the s#!tstorm that Martin is calumniously cooking up for them. They also better be prepared to react to them immediately. What the heck, we can't do everything. As hard as we are gearing up to do so.
The next big date and time will be Tuesday, August 12 at 4PM. That is the filing deadline for the Villa Hills election. We are hearing numerous rumors of several people who are currently considering a run for the mayor's office. It is there for the taking, if the right candidate is ready to withstand that aforementioned s#!tstorm that Martin is already preparing for them.
That is. of course, assuming that ten of those people don't throw their hat into the ring. If that happens, Martin would have a chance to win with just 11% of the vote!
That is the subject of a story we are developing now.

The Martin Chronicles has a question for Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin and his "golden moment" council. This question is a result of our staff traveling the torn up streets of Martin's troubled town and seeing a significant number of boats and trailers being ILLEGALLY stored in residents' driveways and yards.
So, we ask, why is this being allowed? Remember, it was the mismanaging Martin who summarily breached the terms of the contract he had signed with Schutzman Inspection Services approximately nine months ago, Why did Martin breach the contract? Because he said that Schutzman Inspection Services was doing a "poor job+ of enforcing the City's zoning ordinances.
Immediately after breaching the contract, the mallet-headed Martin hurriedly called a not-so-special "special" meeting to browbeat his "golden moment" council into approving Martin's proposal to turn the building and zoning services over to the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission. Worse yet, that "golden moment" council approved Martin's proposal without ever even reading the proposed contract. Not exactly a shining example of a city council living up to their sworn duty of oversight.
Our readers should go to the Martin Chronicles' archives and re-read our posts on malevolent Martin's breach of contract and headlong rush to force his "golden moment" council to approve a contract with the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission that they hadn't even bothered to read. Our readers will be reminded of the misdirecting Martin's empty assurances that the NKAPC would provide far better service. The significant numbers of boats and trailers ILLEGALLY stored in residents' driveways and yards certainly undercuts Martin's empty assurances.
What is going on here? Why did Martin breach the contract he had signed with Schutzman Inspection Services and LIE to his "golden moment" council about his reasons for entering in to a contract with the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission? Our long-time readers know why. Martin's mean-spirited move was just another example of his persistent and intentional HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION of former City employee Joe Schutzman. It's that simple and obvious.
We don't have a single thing against the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission. As far as we can determine, their personnel are a talented and dedicated bunch. They are just another victim caught up in Martin's WEB OF LIES.
Our smart readers understand the root cause of all of this unnecessary turmoil. This has always been-and will always be-about the myopic Martin's vendetta against all of the people he FALSELY blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.
As we often remind you, look back at the resolution of Martin's $1.505 MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT against the taxpayers, Police Chief Dan Goodenough and then-Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman-and that name should provide an "a-ha" moment. Four respected judges concluded that when Martin signed a deceased person's name on that deceased person's checks and cashed them that what he did FIT THE VERY DEFINITION OF FORGERY. And, Martin is-and will be forevermore-very angry about being caught committing what these four respected judges clearly opined was indeed FORGERY.
Oh, Martin and his cronies have offered up a costly-to-the-taxpayers solution to this unnecessary mess. The solution they offer is to squander even more taxpayer money to hire a "nuisance officer" to fill the "gaps" left by the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission. Quite honestly, just how stupid is that?
There is an opportunity for the voters to end this unnecessary mess in 255 days.

The Martin Chronicles is well aware of the criticisms hurled at us by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. They call us "vile" and "disgusting". But do you want to know the best part? We couldn't care less. Why? We're just doing our job.
You see, we have been reporting on the corruption and incompetence of the mismanaging Martin now since October 8, 2011. And, we have been digging in to Martin's law-breaking ways for a long time before we launched our pesky-and widely read-little blog. We make no excuses for our reportage. Why? Because we know that many members of the dinosaur media look to us for story leads.
So, that is precisely why we are checking out all of the very odd details of a pending court case titled Scott A. Berger v. Summer P. Berger to be heard on March 25, 2014 in Circuit Court, Case no.14-CI-00055. Oh, brother.
Is it any wonder why NKU business students and Villa Hills residents with more that half a brain describe the mess the mallet-headed Martin has created since January, 2011 as "craptacular"?

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher recently had a lengthy dinner at a Newport eatery with an old friend. This old friend is a professor at Northern Kentucky University who teaches a variety of courses, including Business Management 101.
Our beloved publisher's old friend also has a great interest in local politics. It is a good laboratory for sound-and not-so-sound-management practices. This NKU professor was born and raised in Northern Kentucky, and except for a six-year teaching "gig" at the University of Pennsylvania in the early 1980's,has been a life-long resident of this area. This old friend understands how management should work.
The professor agreed to share personal views established after closely watching Martin over the past three-plus years. You see, this professor spends a lot of time watching the televised meetings of several Cities in order to create case studies for management classes.
Following is the transcript of that recorded interview.
Professor: To tell you the truth, most of my students think I'm making up the stuff that's been happening in Villa Hills City Government. My brighter students can't believe that any mayor could be so corrupt and so stupid. They're still in disbelief when I show them recorded replays of the meetings. Its hard to describe their reaction.
Publisher: Let's start by describing what it takes to be a good manager.
Professor: Great question. An effective manager is proficient in the five essential management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. We help students remember that with the acronym P, O, S, L, C. A manager who has a grip on these five functions is almost always successful.
Publisher: Would it make sense to rank Martin's abilities for each of those five essential functions of management?
Professor: Yes, it would. I've been observing this bag of snakes for years now. Let's do exactly that.
Publisher: So, how about Martin's planning skills?
Professor: Well, if you're talking about Martin's ability to plan ways to cause trouble for people he thinks are his adversaries, then he's pretty darn good. But when it comes to developing effective plans that are good for the City he was elected to lead, he stinks. Where is the road plan? Where is the plan for the future of the police department? Where is the plan for recreation? Where is the plan for how is Administrative staff should function? Where is his financial plan? It just seems like he pushes one new tax increase after another without any logic. Martin is most likely a very poor planner because he simply isn't too bright. He's great at trouble-making and that's about it.
Publisher: So, Martin's off to a shaky start. What about Martin's ability to organize?
Professor: Well, organizing starts with having a coherent plan. And since I don't see any evidence that Martin has constructed anything closely resembling a positive, coherent plan for Villa Hills, its very hard to rate his organizational abilities. But given his penchant for doing little more than moving from one self-created crisis to another, I doubt that Martin is capable of organizing much beyond his handyman tool box.
Publisher: Okay, so far so bad. So let's take a look at Martin's staffing skill.
Professor: Seriously? How much time do you have? The first thing Martin did was hire an unqualified friend to handle the City's books. You know how that's going. I mean, when was the last time the City Council had coherent financial reports delivered to them in a timely fashion?
Then Martin brings in another crony from the Civic Club. This belligerent behemoth claims she read some book that said it was okay to destroy City records, despite what State statute mandates about records retention. Heck, everybody with a fair mind knows what really happened. Martin himself ordered the destruction of those City records. How do we know that? Well, the Public Works Director testified to that fact during Martin's removal hearing. Its amazing to me that Martin hasn't found a way to get rid of that guy. Either way, I'm quite sure Martin is making his work life a living hell.
Then Martin convinces the poor folks on his new council-I believe you call them his "golden moment council"...
Publisher: That's right.
Professor: Okay, so he convinces the new council to hire his personal attorney to serve as City Attorney. What's wrong with that taxpayer-funded picture? The new City Attorney seems to thrive on Martin's misbehavior instead of counseling him on the correct way to behave. Well, come to think of it, of course he does. Why? Because he is making a costly-to-the taxpayer-funded fortune constantly cleaning up the messes Martin continues to make.
Who thinks this is a good idea?
Publisher: Our readers know what we think of the despicable Toad V. McMurtry.
Professor: Okay. so there are more staffing questions. Why does Martin keep spending money on the former interim City Clerk Sue Bree? He wrote her up claiming that Bree violated federal law, State statute and local ordinances, after all. He has more than enough justification to fire Bree. Could it be that Bree went in to the tank for Martin during his removal hearing? What a sad, taxpayer-funded joke.
It keeps getting worse. Craig Bohman has a long history of trouble-making that has been well-documented by local media. So what do Martin and his ineffective new council do? They hire this guy to serve as the so-called City Clerk. Bohman caused trouble from the start. Bohman has participated in misbehavior that's triggered lawsuits. Bohman bills the taxpayers for time he claims he is working from home and traveling to Frankfort to look for yet another job. So what will happen next? Martin and the council will proclaim Bohman Villa Hills' City Administrator. What a sad joke.
Heck, Martin has even hired a friend of Bohman for yet another taxpayer-funded Administrative position. On any given day, the taxpayers are footing the bill for more Administrative people than far-more-important police officers. That's ridiculous.
I won't even offer much comment on the way Martin has fouled-up the police department. You're reporters have done an excellent job reporting on that sad story. But, let me add that he has made an absolute mess of one of the most important functions of any City.
Publisher: So far, so bad. How about Martin's ability to lead?
Professor: Again, that is a great question. Let me ask you a question. Would you be inclined to follow a man who has been caught in one lie after another?
Publisher: Of course not.
Professor: Well, that should tell you about my view on Martin's leadership capabilities. Martin has been caught in lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie since he plopped down in the mayor's office in January, 2011. I suspect that sensible City employees know in their hearts that Martin cares only about his survival. Those that don't know that are either as bad as Martin is or simply want to keep riding the taxpayer-funded gravy train. Hopefully, most residents will realize what a liar their mayor has been come Election Day. But who knows?
Publisher: I know. Well, anyway, that leaves the final management function of control. What do you think?
Professor: Oddly enough, Martin is pretty good at controlling. At least in a bad way. Whether through Executive Order, direct threat or intimidation by McMurtry and Bohman, Martin has browbeat most of his remaining employees and the City Council to keep their mouths shut about Martin's ongoing corruption and terrible mismanagement.
Publisher: So, you don't give Martin good grades for management ability?
Professor: You are a master of understatement, my old friend. A guy like Martin belongs in either a mental institution or a prison. He's a cruel joke perpetrated on a City by just enough folks who just weren't paying any attention. Many of my students sum up their view of Villa Hills City Government by saying Martin is craptacular.
So here we are. The voters still have to wait another 258 days to decide whether or not they agree with this respected NKU professor's assessment of Martin.
What will the voters decide?
The Martin Chronicles is writing about the incendiary comments made over the three-plus years of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin dreadful mis-administration. You've heard these ridiculous comments from Martin, Councilmembers Mary Koenig, Holly B. Isenhour-Menninger, Flyin' Brian Wischer and Martin-appointed nitwits like Summer Berger.
Of course you know the comments. They revolve around the fact that the Villa Hills Police Department sometimes leaves the city limits. The comments are made in a DISHONEST attempt to stir up public animosity towards the local police. Its really that simple.
Like most tin-pot dictators, Martin is a very basic thinker. He does, however, understand the "Golden Rule" used by virtually all thugs and tyrants. That rule? Tell a LIE often enough-no matter how outrageous a LIE-and in the minds of a mostly-inattentive public that oft-told LIE becomes the truth.
You see, Martin and his cronies repeat their complaint about police officers leaving the city limits over and over and over and over again to foster a public misconception that these officers are somehow "goofing off". Judging by a few random comments posted on social networks, this oft-repeated attempt to deceive is having at least limited success.
So why might Villa Hills Police Officers travel outside tiny Villa Hills' borders?
- We certainly hope Martin and his cronies understand the long-standing practice of "mutual aid". Remember the shooting incident in Villa Hills in 2013? Officers from several municipalities were on hand to support the Villa Hills police. That support keeps residents safer and increases the chances that police officers will safely return to their families at the end of their shift. That's what "mutual aid" is all about. The Villa Hills police are frequently dispatched to cover calls in Crescent Springs. Are Martin and his cronies suggesting that the officers should ignore those dispatch calls? Yikes! Poor Crescent Springs Mayor Jim Collett!
- We certainly hope Martin and his cronies understand that their are no gas stations in Villa Hills. Police officers have no choice but to travel outside of the city to refuel their cruisers. Perhaps Mary Koenig, Holly B. Isenhour-Menninger and Summer Berger would prefer to be responsible for keeping enough full five-gallon gasoline cans on hand so that the officers could refuel their vehicles in Villa Hills. Probably not. That would require effort above and beyond constantly casting aspersions on the local police.
- We certainly hope Martin and his cronies understand that the County Courthouse is outside city limits. Martin should be aware of that. He has certainly spent enough time in the County Courthouse facing FORGERY CHARGES, dealing with lawsuits regarding his persistent LIBEL, SLANDER, DEFAMATION, HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION and being blistered by a judge for his ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS. Villa Hills police officers have to go to court to testify against the people they have cited or arrested. That is simply part of a police officer's duty.
- We certainly hope that Martin and his cronies understand that-just like any worker not employed in a sweat-shop, gulag or cookie factory-police officers are allowed to take a break to eat a meal during their shift. Once again, there are no restaurants within Villa Hills borders. Besides, Villa Hills police officers are always reachable by radio and never more than five minutes away from their city. So why does Summer Berger have such a problem with the police officers grabbing a meal at LaRosa's, PeeWee's or Sandwich Block Deli? Gosh, we aren't sure. Do you have any thoughts about that? So why does Mary Koenig wave around pictures allegedly sent to her by an "anonymous concerned citizen" of police officers dining with people outside city limits? Gee, we don't know. What do you think?
This despicable effort actually pre-dates Martin's terrible tenure in the mayor's office. Mary Koenig frequently made never-proven-because its impossible to prove a LIE-claims that now-departed Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman was working in Ludlow and Bromley while on duty during her first scandalous go-around on council. By golly-co-defendant in Martin's LIBEL, SLANDER AND DEFAMATION LAWSUIT-Dale Schaber finds himself in legal and financial jeopardy because he foolishly pushed Koenig's PHONY claim door-to-door, FALSELY describing Koenig's PHONY claim as a fact. Wow! Even Martin's wife Janet finds herself in legal and financial jeopardy because she actively participated in a bizarre effort to prove Koenig's PHONY claim through HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION. What a mess.
But that in no way relieves Martin from full responsibility for this current mess. As most tin-pot despots do, Martin seized Koenig's PHONY claim to serve as a club to beat the people he blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. Namely, the members of the Villa Hills Police Department. They are Martin's scapegoats for his own corrupt behavior.
Once the voters handed Martin the keys to the mayor's office in 2010, the tiny tyrant immediately began a full-scale assault on the Villa Hills Police Department. Martin's vendetta has brought the local department to the brink of collapse. Martin has done all of this intentionally.
And the smug little bastard has done it all joyously.

The Martin Chronicles extends its sympathies to The Kentucky Enquirer reporter Cindy Schroeder. We feel sorry for her. We really do. If her current article posted on is a good gauge, Schroeder has to contend with more bu!!$#it than Rawhide's trail boss Gil Favor and his drovers did during their seven and a half years on television when she interviews Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.
First, the once-again memory-challenged Martin told Schroeder that he didn't "remember exactly" why Assistant Police Joe Schutzman resigned. May we suggest that Martin pull out the copies of the two serious lawsuits he has been served that thoroughly describe his persistent pattern of LIBEL, SLANDER, DEFAMATION, HARRASSMENT and INTIMIDATION. If the disorganized despot can't locate his copies, he can always borrow his wife-and co-defendant-Janet's copies that a process server delivered to her.
It's hilarious. Every single time Martin is in trouble-and that is frequently-he suddenly finds himself suffering from amnesia. Gee, do you think he might actually be LYING?
The biggest line of bu!!$#it Martin served poor Schroeder appears at the end of her recent article. What did the mendacious Martin say? "I think our police department is just as stable and sound as it was." We guess that is why much of his police department has left and the rest are busy seeking employment elsewhere. Well, that flame-broiled whopper was served up by someone who is evidently extremely unstable, after all.
The Martin Chronicles is still not ready to offer its prediction on how this mess will play out. We don't yet know who truly represents what the majority of Villa Hills' voters are really thinking. Is it Mary Koenig? Is it Too Fat Tony? Is it Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour? Is it Mike Pope? Is it Jim Noll? Is it Flyin' Brian Wischer? Is it General Zod? Is it bilious blowhard County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus? Is it the little fellow who either LIED to the Villa Hills Police or Special Counsel to save Martin's undeserving backside? Is it Gene and Sally Dopin-Kravitz? Is it Summer Berger? Is it Wanda Widebottom? Is it the loopy lady who took to a podium to oddly proclaim that, "This mayor does great things for people"? Is it Dave Hilgeford? Or is Villa Hills' mainstream thinking represented by the hundreds of people who displayed "Keep OUR Local Police Department" signs and donated thousands of their hard-earned dollars in support of the effort? That is before Joe Seeameasigntosteal and his Forty Thieves took off with many of them. We just aren't sure.
But we are sure of this. Despite the ongoing financial turmoil and budget mess, the collapsing police department, the absence of any current street repair program, the increasing taxes, the surging crime rate, the CONVICTION OF SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY, the stern warning from a respected judge about his ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS and the "CONFIDENTIAL" REPRIMAND FROM THE VILLA HILLS ETHICS BOARD, the delusional Martin is absolutely convinced that he is doing a great job. After all of this, the megalomaniacal Martin firmly believes that all he needs is a city council that will "work with him".
This is why we look forward to covering the three-ring circus that is certain to lead up to Decision Day, November 4, 2014.

The Martin Chronicles' entire staff is very happy that the long winter hibernation away from baseball is coming to an end. Cincinnati Reds pitchers and catchers report to training camp in Goodyear, Arizona today! Yes, we will miss the "Steady-Eddie" pitching of Bronson Arroyo. But we suspect rookie manager Bryan Price will have the Reds contending for a pennant yet again in 2014.
But that isn't the real purpose of this post. Despite the fact that this post's headline has a definite baseball theme.
In case you weren't aware, Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin presided over his monthly non-televised caucus meeting this week. And guess what? Martin had his personal-and now City-Attorney-Toad V. McMurtry do what is known as a first reading of some new taxes for you.
Think about this sneaky move for just a moment. Just why did the misleading Martin choose an untelevised meeting to do these first readings? Sure, you know why. Because the diminutive dictator wants to be able to spring these onerous new taxes on a more-or-less unsuspecting public who have little or no time to voice their objection.
This sneaky move by the misdirecting Martin now has onerous new taxes waiting in the on-deck circle anticipating the opportunity to take a serious swing at your wallet. All that is required for these onerous new taxes to take effect is a vote by the mendacious Martin's compliant City Council.
Oh, sure. We already know what the mallet-headed Martin's excuse will be. He'll say his heart tells him this, and his head tells him that. But he'll still want you to pay these onerous new taxes because he just has to have the money to fix the City's streets. This despite the undeniable fact that he has done little or nothing to fix those City streets over the three-plus miserable years of his dreadful mis-administration.
Do you want absolute proof that the malingering Martin's so-called commitment to repairing the City's streets is an abject LIE? Well, here's your proof. Our investigators have learned that-after working overnight to clear the City's streets of snow and ice on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays-the malicious Martin is ordering the public works crew to take off Thursday and Friday to avoid a few dollars of overtime.
You don't say? Is that a fact? If Martin knew how to manage his way out of a wet paper bag, he would instead pay the public works crew their virtual pittance to take those Thursdays and Fridays to patch the many potholes that are all over his troubled town. But, no. Martin is pocketing a campaign assertion that he is keeping overtime down to FALSELY claim that he is running a "tight ship". Despite that fact that his aforementioned tight ship is already sinking in a sea of red ink.
So why does Martin want you to pay more onerous new taxes? Is it that he is just way in over his head and couldn't manage a child's lemonade stand? Or, is it something far more sinister? We'll learn the answer to that in the sad months ahead.
The voters can finally fix this ridiculous mess on November 4 which is still a tumultuous and costly 262 days away.

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher has been known to euphemistically say, "If you walk out on to the field of play, you had better expect to get hit". What does he mean by that? Well, if you decide to enter the petty political world of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, you shouldn't be surprised if we comment on your entry.
Martin Villa Hills Civil Service Board and Safety Committee appointee Summer Berger decided to trot out on to the field of play at a recent Safety Committee meeting. She made a comment that sheds a whole lot of very bright light on why the Villa Hills Police Department is in so much trouble right now.
So what happened? A resident in attendance at the Safety Committee meeting wanted to know why Summer Berger was so insistent that Villa Hills Police Officers should not be allowed to eat their meals in restaurants in Crescent Springs. After all, there are no restaurants in Villa Hills. And, those police officers are still less than five minutes away from any call that may be dispatched.
Summer Berger's response? "The police should be required to 'brown bag' their meals. My husband works for the railroad and he isn't allowed to go to a restaurant for lunch." Say what? How's that? You don't say? The correct response to Mrs. Berger's comment is, "So what?".
Mrs. Berger's comment would only avoid falling under the 'asinine remark' column if-and only if-Mr. Berger was a Villa Hills Police Officer who wasn't allowed to take a meal in a Crescent Springs' restaurant. But that is not the case. Remember, Mr. Berger works for the railroad. So, again, "So what?"
- We suspect that if Mr. Berger was a Russian Cosmonaut, he would not be allowed to leave the International Space Station to dine in a restaurant.
- We suspect that if Mr. Berger worked on the flight deck of the USS Kitty Hawk as it was patrolling in the Sea of Japan, he would not have been allowed to jump ship to dine in a restaurant.
- We suspect that if Mr. Berger was an on-duty Air Force Officer based at a launch facility in Cheyenne, Wyoming, he would not be allowed to leave his missile silo to dine in a restaurant.
- We suspect that if Mr. Berger was an airline pilot, he would not be allowed to leave his jet that was cruising at 33,000 feet to dine in a restaurant.
Mrs. Berger's ludicrous remark was precisely why the whole "apples and oranges" concept was created.
Geez, sources tell us that Villa Hills Police Officers have been known to go to an office supply store in Crescent Springs when they run out of toner cartridges and copy paper. Is Mrs. Berger opposed to that?
Heck, since there are no gas stations in Villa Hills, we have to conclude that Villa Hills Police Officers travel to a gas station outside Villa Hills' city limits when they need to refuel their cruisers. Is Mrs. Berger opposed to that?
Wow, since the County Courthouse is in Covington, Villa Hills Police Officers are paid to travel outside of city limits to provide testimony in criminal cases. Is Mrs. Berger opposed to that?
Are you getting it? The whole thing about Villa Hills Police Officers eating lunch in a Crescent Springs restaurant is nothing more than a WITCH HUNT. Martin and his cronies are doing nothing more than trying to whip up animosity against the Villa Hills Police Department they so desperately want to disband.
We know why Martin is doing it. He will be forever more angry over his righteous 2007 FORGERY ARREST. But what is the explanation for people like Summer Berger? Oh, we aren't sure. Maybe they are just STUPID.
The voters are going to get the chance to fix this terrible mess on November 4. They are going to have to use their electoral broom to sweep away Martin, Koenig, Menninger-Isenhour, Wischer, Cahill, Baehner, Balson, McMurtry, Bohman, Schaber, Bree, Berger, Hilgeford and many, many others.
What will YOU do in 263 days?

The Martin Chronicles' entire staff watched the video of the January Villa Hills Finance Committee that is posted on YouTube. As you might expect, we soon lost count of the number of LIES told by malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. As a brief aside, we sometimes wonder why the mendacious Martin LIES when there doesn't even seem to be a reason to do so. But enough about that for now.
Councilmember Mary Koenig did make an odd comment that set of alarm bells during the meeting. Once again, Councilmember Jim Cahill sheepishly made the suggestion that a spreadsheet is posted on the City's crappy website, outlining how much taxpayer money Martin is squandering on each attorney. Each attorney? As in, the taxpayers are underwriting multiple attorneys? Is that right? If so, why is that?
So, back to the Rhine Maiden RINO Councilwoman Koenig. You remember Koenig. She was the one who phonily blathered on about the need for greater government transparency at that redneck roundup officially known as the 2012 Villa Hills Civic Club Candidate Forum.
Evidently, the conniving Koenig isn't really all that concerned about government transparency. Especially when that government transparency would reveal an embarrassing waste of taxpayer money funding Martin's multiple vendettas.
Koenig reacted to Cahill's sheepish suggestion, expressing her view that she didn't think the residents didn't need to know how much taxpayer money was being spent on each of the attorneys Martin has employed to do his business. Oh, really? Is that a fact? You don't say.
Our beloved publisher can smell a rat from miles away. Besides, he already knows Koenig is a major rat. So, he sent our investigative team out amongst 'em.
They have already uncovered some shocking information. For instance, did you know that Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry did not even attend the recent court hearing where the malicious Martin was sternly warned that he would be FACING CRIMINAL CHARGES FOR THEFT if he continued to refuse to pay employees money they were rightfully owed? No, two other taxpayer-funded attorneys-from another law firm-were at Martin's side for that taxpayer-funded debacle.
The worst part of all of this is that Martin, Koenig and the rest of Martin's cronies are LYING to the taxpayers. They are wasting THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS on multiple attorneys who are clearly only in this mess to enrich themselves.
We all have to wait another 267 days to see if the voters of Villa Hills will finally get it right.

The Martin Chronicles has been warning the residents of Villa Hills about malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's unceasing attacks on the local police department since our very first post on Saturday, October 11, 2011. It has been obvious to us that Martin's radical plan to disband that local department has been all about his desire to settle the score over his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.
But let's just say-for the sake of discussion-that this isn't about a vendetta. Then what is going on?
- Why is Martin strongly suspected of hacking in to police department computers back in 2011?
- Why did Martin try to make the phony claim of "emergency powers" to do an end-run around the duly enacted Civil Service Board to hire a seventh police officer of his choosing in late 2011? By the way, wouldn't it be better if Villa Hills now had seven police officers? Hey, we'd be better off with six than we are now. Heck, five would be better than the current mess.
- How is it that Martin browbeat the police department for car washes, paper towels, bullets and coffee and yet somehow missed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYER-FUNDED DOLLARS OF POLICE OVERTIME for his intentionally under-manned department in 2011 and 2012?
- Why has Martin so desperately wanted to set the police department schedules since the very first day he plopped his butt in the mayor's office?
- Why did Martin sit back as former council members Mike Pope and Jim Noll, and current council members Mary Koenig, Holly Menninger-Isenhour and Brian Wischer launched-and continue to launch-baseless attack after baseless attack against the local police department?
- What was contained in all of those City documents Martin burned and shredded from January through August, 2012 that led to one of SEVEN CONVICTIONS ON CHARGES OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT and NEGLECT OF DUTY in October, 2012?
- Why did Martin hire his personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry to serve as the taxpayer-funded City Attorney in early 2013 after McMurtry "poisoned the well" when he accused police department leadership of all manner of illegal and unethical behavior, even calling one officer "a baboon"?
- Why did Martin hire a City Clerk who immediately began photographing police officers in an odd attempt to catch them in some kind of wrongdoing?
- Why did Martin hire that same City Clerk who claimed he was a victim of selective traffic enforcement despite the fact that the City Clerk was never pulled over, much less written a traffic citation?
- Why did Martin finally step out from behind his long-told LIE about his covert, radical plan to disband the local police department in early 2013?
- How is it that Martin first sold the idea of Kenton County Police coverage for his trouble town by claiming it was "free" only to have to later announce that THE TAXPAYERS WOULD HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT COUNTY COVERAGE?
- Why did Martin intentionally trigger a costly legal conflagration by his inexplicable and disgraceful treatment of former Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman?
- How has Martin so badly mismanaged the local police department that it has now been reduced to only four full-time officers and dealing with an incredible amount of TAXPAYER-FUNDED OVERTIME EXPENSE yet again?
Is Martin just a paranoid bumpkin who doesn't know how to relate to educated professionals and couldn't effectively manage a child's lemonade stand? Or, is Martin a slick con man who tells LIE after LIE to get what he wants no matter how long it may take?
Is Martin only a buffoonish simpleton who told just enough LIES to win a narrow mayoral victory in 2010 only to foul up everything? Or, is Martin a black-hearted Beelzebub who knows the exact impact his escalating LIES will have on local events?
Is Martin simply a flat-headed fool whose countless hours left abandoned in the crib as a baby left him incapable of dealing with anything beyond the simplest of issues, or is Martin a deceitful demon who creates terrible trouble only to gain some insidious advantage over his perceived enemies?
Is Martin merely a dim-witted drone who is innately incapable of settling the debate between what his "head" and his "heart" advise him to do? Or, is Martin a flim-flaming fanatic who has told FILTHY LIE after FILTHY LIE to mendaciously maneuver events to the conclusion he wantonly wants?
Our extensive investigations that began way back in 2011 lead us to conclude that the malicious Martin is all of these things and is busily conducting a vicious vendetta against the local police department.

The Martin Chronicles fails to see any reason for celebrating the exit of more officers from Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's already-dreadfully-undermanned police department. But it appears that the malicious Martin does. In fact, if the mallet-headed Martin was an NFL player, he most likely would be flagged with a fifteen-yard penalty for "excessive celebration".
Two long-time residents paid a visit to The Martin Chronicles offices on Thursday to give us an eye-witness account of what they recently saw. They said they had stopped in to the police department building just to say hello and offer their support. It's easy to do that. Why? Because Martin removed the security door that used to protect the police officers.
So what did these residents see? Well, it appears that Martin went way over the top celebrating the exit of one particular officer. The tiny tyrant didn't just slide the departed officer's name plate from that departed officer's door. No, Martin violently tore the entire holder off the door to remove the name plate, doing noticeable damage.
A word to the wise. If you have been considering hiring Martin's unlicensed handyman business to do any home improvement, you had better think twice. We can only imagine that the little liar spent many childhood days trying to pound square pegs in to round holes. No mental problems here.
But what else should you expect from a nitwit who actually told a newspaper reporter that he "felt good about his decision" to use a backhoe to crush open the City's safe?

The Martin Chronicles has been following the discussions about Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's risky, radical plan to disband the local police department and "outsource" protection to another agency. We've read the pro and con posts on social networks, letters to the editor singing the praises of consolidation or expressing strong support for the continuation of the local police department and read the DISHONEST quotes the mendacious Martin has provided the media in defense of his risky, radical plan.
You won't find any source more supportive of the First Amendment than The Martin Chronicles. While our position is decidedly in favor of Villa Hills maintaining a properly-staffed, well-trained and well-equipped local department, we respect (most of those) with differing views.
There are, nevertheless, a talking point or two we'd like to address. Some people write that Villa Hills has "outsourced" its fire department and emergency medical technician services for many years. That is a true statement.
But, the work of a fire department and a police department are quite different in some important ways. That is not to say that the work performed by one entity is better or more important than the other. They are simply different.
The Crescent Springs-Villa Hills Fire Department does an amazing job. The men and women who perform their services are as talented and dedicated as you'll find anywhere. There are countless examples of their life-saving efforts and their skill at comforting people during times of great personal calamity.
The fire department performs many important tasks. One task it does not perform, however, is patrol the City's streets. That is the job of the police department.
One of the most important tasks of a properly-staffed, well-trained and well-equipped local department is that patrolling. Patrolling isn't done solely to catch "bad guys" after a crime is committed. Sure, that's part of it. But, strong patrolling will also make would-be "bad guys" think twice before perpetrating some criminal act. You know, crime prevention.
Thanks to Martin's many-year-long vendetta against the local police department resulting from his 2007 FORGERY ARREST, the Villa Hills Police Department hasn't been properly staffed for quite awhile. And, when we learn that Villa Hills police cruisers are breaking down in the pursuit of "bad guys", we can only conclude that Martin's vendetta has extended to providing the police with shoddy-at-best equipment as well. Only the most ardent of Martin Kool-Aid drinkers can still defend the mess he and his nasty cronies have created.
Another terrible result of Martin's many-year-long vendetta against the local police department resulting from his 2007 FORGERY ARREST has been a lengthy spike in crime. It is important to note that the remaining members of the intentionally-depleted police department are dedicated, talented professionals who take their jobs very seriously. But Martin and his nasty cronies have created a horrible situation for them that leaves them trying to empty the Pacific Ocean with a teaspoon. Hence, the huge surge in break-ins, burglaries and home invasions.
What can reasonable residents expect? Martin and his nasty cronies have been in a full court press blaming the leadership of the police department for all of the ongoing problems. Martin and his nasty cronies busily point fingers at this dedicated and long-serving leadership while they simultaneously do everything their pointy little heads can come up with to undercut that leadership. Martin and his nasty cronies behavior is truly disgraceful.
We also want to address one other issue before we close. That is the mismanaging Martin's FALSE claim that he wants to "outsource" police protection to "save a whole bunch of money". Setting aside the fact that the sole reason for Martin's actions is his vendetta resulting from his 2007 FORGERY ARREST, there are quantifiable reasons that prove Martin is LYING.
Let's just use the Crescent Springs "outsourcing" experience as an example. Once again, we will not comment on recent published comments offered up by Crescent Springs Mayor Jim Collett. Suffice it to say that the new contract approved by Crescent Springs' City Council includes significant price increases for "outsourced" police protection. There is every reason to believe that these significant price increases will continue.
Given our green-eye-shade-close examination of the historical increases in the cost of local police protection in Villa Hills over the past fifteen years, we can only conclude that the cost of "outsourced" coverage would almost certainly increase at a faster rate than continued local coverage. So, the plan to "save a whole bunch of money" rationale offered up by the malevolent Martin is just another in a very long line of his LIES.
If the residents of Villa Hills ever want to restore their City to its former status as one of the preeminent communities in the region-instead of the laughing-stock it currently is-they will have to come to grips with a crystal-clear fact. Despite the handful of nitwits who come to podiums FALSELY proclaiming that Martin does "great things for people", Villa Hills residents will have to come to grips with the fact that their current mayor is a megalomaniac hell-bent on blaming the local police department for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. This despite that fact that four respected judges have opined that what Martin did fits the very definition of FORGERY.
The residents have 271 days to come to grips with the intentional mess Martin has created.