Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin and his crony Dale Schaber both find themselves on the wrong end of a very serious LIBEL, SLANDER and DEFAMATION LAWSUIT filed by a city employee. One of the many reasons for their legal troubles is Martin’s false claim the employee was “double-dipping”.
“Double-dipping” occurs when a government employee retires and is rehired to do the same or similar job. A number of taxpayers find the practice offensive for many reasons. Not the least of which is the grim fact that this practice is putting a huge strain on government retirement systems all across the country. This financial strain is passed on to those taxpayers. Despite the fact that “double-dipping” is perfectly legal, Martin, Schaber and other fellow travelers have been trying to damage the city employee’s reputation by dishonestly playing to taxpayer anger.
How? By telling a bold-faced lie. You see, the city employee has not retired and been rehired. So what is the city employee “guilty” of? Well, he works multiple jobs to support his family. That is not “double-dipping”. The arrangement this employee has with the city was crafted by the city attorney and is perfectly legal.
Martin, Schaber and a host of others in the mayor’s hillbilly lynch mob have been spreading the “double-dip deception” now for years. Again, “double-dipping” is legal. Nearly twenty City of Erlanger police officers-including one of Martin’s closest allies-are doing it.
Dale Schaber willingly joined Martin in the mayor’s bubbling lawsuit hot tub by accusing the city employee of doing something that would be quite illegal. Namely, Schaber wrote a LIBELOUS letter that says “IT IS A FACT” that the city employee is doing work for the cities of Ludlow and Bromley while on the clock in Villa Hills. In other words, Schaber accused the city employee of THEFT.
Schaber’s letter went door-to-door. Schaber’s letter went on Martin’s dirtbag campaign website. Schaber’s letter was published in The Voice of Villa Hills. Unless Schaber can prove his LIBELOUS CLAIM-and he can’t-he has committed LIBEL WRIT LARGE.
Perhaps this explains why Martin hired Schaber’s woefully unqualified wife Cordelia and the taxpayers are forking over $47.50 an hour to her to demolish the city’s books. The Schabers have to come up with the money to cover their legal troubles somehow. Why not let the taxpayers fund it?
[PUBLISHERS NOTE: We will be also be reporting the events from last night's council meeting in upcoming posts.]