The Martin Chronicles believes that the upcoming election in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills comes down to the answer to a very simple question. Sure, we've "borrowed" that telling question. 1980 presidential candidate Ronald Reagan suggested that question to soon-to-be-voters during his one debate with then-President Jimmy Carter on October 28, 1980. It was a pivotal moment in what turned out to be a landslide victory for Reagan.
What is our version of Reagan's question? It is this, "Is Villa Hills better off now than it was on the day Mike Martin became mayor of Villa Hills?" Let's simplify it a little bit by asking you to consider a series of questions:
- Is the Villa Hills Police Department in better or worse shape since Mike Martin entered the mayor's office on January 1, 2011?
- Is Villa Hills street repair and replacement program in better or worse shape since Mike Martin entered the mayor's office on January 1, 2011?
- Is the amount you pay for local taxes better or worse that when Mike Martin entered the mayor's office on January 1, 2011?
- Is your level of confidence that the government of Villa Hills is telling you the truth better or worse since Mike Martin entered the mayor's office on January 1, 2011? We suggest you think back to the misdirecting Martin's very recent pronouncement that "Chief Goodenough is taking a few days off" when answering this telling question.
- Is Villa Hills reputation in the Tri-State better or worse since Mike Martin entered the mayor's office on January 1, 2011?
The Martin Chronicles is not going to answer those questions for you. That is your job. And you should do that job before you enter the voting booth on November 4.
We'll know how the majority of Villa Hills voters answered those questions in 187 days.
The Martin Chronicles knows that a sizable minority of voters are wondering just how much of THEIR MONEY Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has wasted on finishing his personal vendetta against all of the people he incorrectly blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. Because four respected judges have opined that Martin-and Martin alone-is solely responsible for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.
Why? Because-according to these four respected judges-what Martin did FIT THE VERY DEFINITION OF FORGERY.
But, this sizable minority has run in to wall after wall of stone trying to get the real answer about how much money Martin has wasted to complete his vicious vendetta. Councilwoman Mary Koenig has already callously announced that the residents "don't need to know that". But of course they do need to know that amount of WASTE.
So, what is the correct answer? Well, we do know that the mismanaging Martin has already squandered $241,000 on unnecessary legal fees. But that is only the tip of the proverbial "iceberg".
Remember that just a small percentage of the costs related to the lawsuit filed by former Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman are included in this established total of $241,000. That lawsuit is far from over. Martin has been caught "dead to rights" using INTIMIDATION and HARASSMENT to force Schutzman out of his job as Assistant Chief. That total is going to be staggering.
Then there is the recent railroading of former Police Chief Dan Goodenough. Keep in mind that none of the cost related to Goodenough's brutish ouster are included in the $241,000 total. Given what Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry charges per hour, that figure will cost residents a fortune. Add to that the cost of any City Council-approved settlement and the cost to the taxpayers will go through the roof.
Let's be kind. Let's say that the ultimate total is only double the current wasteful spending. Then ask yourself this question. How many streets could have been repaired if Martin didn't waste $482,000 on unnecessary legal fees.
What a dreadful waste of TAXPAYER MONEY.
The Martin Chronicles has a great deal of work left to do. We understand the deep disappointment felt by who we might describe as the sane people of malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills.
There are people who fell a sense of hopelessness because the mallet-headed Martin has successfully run roughshod over a City Government that was once the envy of Northern Kentucky. Martin has taken full advantage-bordering on abuse of power-of the remarkable power the State Statutes provide a mayor of a Fourth Class City.
The malevolent Martin has somehow successfully gained his revenge against all of the people he incorrectly blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. He told just enough LIES to narrowly win the mayor's office. He fomented enough BOGUS hate and discontent to run off the previous City Council and replaced it with a far more compliant bunch. He resorted to all manner of DECEPTION to get rid of the Police Chief and the Assistant Police Chief. Yes, it could be considered discouraging.
The malevolent Martin has signed an unprecedented Executive Order giving him the shocking power to have "dissidents" arrested at public meetings. Martin has issued a "gag order" against employees who otherwise might dare to tell the truth. Martin has made it a habit to do First Readings of controversial ordinances at untelevised, SECRET monthly meetings. Okay, that is depressing.
Martin has hired his personal attorney to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED City Attorney. Despite the fact that Martin has always been very vocal about his belief that Villa Hills didn't need a part-time City Administrator, he used TAXPAYER MONEY to give his City Clerk a THIRTY-THREE PERCENT PAY INCREASE to serve as the well, uh, how best to say it-the part-time City Administrator. Sure, it seems disheartening.
Let not your heart be troubled. Why? because all of the terrible things the miscreant Martin has done serve as a "teachable moment". You see, more and more people now understand that local elections matter. Democracy is providing the voters another opportunity in a few months. When the voters cast their ballots on November 4, many will understand that not everyone is up for the job. And Martin is clearly not up for the job.
We'll know if in 189 days.
The Martin Chronicles typically focuses like a laser beam on the incompetence and corruption of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. So-understandably-many of our loyal readers might wonder why we're spending a beautiful Saturday afternoon writing about the current Kenton County Judge Executive battle between incorrigible incumbent Steve Arlinghaus-known by many as "Steve Jowlinghaus" for obvious reasons-and his youthful, fresh-faced, far-better-choice opponent Kris Knochelmann.
Don't worry. We are about to tell you why. Because we believe the dirtbag campaign Jowlinghaus is currently running presages the same kind of below-the-belt, sewer-dwelling campaign the mendacious Martin will run beginning in a couple of months. Why? Because the wild-spending Jowlinghaus is the malevolent Martin's Zen Master.
Did you see the ridiculous attack mailing Jowlinghaus recently sent describing the far-better-choice Kris Knochelmann as a tax-crazy lunatic? Of course you did. It was disgustingly reminiscent of the FALSE attacks Jowlinghaus launched against his opponent four years ago, the-far-better-choice Scott Kimmich.
Let's assume that all of the wild allegations Jowlinghaus is making are true. Let's pretend that Knochelmann did vote to raise taxes. Okay. How else could Jowlinghaus have had the TAXPAYER money to install UNAPPROVED granite counter tops in the County facilities?
Besides, Knochelmann has actually successfully run a legitimate business. What role has Jowlinghaus played in the private sector? Well, he is more-or-less a slumlord.
Still, we're sure the nasty Jowlinghaus is convinced the same kind of BOGUS broadsides will be effective again this year. And the fat bastard Jowlinghaus may be right.
But that isn't the point. The point is that the diminutive dictator (Martin) in Villa Hills-who actually signed an Executive Order granting himself the permission to arrest anyone who may speak out against his corruption and incompetence at a public meeting-will run the same kind of DISHONEST campaign as the vile Jowlinghaus is currently running in the months ahead.
If Jowlinghaus' MALICIOUS, FALSE campaign proves successful in early May, look for the DISHONEST Martin to run the same kind of FALSELY negative campaign beginning soon-much like he did in 2010.
Why? Because the DISHONEST Martin is still trying to FALSELY validate the fact that it was perfectly fine for him to sign his deceased mother's name to his deceased mother's checks, cash them and pocket the proceeds. Despite the fact that four respected judges have opined that what Martin did "fit the very definition of FORGERY."
Jowlinghaus and Martin are both despicable bastards. But that doesn't mean they still can't fool the voters yet again.
In Martin's case, we still have to wait 192 days.
The Martin Chronicles hears "the word on the street". Folks are saying that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is simply a DISHONEST dead man walking towards the dustbin of a shameful time to forget. People are saying that he doesn't stand a snow ball's chance in hell to be reelected this November 4. But we know Martin isn't convinced of that. To be brutally honest, either is The Martin Chronicles.
Why? Well, let's take a look at "exhibit number one". Have you seen the collection of ass clowns who now populate the Villa Hills Civic Club leadership? If you need a little history lesson, these are-at best-the same gaggle of goofballs and ass hats who purportedly had "no idea" that a slick con-man who served as the club's treasurer just a few years ago embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from the club's coffers.
When it comes to the subject of elections, that cannot be reassuring. These recently-elected pinheads are even parroting vile ancient crocodile Councilwoman-and Martin-vote-in-the-hip-pocket-Mary Koenig's language, oddly talking about "moving the civic club fo-word". That is a joke.
Consider it. The mallet-headed Martin has to be thinking in his little, flat head that if cellar-dwellers like the-at best-nit-wits-who have recently returned to leadership positions at the civic club can be returned to power-despite-the-fact-that-they-were-in-those-positions-when-the-civic-club-was-almost-embezzled-out-of-business-he has one helluva chance.
Yes, Martin is dumber than a broken cinder block. But, he is also a highly-skilled con man. The midget-minded Martin has at least enough brain waves to know that people like General Zod and Too-Fat Tony will continue to tell anyone who will listen that the diminutive dictator "does great things for people."
Martin may be a mouth-breathing moron, but he is enough of a conniver to think that he can continue to complain that-despite the fact that he has been surrounded by twelve different councilmembers over his four dreadful years in office-that all he still needs is a council who will work with him to show what he can really do to gain a majority of the vote for the miniature mullah on November 4.
Plus, Martin knows that his complicit-in-all-of-the-crimes wife Janet and the bucket-headed-crony-hire-bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber-who will be desperately trying to protect her $47.50 per hour TAXPAYER-RIP-OFF JOB-will be standing in front of key voting precincts-no matter the weather-waving "Reelect Mayor Martin" signs. That can't hurt the tiny tyrant's chances on November 4.
Will the people who know the truth about the DISHONEST Martin rise to the occasion? Will they repeat the hard work they exhibited in their unsuccessful effort to save the Villa Hills Police Department? Will they organize like they did when they unsuccessfully attempted to save the job of former Police Chief Dan Goodenough?
Will these people be willing to go door-to-door telling people of the need to rid their town of the DISSEMBLING Mayor Martin? Because these people have to know that Martin's hillbilly lynchmob will be hard at work telling LIES.
We'll know the fate of Villa Hills in 189 days from when Monday dawns.

The Martin Chronicles has been hearing from sources around town that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is beginning to test market the many LIES he intends to tell as he campaigns for reelection this year. Despite the fact that the corrupt and incompetent Martin has brought terrible embarrassment to the once-proud town, his LIES could work. Martin is a remarkably skilled LIAR after all.
Here is a sampling of what we're told Martin is saying and our response:
- "I don't know why people call Toad V. McMurtry my personal attorney. That isn't fair."
(So, who was that bald fellow who was representing you during your October, 2012 removal hearing? It sure looked like Toad V. McMurtry.)
- "I run a real tight ship. Why, some people say I'm a cheapskate."
(Sure you do, Martin. Except when it comes to wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on unnecessary overtime for an intentionally-understaffed police department and more hundreds of thousands of dollars on your lawyers and lawsuits. You're not a cheapskate. You're a cheap thug.)
- "Things have gotten much better since the voters gave me a new council to work with."
(Is that why some of the new council members are publicly saying that you and your personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry often threaten them?)
- "I inherited a real mess."
(No. The fact is that you have created the real mess all by your corrupt and incompetent self.)
- "Chief Goodenough is just taking a few days off." A TRUE CLASSIC.
(Is Chief Goodenough back to work yet?)
- "I had to force Dan Goodenough out of his job. He was making $100,000 a year!"
(First of all, no he was not making $100,000 a year. We checked. But, just for kicks, let's say he was. Who in the hell has been in charge for the past three and-a-half years? Oh, right. That would be you.)
- "I had to force Joe Schutzman out of his job. He was doing building inspection work while he was on duty as a police officer."
(Well, we can't find any evidence of that wild Martin claim either. But, let's say its true. Who signed Schutzman to a contract? And again, who has been in charge for the past three and-a-half years? You guessed it Martin. It was you.)
Martin's well-documented DECEIT is becoming the stuff of legend. The legend is sure to grow by leaps and bounds this year. When it comes to Martin's LIES -
Little man, you've had a busy three and-a-half years.
The Martin Chronicles incredulously watched Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's unleashed lawlessness tonight. Martin is cooking up a HUGE NEW TAX INCREASE for the residents of Villa Hills. But, the diminutive dictator steadfastly refused to discuss his HUGE NEW TAX INCREASE at tonight's televised meeting.
Instead, the misdirecting Martin insisted on delaying any discussion of his HUGE NEW TAX INCREASE until the untelevised SECRET MEETING scheduled for the month of May. The cackling, vile, ancient crocodile Councilwoman Mary Koenig whole-heartedly supported Martin's DECEPTION. It was truly disgusting. Councilmembers Wischer and Menninger-Isenhour predictably fell in line. So, MARTIN'S DISHONEST FIX IS IN.
Just so you know, Martin has not been the least bit shy about telling his dwindling supporters at the Villa Hills Civic Club that he fully intends to run for re-election. As soon as he files his papers, the die is cast. Villa Hills voters will have to decide if they want to endorse another four years of the dumber-than-a-brick Martin mayhem, or give someone else a chance to fix the sinking ship.
We'll know in 193 days if the voters of Villa Hills decide that they won't get fooled again.
The Martin Chronicles wants to know-and believes the voters of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's troubled town should demand to know-why two council members are absent from tonight's City Council meeting? Why? Because-thanks largely to Mike Pope and Jim Noll-Martin's wanton lawlessness has been completely unleashed on the once-proud City along the Ohio River.
Here's the long and the short of it. How can Rod Baehner and Amy Balson possibly defend their absence from tonight's council meeting? There is no good excuse. None whatsoever. There are HUGE SUMS OF TAXPAYER MONEY at stake, after all. In our view-if these two want to serve the public-they need to be there.
Martin is ripping-off the taxpayers of Villa Hills. The City Council is statutorily tasked with keeping the diminutive dictator in line. But they simply can't do that if they don't attend the meetings. What the heck?
Sure, Martin needs to be tossed out on his dishonest ass in November. But he is not the only one who needs to go.
It's time for a MAJOR change.
The Martin Chronicles has been asked to issue the following Public Service Announcement:
If you are playing the now-famous drinking game, "UMMM" while watching Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's City Council meeting tonight, you are advised to stop immediately. For the uninitiated, "UMMM" game players do a shot of whiskey every time Martin says "UMMM". You should also know that the more nervous Martin is, the more he says "UMMM.
We have received reports that one woman passed out even before the Pledge of Allegiance was completed. So, please don't participate.
The sobriety you save may be your own.
The Martin Chronicles believes that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is scheduled to preside over another council meeting tonight. Counting tonight's gathering, there are only six more of these debacles until the November election. So, we look for Martin to be in full re-election mode, spewing LIES like a lawn sprinkler.
That's why the entire staff is consuming cup after cup of coffee and preparing their Martin "scorecards". We'll have people all over gathering information about tonight's meeting. We suspect our "Martin BS-O-Meter" will get a real workout.
We'll be bringing you our usual in depth analysis, so stay tuned.
The Martin Chronicles has been waiting. We guess that many residents of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin have been waiting as well. What are we and they waiting for? Well, after Martin and his goon squad successfully railroaded long-serving Police Chief Dan Goodenough out of his job, the tiny tyrant promised to "release the details of the so-called 'agreement' in 10 days".
Hmmm. Is that right? You don't say? But Chief Goodenough got the Martin shaft on March 24. And today is April 22. Judging by the perpetually busted budgets, we know the diminutive dictator is a might on the weak side when it comes to "cipherin'". But, this math problem is even easier than Jethro Bodine's "naught times naught is naught, carry yer naught".
For the uninitiated, it has been approximately 29 days since Martin promised to release the still-unreleased "agreement" with former Police Chief Dan Goodenough in 10 days. As the Martin Chronicles is wont to do, we are going to ask our readers to take a math quiz.
Are you ready? Okay, here goes:
A. 10 > 29
B. 10 < 29
C. 10 = 29
D. All of the above
Pencils down. We will score it for you. If you answered anything else but "B", you don't realize that the mendacious Martin was LYING to you yet again.
So-not surprisingly-the misleading Martin has conned the residents of Villa Hills another time. A whole lot more than ten days has gone by and the conniving con artist has yet to explain why former Police Chief Dan Gooenough agreed to undeservedly fall on his sword.
For people who have finally figured out the DISHONEST Martin, they are not astonished. We truly worry about anyone else who is flabbergasted by Martin's pro forma FALSEHOOD.
For those people who have finally figured out the DISHONEST Martin, they know the looming drill. Perhaps a concerned resident will ask about the details of former Police Chief Dan Goodenough at this week's sham of a City Council meeting. But they will be sidetracked by "holier that thou" pronouncements from the malevolent Martin and his TAXPAYER-FUNDED wingman, personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry saying that they can't discuss the settlement because it's an "employee issue" or perhaps the subject of "pending litigation".
Are they admitting that Martin LIED when he promised to release the details of the "settlement" in 10 days? The answer isn't "YES". The answer is "HELL, YES"!
Sources tell us that the miscreant Martin and his TAXPAYER-FUNDED GOON SQUAD fully intended to screw former Police Chief Dan Goodenough from the jump. Why? Because the maniacal Martin was hell-bent on getting his revenge on the final person he incorrectly blamed for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST that took place when Martin was caught red-handed signing his deceased mother's name on his deceased mother's checks, CASHING those checks intended for his deceased mother and POCKETING the proceeds.
These same sources tell us that Martin forced out former Police Chief Goodenough with FALSE promises of a "fair settlement". Then, Martin fully intended to lay impossible provisions on to the so-called "fair settlement" forcing former Police Chief Goodenough in to the position of having to file a costly lawsuit to get what he was promised.
Who gets hurt by this DISHONEST Martin strategy? The taxpayers get hurt, of course. Why? Because they will be forced to allow Martin to squander more of their money on lawyers and lawsuits. Is Martin's misuse of TAXPAYER MONEY DISGUSTING? Of course it is.
What can the taxpayer do? It won't be easy. But, if they are finally worn out on Martin's non-stop LIES, they have to elect a new mayor this November 4.
We'll know if the voters have finally had enough in 195 days.
The Martin Chronicles staff knows we aren't the only ones who realize that is less than 197 eventful days until "Judgment Day" in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills. We read the posts on the social networks that proclaim they can't wait until the day Martin is tossed out of the mayor's office. Brothers and sisters, we couldn't agree more with those posters.
But where are the usual suspects? Why have they gone so very silent? You know who we mean. Let's look at just one of those usual suspects.
Wasn't it the failed 2006 mayoral candidate Mike Pope who spent so much time FALSELY challenging the previous administration on virtually every issue on his "unofficial" City website? So, where is Mike Pope now?
Why has Mike Pope "gone dark"? If ever a troubled, vastly over-taxed City needed help, it's right now.
- Surely, Mike Pope realizes that every non-scofflaw resident continues to pay the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX? So, where is he?
- Surely, Mike Pope realizes that there is truly now NO LOG (POPE'S OWN SPELLING) TERM FIFTY YEAR ROAD PLAN in place to repair the City's rapidly disintegrating City streets? So, where is he?
- Surely, Mike Pope realizes that his family is far, far, far less safe after the miscreant Martin has done everything his pea brain can imagine to destroy the local police department? So, where is he?
- Surely, Mike Pope understands that it is impossibly indefensible for Martin to squander huge sums of TAXPAYER MONEY deploying his personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry to suck the TAXPAYERS OF VILLA HILLS DRY as the City Attorney? So, where is he?
- Surely, Mike Pope understands that Martin's Executive Order giving the tiny tyrant unprecedented permission to arrest "dissidents" is a far cry from the "family friendly" he FALSELY claimed he hoped for in 2006? So, where is he?
- Surely, Mike Pope realizes that his hero Mike Martin convenes a true "secret meeting" each and every month? Martin pushes first readings on ordinances that advance his diabolical agenda at every non-televised, "SECRET" caucus meeting. So, where is he?
- Surely, Mike Pope has heard that the taxpayers of his City are paying $215,000 a year for building and zoning services. Isn't he bothered that Martin and the City Clerk who just received a whopping THIRTY-THREE PER CENT PAY RAISE are pushing to spend even more TAXPAYER MONEY on a "nuisance officer"? So, where is he?
We certainly do wonder where Pope is. We also wonder what has happened to the likes of Kentoncounty1, meto3130 and skittel? Where are they when their City desperately needs them?
It looks like its going to be up to The Martin Chronicles to carry the load. We certainly don't mind. Because unlike Mike Pope, Kentoncounty1, meto3130 and skittel, we're telling you the truth.
Then it will be up to the voters on November 4.
The Martin Chronicles is amazed at how easy it is for Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin to be sleazy. Just look at his shameless practice of perpetually using TAXPAYER money to surround himself with his cronies.
Martin didn't wait long to build his TAXPAYER-FUNDED "good old boy" network. He brought his old pal Cordelia Schaber on to the CITY PAYROLL to mangle the books just weeks after taking office in January, 2011. Schaber has been a bucket-headed disaster whose complete lack of accounting ability continues to make it easy for Martin to prevent the voters from knowing the true extent of his profligate spending. Taxpayers can take no comfort in the grim fact that Martin is forcing them to pay Schaber $47.50 PER HOUR despite her abject incompetence.
What else but cronyism explains Martin's hiring of the socially-awkward giantess Mary Hardman, supposedly just for tax season, in 2011? Not surprisingly, Hardman continued to have her snout in the TAXPAYER TROUGH well after tax season ended. To repay Martin for paying her all of that TAXPAYER-FUNDED MONEY, Hardman went so far as to tell the tall tale that she thought it was okay for Martin to ILLEGALLY DESTROY CITY RECORDS because she read a book about how to be a clerk.
Perhaps the hire that continues to have more people all across the Tri-State scratching their heads than any other is Martin's indefensible appointment of his personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY. It wouldn't even matter if McMurtry was a good attorney-and that is hotly debated. The appearance of impropriety and conflict of interest are both staggering. But since when has Martin cared about that? He is the CEO, after all.
Long-time Martin observers also tell us that the puny punk constantly complained that retired Police Chief Michael "Corky" Brown served as the part-time City Administrator from late 2004 until 2008. The little liar griped that it was a waste of money to pay Brown for his knowledge and experience.
My, how times have changed. Martin now has no problem giving City Clerk Craig T. Bohman a TAXPAYER FUNDED THIRTY-THREE PERCENT PAY INCREASE to also serve as the "part-time City Administrator". So, does Martin now see the value of the position? Or, is Martin using TAXPAYER MONEY to repay Bohman for the key role he played in running off both Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman and Chief Dan Goodenough?
And now Martin is going to help Erlanger Captain Jansing build yet another TAXPAYER-FUNDED PENSION? This is not about Erlanger Captain Jansing. This is about Mike Martin's cronyism.
As we have already reported, sources say Martin is considering extending a five-year contract to Jansing. This could tie the hands of a new mayor if Martin is defeated in the upcoming election.
Suppose a new mayor wanted to go in a different direction come January 1, 2015? Would Martin's legacy of lawyers and lawsuits continue well past his terrible term in office? That is entirely possible.
November 4 cannot get here soon enough.
The Martin Chronicles sources in the City of Erlanger are telling us that malfeasant Mayor Martin has already chosen a successor for ousted Police Chief Dan Goodenough. These sources tell us that Martin, Mary Koenig and others have already selected former Crescent Springs Police Chief Mike Jansing to leave his job in Erlanger to begin building a third retirement nest egg as the Chief of Villa Hills' decimated department.
We are also hearing that Jansing is being quite open about the back door deal he's struck with Martin. First, Martin and his supplicant Safety Committee will go through the charade of interviewing candidates. Then, they will announce that they have decided to hire Jansing. They just won't announce that the decision was made even before any other candidates were interviewed.
Jansing is also telling people that he's gotten Martin to agree to signing a five-year contract that will secure Jansing's employment even if the voters toss the tiny tyrant out on November 4.
Barely 200 days to go!
The Martin Chronicles staff has really been enjoying all of the folksy humor that's been making the rounds in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills recently. We know, the stories aren't new. But they sure are funny when they're customized to the current sorry state in that troubled town.
We heard this one yesterday.
A Villa Hills resident was very pleased with the new sound system he had installed in his car. Not only was the sound incredible, it was much safer. Why? Because all he now had to do was tell the radio the genre of music he wanted and the radio would find it for him.
He was showing off his new radio to a friend as they were traveling to Reds game recently. First he said, "Radio, country music" and a Keith Urban song began to play. Then he said, "Radio, classic rock" and The Rolling Stone's "Jumpin' Jack Flash" blasted from the speakers.
Finally, the two decided they wanted to get ready for the game so the driver said, "Radio, Reds' pre-game" and they were greeted to Marty's interview of Bryan Price. They settled in for the rest of the trip.
Suddenly, a car full of partiers ran a red light and careened in to the intersection. The wild driver nearly t-boned the Villa Hills resident and his friend. Quick thinking and good driving prevented a disaster.
The Villa Hills resident looked at his friend and said, "crazy assholes". The radio immediately began to play a cover of the old Bee Gee's song "Jive Talkin'" being performed by Mike Martin, Toad V. McMurtry and Craig T. Bohman.
The resident could only say, "That certainly makes sense".
The Martin Chronicles inadvertently published a draft of our findings of our investigative report in to the civic club. Whoops! We're sorry. But things happen.
We can tell you this. What we've learned will explain a lot of what has happened over the past several years.
Please stand by.
The Martin Chronicles reporting staff obviously spends much more time listening to the opinions and questions of the many residents of malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills than the tiny tyrant and his cronies do. We also hear the observations made by people from outside Martin's troubled town.
It is a generally accepted fact that Martin and his cronies receive most of their feeble feedback from the venal supporters who gravitate at places like the civic club and from like-minded, below-the-belters including the bilious blowhard Kenton County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus. We certainly hope Martin and his cronies stay in their odd echo chamber, hearing nothing more than "at-a-boys" for their atrocious behavior.
Many "everyday people" are wondering what suddenly caused Martin to change his views on what he has always FALSELY described as "double-dipping". Why? Because Martin and his City Clerk-and now TAXPAYER-FUNDED City Administrator-Craig T, Bohman are proposing the appointment of one of the Public Works employees to also serve as the "nuisance officer".
What's up with that? Shouldn't Public Works be busy fixing the City's decaying streets? It's obvious that Martin was LYING in 2010 when he told many residents that he could repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and find the money required to repair streets out of the City's existing budget,
First of all, every non-scofflaw resident is still paying the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. Worse yet, virtually no real road repair and replacement has been done since Martin plopped his but in the mayor's office on January 1, 2011. This is a complete disgrace.
Many "everyday people" are also wondering what happened to Martin's FALSE 2010 campaign claim that safety is his "first priority"? Why? Because it has become abundantly clear to many, many residents that Martin has strangely spent most of his time DISMANTLING the Villa Hills Police Department.
Martin has intentionally kept the local department under-staffed since he took office. And, Martin has spent a great deal of taxpayer money to DEFAME the previous police department leadership.
So, if the rumors of Kenton County Sheriff's officers napping in their cruisers is true, how safe are the residents? Martin's handling of this issue has been a complete disgrace.
A growing number of citizens are also wondering about Martin's FALSE promise to bring greater "transparency" to City Government. Where is this supposed transparency?
Martin, Mary Koenig and their willing accomplices are intentionally hiding the true cost of Martin's vendetta-driven obsession with wasting TAXPAYER money on lawyers and legal actions. Koenig is "on the record" saying that "the residents don't need to know that" Huh?. Really? You don't say? Is that a fact?
Then there is the City's crappy website. Most residents have come to the realization that the crappy website has devolved in to nothing more that a piece of propaganda promoting Martin and his wrong-headed agenda. Bad, bad, bad.
A growing number of residents are also questioning Martin's BOGUS claim that he was somehow going to bring some already-in place "honesty and integrity" to the mayor's office. Who was he kidding? Oh, yeah. He was kidding the razor thin majority who put his undeserving hind end in to that aforementioned mayor's office.
After all, isn't it Martin who:
- Received a "confidential reprimand" from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for his MISUSE of City personnel and resources?
- Was proven to have committed FORGERY by four respected appellate judges?
- Was dressed down by a judge for his ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION of City records?
- Was caught in the LIE that things would get better if he was surrounded by a new council in 2012?
- That hired his own personal attorney to serve as the City Attorney?
- That was caught in the LIE that former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was just taking a few days off?
People are wondering about the DISENGENUOUS statement Martin made when questioned about his now-known-to-be-true charge about his misplaced vendetta against former Police Chief Dan Goodenough and former Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman at the 2010 civic club hillbilly hoedown "candidate forum"., When challenged about that now-known-to-be-true-vendetta, Martin FALSELY denied it and said that they all just needed to "work together". What has happened since clearly proves that Martin was LYING.
Martin's intentional destruction of the Villa Hills Police Department is now an obvious fact. Voters finally surrounded Martin with pinheads like Brian Wischer, Holly B. Menninger Isenhour and the always-around-when-a-police-chief-is-terminated lMary Koenig. That disgrace is shared.
Many, many townsfolk are asking why Martin believes he can trample over their First Amendment rights. Martin signed an Executive Order granting him unprecedented power to arrest "dissidents", after all.
Will these dissidents reply on November 4?

The Martin Chronicles has been keeping close tabs on the shifting public sentiment in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills. Much of what we are hearing gives us hope that a credible candidate who runs the right kind of campaign has a good chance to replace Martin in the mayor's office on January 1, 2015. We are sure you're not surprised to read that The Martin Chronicles believes that would be a very good thing for the mismanaging Martin's troubled town.
One of the major signs that points towards success for a potential Martin opponent is the rapidly growing realization that Martin is an unrepentant LIAR. Sure, we could recount an almost endless list of examples that demonstrate that fact. But the one moment that has become indelibly etched in the minds of many townsfolk was Martin's LIE that former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was simply "taking a few days off" just a few weeks ago.
People now understand that Martin told reporters from Channels 5, 9, 12, 19 and the dinosaur print media that LIE after he and his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry had already presented Goodenough with the unseemly ultimatum to either quietly resign or face the notorious Martin "smear machine". That LIE was cemented in people's minds when the incredibly costly and obviously bogus dismissal hearing began just a few days later.
Secondly, the misdirecting Martin did serious damage to the false persona he has been desperately attempting to create for himself as a competent manager over the past three-plus years during Goodenough's dismissal hearing. How so? Martin actually admitted that he had never once met with Goodenough to discuss his concerns.
Instead, Martin feebly complained that he is only being paid $200 a month and simply didn't have the time to meet with the Chief to discuss the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were being wasted on the unnecessary, TAXPAYER-FUNDED overtime that was incurred as a result of Martin's conscious decision to keep the police department woefully understaffed. It was pathetic.
Thirdly, Martin is tearing down his FALSE image that he is a "nice guy who does great things for people". The excessive celebration by Martin and his venal cronies in the aftermath of Goodenough's forced retirement give residents the true measure of Martin's CORRUPT and CALLOUS character.
Sure, the ass clowns at the civic club are lapping it up. Many have read their stupid posts on the social networks. But most residents are sickened by the embarrassing behavior of the mean-spirited Martin and his venal cronies.
The most encouraging clues are being provided by people who are letting it be well known that they understand that "ALL problems are management problems". How can Martin justify forcing out former Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman and now former Police Chief Dan Goodenough when it is now an established fact that Martin never once took the time to discuss his so-called "concerns" with either man? Who's problem is that? Well, the obvious answer is that it is the sole problem of the mismanaging Martin.
We hate to say we told you so, But we did tell you so. We have been telling you for years now that Martin's stupid proclamation that he is "the CEO" and that all decisions are his and that if you didn't like it you simply had to "get over it" because Martin was "moving on"?
So who is responsible for this mess? Well, by the tiny tyrant's own words, this mess is the sole property of Martin himself. In short, Martin has been the sole architect of this embarrassing disaster, Yes, he's had support from his TAXPAYER-FUNDED GOON SQUAD and his mindless inner circle. But the decisions were his, and his alone.
Judgment day is now a little more than 200 days away. More than 1,250 days of Martin mayhem have gone by now. Will the voter's finally end Martin's pathetic political career on Tuesday, November 4?
We think they just might.

The Martin Chronicles has to admit that even we are surprised by how much public celebration Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and his cronies are doing over their recent railroading of Villa Hills Police Chief Dan Goodenough. Their behavior is disgraceful even for the very low standards set by these jackwagons.
As we reported this morning, witnesses are telling us that council members Koenig and Menninger-Isenhour are ebullient about the rotten fruit they have served-up to Villa Hills residents. Other observers tell us that the mismanaging Martin seems convinced that he can now blame the Villa Hills Police leadership for all of his miserable mismanagement as we head in to an election season. It's truly disgusting.
We understand-but don't agree with-some of it. Why?
- Martin has finally gained his complete revenge against all of the people he incorrectly blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. And, the tiny tyrant now believes he has a LIE he can tell to justify his undeserving reelection this year.
- Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry has earned a TAXPAYER-FUNDED king's ransom carrying out the miniature mullah's wrong-headed vendetta over the diminutive dictator's 2007 FORGERY ARREST. Hey, it's great work if you can find it.
- The vile, ancient crocodile Mary Koenig has never met a Villa Hills Police Chief she didn't want to see terminated.
- The dimbulb ass clowns who nightly populate the civic club bar now have a scapegoat they can blame for their EMBEZZLEMENT PROBLEMS.
- Yes, we know why Menninger-Isenhour and Wischer are so happy. But we'll tell you why later.
But what about the other folks?
- Does the woman who took to a podium to oddly proclaim that "this mayor (Martin) does great things for people really believe that the railroading of Goodenough was a good thing?
- Is the little fellow who LIED to either the Villa Hills Police or the Special Counsel still happy that he did so?
- Are the morons who STOLE the "Mayor Martin Please Resign Now" and "Save OUR Villa Hills Police Department signs still happy that they did so?
- Do the voters who believed that local elections don't matter in 2010 and 2012 still believe that?
We'll know for sure in less than seven months. Why? That is when there will be a referendum on what the mendacious Martin and his cronies have done will occur, That is when we'll know for sure.
What path will Villa Hills voters choose?

The Martin Chronicles is hearing that Villa Hills Council members Mary Koenig and Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour just can't mask how giddy they are that malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has railroaded former Police Chief Dan Goodenough out of his job. The only people happier are Martin and his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry.
We'll be giddy when all four of them are gone on January 1, 2015.
The Martin Chronicles reporters are constantly talking to the residents of malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills about the current state of their troubled town. One long time resident recently made this observation about the mismanaging Martin.
"That little fella is the classic case of a post turtle."
Of course our reporters had to ask for an explanation. "What does that mean?"
"Imagine you're driving down a country road and you see a turtle perched on top of a fence post. You don't know how in the world it got there. You know know he he didn't get there by himself. You know he doesn't belong there. You know he can't do a darn thing while's he's up there and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down. That's Martin!"
Well, the voters can help Martin down from the post on November 4.
The Martin Chronicles has received more shocking information about Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's reckless spending on lawyers and legal actions. Many observe that most residents don't really care about anything Martin does unless it hits their wallets. Well, this wasteful spending most certainly does.
The current number for Martin's legal spending is in excess of TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Worse yet, that doesn't even include all of the taxpayer money that was wasted railroading former Villa Hills Police Chief Dan Goodenough.
By the time this fiscal year comes to a close, Martin will have squandered somewhere in the neighborhood of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ON ATTORNEY FEES. How can the diminutive dictator possibly justify that as we enter in to the election season? No doubt Martin will have some ridiculous excuse. But that's all it will be.
A ridiculous excuse.
The Martin Chronicles is constantly getting questions from our readers. We periodically like to share the questions and our answers to those questions with everyone. How much fun is this?
#1. How can it be legal for Martin to hire his personal attorney to serve as the City Attorney? That seems so wrong on so many levels. It's obvious to me that Mr. McMurtry is happily carrying out Martin's private dirty work.
The mayor of a 4th class City in Kentucky wields a great deal of power. Martin can always excuse the hiring of his personal attorney because his personal attorney also serves as the City Attorney in Ft. Wright and Park Hills. Besides, Martin's "golden moment" council approved Martin's appointment of McMurtry. Yes, it certainly provides the appearance of a conflict of interest. But ask yourself. When has Martin ever been concerned about appearances? And of course McMurtry is happy. He's making a fortune at the expense of the taxpayers of Villa Hills.
#2. Why did Chief Goodenough just give up? The residents were behind him and the facts were on his side. It's so disappointing.
You are correct when you write that a majority of residents supported Goodenough and that the facts were squarely on his side. But consider this. Martin obviously has no problem spending huge sums of taxpayer money on lawyers and legal actions as witness by the TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSANDS HE HAS SQUANDERED SINCE 2012. Remember that Goodenough had to use his own personal resources to defend himself. Let's say that Goodenough was reinstated. Do you think for a moment that Martin and his TAXPAYER-FUNDED GOON SQUAD would stop trying to find a reason to fire him? Of course not. Disappointing? Yes. But Goodenough correctly did what was best for himself and his family.
#3. I watched every second of Goodenough's dismissal hearing on television. That goofball Martin was acting CRAZY!
Martin wasn't "acting".
#4. My wife and I attended the last Sensible Citizen's group meeting. They are a great bunch of people who just really care about Villa Hills. But how can Martin possibly justify spending TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ON LEGAL FEES?
As long as Martin is plopped in the mayor's office, he doesn't have to "justify" much of anything. And he most certainly won't.
#5. How can Martin and McMurtry justify spending taxpayer money at Goodenough's dismissal hearing trying to find out who writes The Martin Chronicles? I thought that was disgraceful.
The entire effort to ruin Chief Goodenough was "disgraceful". What Martin and Toad can't seem to figure out is that there are several experienced reporters writing The Martin Chronicles. They all signed-on to the effort at the request of our beloved publisher, who enjoys nothing more than uncovering government corruption and mismanagement. Martin and Toad also can't seem to figure out that we have great sources everywhere. All over Villa Hills. That rat's nest of a so-called civic club. The Kenton County Courthouse. The Boone County Courthouse. The Campbell County Courthouse. Every City Government and their respective police departments in Northern Kentucky. The Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission. The Northern Kentucky Water Service District and SD1. Most of the local businesses. Frankfort. Lexington. Louisville. Reading, Ohio. Hamilton County Government. Hell, we even have sources at McMurtry's law firm of Gerner and Kearns. We are all over the mess Martin and his taxpayer-funded goon squad continue to create in Villa Hills.
#6. Do you really believe that this jack-wagon Martin has a snowball's chance in hell of being re-elected this year?
You bet we do. In fact, unless the people of Villa Hills show us something different than they did when Martin eked out a razor-thin victory in 2010 and somehow convinced the same voters to surround the tiny tyrant with a whole new council in 2012, we think Martin is a clear favorite in the upcoming mayor's race. Remember, Martin is a REMARKABLY SKILLED LIAR.
#7. Who is going to run against Martin this year?
We've heard several names. We sure hope it won't be some "Johnny-come-lately" like Butch Callery. You may ask why? Well, because Martin will beat him by sliming him with the City Treasurer Callery hired who allegedly ripped of Covington's taxpayers for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Callery seems to be a good guy. Maybe he should do something practical like run for Villa Hills City Council first. We are also hearing that the vile ancient crocodile Councilwoman Mary Koenig plans to run. As much fun as that would be, we hope that isn't true. Koenig would be terrible for a City that has already been severely damaged by the mallet-headed Martin.
#8. Doesn't that stupid Martin realize how bad it looks to promote City Clerk Craig Bohman to City Administrator and give him an unconscionable pay raise right after he provided bogus testimony against Goodenough?
Martin doesn't care what you think. Remember, Martin sees himself as the "CEO". Martin believes that "the decision is his". Besides, Martin's "golden moment" council approved it.
#9. How can that idiot Martin justify charging my children to play sports on the crappy fields at the Villa Hills Civic Club when he wastes all kinds of money for his attorneys and lawsuits?
He doesn't have to justify anything. A small majority of voters gave him unprecedented power in 2010 and he can do whatever he wants because of that.
#10. Is Holly really as stupid as she seems at the meetings?
She may be far more stupid than she seems at the meetings.
#11. How did that crook Martin ever get elected mayor?
That's easy. His opponent in 2010 gave far too much credit to the voters. He mistakenly thought that people would understand that Martin was a despicable LIAR. They obviously didn't. They proved that again in 2012.
#12. Am I the only one who realizes that the nasty Mary Koenig was on council the only two times a Villa Hills Police Chief was run out of office?
We doubt that you are the only one. Mary Koenig can be a terrible human being. But will the voters do anything about it this year?
#13. Is Todd McMurtry a complete jerk?
He's an attorney.
#14. Is Martin nuts?
.You certainly have to wonder.
#15. Is Martin a LAWBREAKER?
What do you think?
#16. Is the current City Council useless?
They are in a tough spot. The mayor has a tremendous amount of power.
#17. How can former interim City Clerk Sue Bree still be employed by the taxpayers? She hasn't hit a lick for years!
Maybe it has something to do with the very favorable testimony she provided for Martin during his 2012 Removal Hearing? You'd have to ask Martin.
#18. How can some woman actually say that "This Mayor (Martin) does great things for people when Martin has screwed so many people?
Because that woman hasn't been paying attention to what's been happening. .
#19. What's wrong with Mike Pope?
You should ask him.
#20. Martin seems like a complete idiot. Is that possible?
Yes. Of course it is.
#21. What can I do?
The same as every resident can do. Tell your neighbors that they need to take the upcoming local election seriously. Why? Because the last three-plus years clearly demonstrate the importance of local elections.
Martin and all of his destructive entourage need to be voted out in 211 days.
The Martin Chronicles' readers know full well that this pesky little blog is truly offended by social networkers who have been attempting to brand any and all opposition to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's corrupt and incompetent Reign of Error as "movements of hatred". It's an obvious effort by Martin and his willing accomplices to marginalize the diminutive dictator's critics who are justifiably concerned about the waste, fraud and abuse that has occurred over the past three-plus years.
Sure, we know we write about this a great deal. But given the growing and important efforts to change the course of Villa Hills in the upcoming mayor and council elections, we feel compelled to write about this issue yet again. Besides, it's our blog!
So let's go back and retrace the missteps that have led Villa Hills to its current embarrassed state.
For reasons only he could ever hope to explain, Mike Martin began his first term on Villa Hills City Council in January,2005 with an odd axe to grind against Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman. Martin appeared to be greatly upset over Schutzman's dual role as the City's building inspector.
Martin immediately began a so-called investigation in to Schutzman's building inspection activities. The feckless fanatic had his sister send Open Records requests to other Cities where the hard-working Schutzman provided similar services in an attempt to somehow prove that Schutzman was working for those Cities while being paid by the taxpayers of Villa Hills. The Martin Chronicles has investigated Martin's claims and know that they were completely without merit.
That didn't stop Martin and his willing accomplices from going door-to-door in the 2010 mayor's race DEFAMATORILY claiming otherwise. One stupid sap has even managed to get himself embroiled in a lawsuit by FALSELY claiming that it is a fact that Schutzman was being paid by the taxpayers of Villa Hills while performing work for other Cities. For the uninitiated, this mindless moron was DECEITFULLY accusing Schutzman of theft.
It gets worse. It is now an indisputable fact that Martin had been signing his deceased mother's name on his deceased mother's checks, cashed his deceased mother's checks and pocketed the proceeds. An investigation in to Martin's suspect activities was begun by officials in Hamilton County, Ohio.
These Ohio-based officials contacted the Villa Hills Police Department. The local police did their duty by looking in to the matter. It was risky. After all, Martin was a member of the City Council. The police knew full well that there was the potential for serious consequences. Brothers and sisters, how right they were.
After several unsuccessful attempts to gain Martin's cooperation in resolving the matter, the police took their findings to the Kenton County Attorney's Office. We now know that it was the Kenton County Attorney who concluded that Martin was committing FORGERY. We now know that it was the Kenton County Attorney who wrote a FORGERY arrest warrant for Martin and took it to a judge who signed off on it.
We also now know that Police Chief Dan Goodenough phoned Martin about the arrest warrant and gave him advice on the least embarrassing way to handle the matter. Martin turned himself in at the Kenton County Justice Center wearing a white shirt and tie and was processed and released in a matter of thirty minutes. Again, thanks to the kind advice of Police Chief Dan Goodenough.
Oh, we know the LIE Martin has told people. Martin likes to spin the FALSE tale that a vindictive Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman rudely cuffed and stuffed the mendacious Martin and drove him to the Justice Center. But, this is just another Martin LIE.
Martin was able to beat the FORGERY rap because he and his attorneys were able to convince an over-burdened judge that he was too stupid to understand the crime he was committing. Martin was afforded the chance to clean up his act and get on with his life. Instead, this is when all hell was unleashed.
A growing number of people are now convinced that this is the moment when the malevolent Martin decided to launch his own "movement of hatred". And he had several potential allies he could recruit for his FALSE "campaign of hate".
Martin began to weave a LIE that he had been victimized for his PHONY good government zealotry. Martin told people that he had been falsely targeted to derail his efforts to uncover non-existent corruption in the mayor's office. Martin wanted people to believe that his FORGERY arrest was trumped up and executed by the mayor, the police chief and the assistant police chief.
Every reasonable person now knows that Martin was LYING. How? Because Martin's $1.505 MILLION LAWSUIT AGAINST THE TAXPAYERS WAS UNCEREMONIOUSLY TOSSED OUT OF TWO SEPARATE COURTS. Four judges rejected Martin's BASELESS LIES that he was an innocent victim and opined that WHAT MARTIN DID FIT THE VERY DEFINITION OF FORGERY. These four judges opined that there was more than enough PROBABLE CAUSE FOR MARTIN'S FORGERY ARREST. When commenting on the merits of Martin's lawsuit, one judge went so far as to write that MARTIN WAS "BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE".
Martin's deep anger escalated to seething rage when his FORGERY problems led to defeat in the 2008 council election. The die was cast for what happened next.
Martin recruited civic club ass clowns-still smarting from the embarrassment of their SIX-FIGURE EMBEZZLEMENT problems-to help push his LIES for him. What better way for these ass hats to deflect blame on to others than by supporting a DISHONEST story that would created the FALSE impression that both they and Martin were just victims of abuse by Villa Hills City Government? These idiots went "all in".
Martin also recruited a very strange fellow-who was still upset about his loss in the 2006 mayoral race-to assist in this "movement of hatred". This strange fellow put up weird websites condemning the City Administration and promoting Martin's "selfless" trips to Haiti. In retrospect, it was obvious and bizarre. But the inattentive populace of Villa Hills lapped it up at the time.
Finally, Martin pulled it all together for his 2010 mayoral run. Martin's hillbilly lynchmob, the civic club ass faces, the strange fellow-who was still upset about his loss in the 2006 mayoral race-and the mendacious Martin himself told just enough LIES to eke out a razor-thin mayoral victory in 2010. The inattentive voters of Villa Hills had earned the whirlwind they were about to reap.
Over the next three-plus years, Martin has been able to bring his "movement of hatred" to fruition. As he always boasted to the civic club ass clowns that he would, Martin has indeed "picked them off one at a time".
- Martin "picked off" Sadouskas in 2010.
- Martin "picked off" Kilburn, Ringo, Sogar and Bruns in 2012.
- Martin "picked off" Schutzman and then Goodenough in 2013.
Yep, Martin has done all of that while also successfully deflecting attention away from the fact that he was sternly reprimanded by the Villa Hills Ethics Board for his MISUSE OF CITY PERSONNEL AND RESOURCES, WARNED ABOUT HIS ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS by a respected judge and CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY.
Hell, Martin even got a stupid woman to come to a podium to foolishly proclaim that "this mayor (Martin) does great things for people". Josef Goebbels would be proud of what Martin has been able to accomplish with his BIG LIES. But is that a good thing?
So here Villa Hills sits. Phony financial records. Crony hires and contracts. A devastated police force. Embarrassing media coverage. Children being fleeced to participate in sports. ILLEGALLY DESTROYED City records, A roads program that has done nothing since Martin took to the mayor's office. Legal expenses rapidly approaching TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Martin's personal attorney hired to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY. A man hired as City Clerk who was given a THIRTY-THREE PER CENT TAXPAYER-FUNDED PAY RAISE to also serve as City Administrator approximately forty-eight hours after providing BASELESS testimony against former Police Chief Dan Goodenough.
Despite all of the intimidation and threats, The Martin Chronicles is not the least bit afraid to say it. The voters put a corrupt and incompetent clown in to the mayor's office in 2010. The voters surrounded Martin with a mean-spirited, stupid or spineless council to complete the "movement of hatred" in 2012. But the voters of Villa Hills get yet another opportunity to redeem themselves. How? By voting Martin, his taxpayer-funded goon squad and the rest of his willing accomplices out on their asses in less than seven months.
We'll be watching.

The Martin Chronicles is busily digesting the results of the second, well-attended meeting of the "Sensible Citizens" group that was held Friday night at the Madonna Manor Community Center. Our top-of-the-list-take-a-away? Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and his willing accomplices are going to have an extremely difficult time FALSELY misrepresenting the "Sensible Citizens" group as a "movement of hatred".
You see, this group of concerned citizens isn't about hating Martin. The meeting clearly proved that this group is about moving beyond the mess that has been created by Martin over the past 39-plus months and trying to support a City Government that will get back to the business of public service and progress.
This group wants to encourage people who are genuinely interested in stepping forward to run for elected office in their City for the right reasons. This group wants to identify people who come to the table without personal agendas and instead want to do the hard work of restoring Villa Hills to a community that people will look up to as a good example for others. We don't see even a scintilla of "hate" in those goals.
We look for the "Sensible Citizens" to hold regular meetings between now and November 4, reaching out to the busy residents of Villa Hills to identify what their real concerns are. We look for the "Sensible Citizens" to invite all candidates to multiple public forums to explain why they want to serve and how they believe they can make a contribution to the restoration of a community that has clearly taken a huge step back over the past 39-plus months.
We look for the "Sensible Citizens" to sponsor genuine debates between mayoral candidates and between council candidates. We learned that Martin refused to debate in 2010 because he didn't believe that it was "in his best interest" to do so. No surprises there. But that mistake cannot be allowed to be repeated.
We look for the "Sensible Citizens" to serve as a rapid-response "truth squad" countering any and all misinformation being spread by any 2014 mayoral or council candidate. The Martin Chronicles believes this will be an environment that someone like Mike Martin will find quite uncomfortable, to say the least.
We did learn a few things that-while they were not the main focus of the "Sensible Citizens" second meeting-should be reported.
- We learned that Martin routinely went ballistic over the expenditure of EIGHT DOLLARS for a weekly wash of each Villa Hills Police vehicle, but evidently has no problem at all with the expenditure of TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on lawyers and legal fees since 2012.
- We learned that Martin's recent announcement that a "settlement" had been reached with former Police Chief Dan Goodenough involving the dropping of all of Martin's baseless charges against the former Chief in exchange for Goodenough's immediate retirement is an unfinished story. Why? Because Martin and his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry have done absolutely nothing to finalize any "settlement".
- We learned that Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry's huge binder of so-called evidence against former Chief Goodenough that was wielded at Goodenough's recent dismissal hearing was mostly filled with pages full of nothing. William Shakespeare would describe Toad V. McMurtry's falsely-stuffed binder as "a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury, but signifying NOTHING."
- We learned that Martin's crony-hire $47.50 per hour bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber has been totally incapable of answering any of the legitimate questions being asked by the City's hamstrung Finance Committee about the bollixed financial reports over the past three-plus years (Okay we aren't surprised. We already knew that Cordelia Schaber was in way, way, way over her head).
- We learned that Martin has been playing a disgraceful game of "dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge" with that same hamstrung City Finance Committee over the same three-plus years. Again, we aren't really surprised.
The rest of this post is solely the opinion of The Martin Chronicles and in no way claims to represent the views of the "Sensible Citizens". Please keep that in mind as you read on.
Despite the fact that the Villa Hills electorate has been mostly "asleep at the switch" during the last two elections of 2010 and 2012, they still deserve better. The voters need to pay attention to the efforts that are forthcoming from the "Sensible Citizens".
City Government has the greatest impact on the day-to-day lives of City residents. And yet, most residents spend next to no time thinking about that great impact of their votes for local elected officials. It has to be different in Villa Hills this time. Why? Because there is a lot at stake.
Villa Hills can't afford four more years of what they have seen over the past three-plus years of the mismanaging and corrupt Martin. Martin has to go. Someone who believes in the importance of true public service has to replace Martin.
Villa Hills also can't afford even two more years of councilmembers who are either too stupid, too timid, too stoned or too mean-spirited to see past their own fatal flaws to do what is truly best for their City.
It's time for the residents to wake up and realize that the people whom they elect to manage their City's Government make a real impact on everyone's day-to-day lives. They can't just pick someone they heard was a "nice guy" from some ass clown at the civic club without digging in to the truth.
2014 is a make-or-break year for Villa Hills.