The Martin Chronicles is investigating reports from several sources indicating that a relative of an appointed official has been added to the City's payroll. We certainly don't think it would be illegal if its true. But its worth finding out.
Given all of the questions already surrounding Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and his crew, spending taxpayer money for the services of a relative of an appointed official seems like poor judgment. Perhaps residents have seen so much poor judgment since January, 2011 they are immune to it. We'll find out.
Have a safe and fun Halloween. Whenever it is.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Wouldn't A Dose Of "Alternate Reality" Be Great Right About Now?
The Martin Chronicles thinks the former councilman who used to run websites presenting his own views of the goings-on in the currently troubled town of Villa Hills is sorely missed right now. Before so many talented people were brought together by our beloved publisher to report on the mayhem being generated by the City's current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, everyone enjoyed reading the highly entertaining opinions of Villa Hills resident-and two-term councilman-Mike Pope.
By gosh and by golly, we'd love nothing more than to see the website-maven Mr. Pope re-enter the cyberspace fray. He entertained us with sites condemning the previous administration for a "crime wave" on Mr. Pope railed against the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX on a website titled " A NEW TAX FOR YOU?".
His best-and most lasting- masterpiece was an "alternate reality" website attacking everything the previous administration did. Oh, and it was also sprinkled with high praise for then-private citizen Martin for his trips to Haiti. Labeling it The City of Villa Hills (or something like that), Mr. Pope did make the point of explaining it was NOT the Official Website of The City of Villa Hills. Darn, it was fun reading.
So, where is Mr. Pope now? Heck, there's so much happening upon which he could offer his views. Why doesn't he sit down at his computer and get back to work?
We'd just love to read Mr. Pope's take on:
C'mon in Mr. Pope. The water's fine.
By gosh and by golly, we'd love nothing more than to see the website-maven Mr. Pope re-enter the cyberspace fray. He entertained us with sites condemning the previous administration for a "crime wave" on Mr. Pope railed against the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX on a website titled " A NEW TAX FOR YOU?".
His best-and most lasting- masterpiece was an "alternate reality" website attacking everything the previous administration did. Oh, and it was also sprinkled with high praise for then-private citizen Martin for his trips to Haiti. Labeling it The City of Villa Hills (or something like that), Mr. Pope did make the point of explaining it was NOT the Official Website of The City of Villa Hills. Darn, it was fun reading.
So, where is Mr. Pope now? Heck, there's so much happening upon which he could offer his views. Why doesn't he sit down at his computer and get back to work?
We'd just love to read Mr. Pope's take on:
- The fact that Martin has hired his personal attorney to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY.
- The fact that Martin hired a TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ADMINISTRATOR disguised as a City Clerk.
- The fact that one of Mr. Pope's fellow former-councilman managed to get himself arrested for driving through a police barricade during a shooting incident while intoxicated and transporting illegal drugs.
- The fact that Martin has personally signed a purchase order that paid himself more that TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS.
- The fact that Martin has signed Executive Orders in to law, granting himself THE POWER TO ARREST "dissidents" who dare to attend City Council meetings.
- The fact that Martin is SQUANDERING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS on a large squad of attorneys and legal actions.
- The fact that Martin wants to take TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS out of the fund designated for the repair of the City's streets to PAY THE BUDGET OVERAGE ON ALL OF THE TINY TYRANT'S LAWYERS AND LEGAL ACTIONS. What the heck? We aren't anywhere near half way through the City's fiscal year and the TAXPAYER MONEY budgeted for legal fees has already been spent!
- The fact that Martin is trying to push through a SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX, including trying to force a vote at what Pope used to describe as an un-televised "SECRET MEETING". Oh, right. That was just "a joke".
- The fact that one of Martin's family members is currently spilling her guts to the Villa Hills Police-and others-all the way from North Dakota, about the real story behind the malfeasant Mayor Martin.
C'mon in Mr. Pope. The water's fine.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Holy Hayseeds, Batman!!
The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher got in to the reporting business decades ago because he believed it was the best way to fulfill his childhood dream of living his doing the work of his hero, The Batman. Since this is "Halloween Week", we thought we might have some fun at the publisher's expense-at least until or if he takes down the post!
Much like that hero of his youth, our publisher is pondering his latest assault against the forces of the crime. Just like The Batman, our beloved leader is ready to take on the denizens of the underworld who currently threaten the not-so-teeming town of Villa Hills.

Much like that hero of his youth, our publisher is pondering his latest assault against the forces of the crime. Just like The Batman, our beloved leader is ready to take on the denizens of the underworld who currently threaten the not-so-teeming town of Villa Hills.
So who are these denizens of the underworld. First and foremost, the current arch villain is malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Where else can a strange, dark character like Martin run a City in to the ground than Villa Hills? Where else can a strange, dark character like Martin recklessly runs an unlicensed contracting business without notice? Where else can a strange, dark character like Martin survive being CONVICTED OF SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY and still remain in office? Martin is a bizarre combination of The Joker, The Riddler and The Penguin.
So, how is that possible. Well, Martin is ably assisted by henchman who are helping him hold on to his power. First, you have his personal-and now City-Attorney Toad v. McMurtry who threatens to file lawsuits against anyone who opposes Martin. Then, you have his City Administrator-disguised as a City Clerk-Craig Bohman who acts like the man who cleans up after the elephants in the circus parade. Finally, you have a crony who was hired to foul up the City's financial records to keep residents from completely understanding the mess Martin has made with taxpayer money. They are the arch-villain's thugs.
These pathetic thugs can threaten and even file all of the taxpayer-funded lawsuits they want. They can spread all of the LIES that they can. They can provide all of the false testimony that Martin makes them feel free to spread. It doesn't matter. Because our own version of The Batman is watching.
Our version of The Batman has found someone who is willing to spill the beans against Villa Hills' arch villain Mike Martin. It appears to be some kind of relative (step-sister, half-sister, who knows?) named Kelly Abney who has decided to move to North Dakota. What she has to say perfectly describes the malevolent Martin. Despite the dwindling number of nitwits who proclaim that they "trust this mayor", Kelly Abney gives testimony that underscores THE FACT that Martin is indeed an arch villain.

Our readers have come to know that our publisher is watching Martin's waste, fraud and abuse virtually around the clock. Whenever something goes haywire, wherever taxpayer money is squandered or misused, whoever feels the wrath and abuse of the diminutive dictator's persistent abuse power, our version of The Batman will be there. So will we. And we'll makes sure you are aware as well.
WEEKENDER: A New Mystery?
The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher is definitely an "old school" newshound. Much as he did as a young reporter in Washington DC in the 1970s, our publisher sits at his desk, working on stories and listening to his police scanner.
That's why The Martin Chronicles was the first news outlet to break the story of former Villa Hills' City Councilman Jim Noll's arrest for running a police barricade while transporting drugs and drug paraphernalia in the early morning hours of February 13, 2013. Our publisher's "old school" police scanner blurted the breaking news and he was immediately all over it.
Well, our publisher's police scanner just tracked down another mystery. He has our investigative reporters working hard to unravel exactly what's happening now.
Kenton County Dispatch alerted the Villa Hills Police Department that someone named Kelly Abney wanted to talk to the police "about (Villa Hills malfeasant) Mayor Martin". The return number was a 701 area code. That area code is in North Dakota.
The Martin Chronicles has seen the Abney name before. If you travel to the 10 1/2 Anna Street address in Reading, Ohio that Martin uses for his filings with that state as the business address for "Mike Martin Electric/Quality Home Services", you will find the Abney name on the mailbox. For the record, it appears 10 1/2 Anna Street is a garage behind the house at 10 Anna Street. A record search indicates the a Mike Martin relative owns the house on 10 Anna Street. But it isn't Kelly Abney.
So what did Kelly Abney of North Dakota want to tell the Villa Hills Police Department about Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin? Because of the persistence of our beloved publisher and our investigative reporters, we think we are almost ready to let you know.
Villa Hills' voters can't do anything about this tangled bag of snakes for another 374 days.
That's why The Martin Chronicles was the first news outlet to break the story of former Villa Hills' City Councilman Jim Noll's arrest for running a police barricade while transporting drugs and drug paraphernalia in the early morning hours of February 13, 2013. Our publisher's "old school" police scanner blurted the breaking news and he was immediately all over it.
Well, our publisher's police scanner just tracked down another mystery. He has our investigative reporters working hard to unravel exactly what's happening now.
Kenton County Dispatch alerted the Villa Hills Police Department that someone named Kelly Abney wanted to talk to the police "about (Villa Hills malfeasant) Mayor Martin". The return number was a 701 area code. That area code is in North Dakota.
The Martin Chronicles has seen the Abney name before. If you travel to the 10 1/2 Anna Street address in Reading, Ohio that Martin uses for his filings with that state as the business address for "Mike Martin Electric/Quality Home Services", you will find the Abney name on the mailbox. For the record, it appears 10 1/2 Anna Street is a garage behind the house at 10 Anna Street. A record search indicates the a Mike Martin relative owns the house on 10 Anna Street. But it isn't Kelly Abney.
So what did Kelly Abney of North Dakota want to tell the Villa Hills Police Department about Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin? Because of the persistence of our beloved publisher and our investigative reporters, we think we are almost ready to let you know.
Villa Hills' voters can't do anything about this tangled bag of snakes for another 374 days.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Hits Keep Coming
The Martin Chronicles has a great deal of information to digest from the latest fiasco officially known as Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's monthly televised City Council meeting. We'll give you a full, in-depth analysis as soon as we are able.
Our initial take?
Our initial take?
- How in the wide, wide world of sports can the September financial reports still not be complete? Could it be because the mistake-plagued Martin hired an unqualified crony to foul-up the City's financial records? Many residents think so. Could it be that Martin's $47.50 per hour taxpayer-funded crony has totally bollixed up the City's books? If taxpayers need any more evidence that Martin is completely mismanaging their hard-earned money, what could it possibly be?
- Who gives a rat's tail that Martin's personal-and now taxpayer-funded City-attorney was recently elected as President of the Northern Kentucky Bar Association? Is that supposed to add some kind of credibility to Martin or Toad? We know what Toad has done in Villa Hills. We know what Martin has done to Villa Hills. So what?
- The new City Council voted 6-0 to table THE MALEVOLENT MARTIN'S RIDICULOUSLY ONEROUS NEW ENERGY TAX! As one local wag aptly described it, that was "a big, no thank sir to the mismanaging Martin!!!!!!!!
- Evidently, the City's Finance Committee has had serious discussions about putting out another Road Tax ballot initiative in 2014 that would result in a huge property tax increase to many residents. Does the malapropos Martin have the brains and skill to successfully promote such a tax to the residents? Does the manic Martin have the guts to risk re-election to support such a proposal? We're very well be about to learn the answer to those questions.
- After a great deal of set-up from Martin's two black-jacketed, taxpayer-funded hired gun cronies, Martin casually announced that the City's taxpayer-funded, seven-figure cash reserve may be totally gone in January 2014. That would be an unmitigated-and unnecessary-financial disaster.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
One Year Later
The Martin Chronicles is looking back one year ago. Do you remember? Because we certainly do.
There had been-and continues to be-nothing but confusion and corruption in the Martin mis-Administration from almost the first day the tiny tyrant took office in January 2011.
Instead, Martin proceeded to dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge. Why? Perhaps because LIES had always been an effective tool Martin employed to extricate himself from every previous situation.
After many months of Martin's mendacity, the City Council decided to hire a Special Counsel to investigate the diminutive dictator's waste, fraud and abuse. The council had every legal right to do so. But they paid a very heavy price for simply asking for some honesty and accountability from the executive branch of Villa Hills City government.
Martin did what Martin always does when he is caught in LIES. He attacked. Aided by his hillbilly lynchmob, people whose toilets he left church to unclog and other nefarious and willing accomplices, Martin launched a full-scale attack on the majority of councilmembers who were simply doing their sworn duty.
After a thorough Special Counsel investigation of Martin's waste, fraud and abuse, that council majority voted to hold a hearing with the potential of removing the miscreant mayor from office. That hearing was held one year ago this week.
The removal hearing was an amazing spectacle. Special Counsel laid out damning facts against Martin. Martin's personal-and now City-attorney Toad V. McMurtry resorted to accusing the Villa Hills Police leadership of planting evidence, lying and other unethical-and illegal-behavior.
Martin was buttressed by the fact that former Councilmen Jim Noll and Mike Pope had already announced that they would never vote to remove Martin-no matter the evidence. Why? Some suggest it was because Pope was incapable of ever admitting he is wrong and because Noll was being benefited in his failed State Senate campaign by Martin's wife, Janet. We aren't sure. But how ever you slice it, the fact that those two were seated on a jury tasked with impartially judging Martin's obvious corruption is hard to explain.
Despite the fact that Martin was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY, Pope and Noll refused to vote to remove Martin from office. What Pope and Noll did was no surprise. And it also created a great political opportunity for Martin.
Martin and his willing accomplices successfully convinced Villa Hills voters that all would be well if the previous council was removed from office in the 2012 election. Voters were also whipped up about the money spent on the Special Counsel investigation. The voters-desperate for a return to some kind of normalcy-gave Martin what he was asking. Only to later learn that Martin had cut himself a check larger than the one paid to Special Counsel.
The result? Another year of more turmoil, waste, fraud and abuse. It is worse than it ever was. This year has been an abject disaster that is the sole responsibility of Martin and his willing accomplices. And there is more than another year to go until the next election.
Oh, by the way, the Villa Hills monthly televised Council meeting will be held tonight. The collection and expenditure of large amounts of taxpayer money will be discussed and perhaps action taken. There is a great deal at stake. Just as there was one year ago.
Will the voters correct their mistakes from the past two election cycles 377 days from now?
There had been-and continues to be-nothing but confusion and corruption in the Martin mis-Administration from almost the first day the tiny tyrant took office in January 2011.
- An unrelenting assault on the proven integrity of the Villa Hills Police Department.
- City property destroyed with a backhoe.
- The hiring of and City contracts awarded to taxpayer-funded cronies.
- Computers oddly removed from City premises.
- Allegations of sexual harassment.
- An incredible number of lawsuits.
- Abject failure to adhere to State Open Records laws.
- Reprimands from the City's Ethics Board.
- Illegally destroyed City records.
- A cover-up about the illegal destruction of City records.
- City budget amendment after City budget amendment.
- Harsh judicial reprimands to the mayor for illegal destruction of City records.
- And much, much more.
Instead, Martin proceeded to dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge. Why? Perhaps because LIES had always been an effective tool Martin employed to extricate himself from every previous situation.
After many months of Martin's mendacity, the City Council decided to hire a Special Counsel to investigate the diminutive dictator's waste, fraud and abuse. The council had every legal right to do so. But they paid a very heavy price for simply asking for some honesty and accountability from the executive branch of Villa Hills City government.
Martin did what Martin always does when he is caught in LIES. He attacked. Aided by his hillbilly lynchmob, people whose toilets he left church to unclog and other nefarious and willing accomplices, Martin launched a full-scale attack on the majority of councilmembers who were simply doing their sworn duty.
After a thorough Special Counsel investigation of Martin's waste, fraud and abuse, that council majority voted to hold a hearing with the potential of removing the miscreant mayor from office. That hearing was held one year ago this week.
The removal hearing was an amazing spectacle. Special Counsel laid out damning facts against Martin. Martin's personal-and now City-attorney Toad V. McMurtry resorted to accusing the Villa Hills Police leadership of planting evidence, lying and other unethical-and illegal-behavior.
Martin was buttressed by the fact that former Councilmen Jim Noll and Mike Pope had already announced that they would never vote to remove Martin-no matter the evidence. Why? Some suggest it was because Pope was incapable of ever admitting he is wrong and because Noll was being benefited in his failed State Senate campaign by Martin's wife, Janet. We aren't sure. But how ever you slice it, the fact that those two were seated on a jury tasked with impartially judging Martin's obvious corruption is hard to explain.
Despite the fact that Martin was CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY, Pope and Noll refused to vote to remove Martin from office. What Pope and Noll did was no surprise. And it also created a great political opportunity for Martin.
Martin and his willing accomplices successfully convinced Villa Hills voters that all would be well if the previous council was removed from office in the 2012 election. Voters were also whipped up about the money spent on the Special Counsel investigation. The voters-desperate for a return to some kind of normalcy-gave Martin what he was asking. Only to later learn that Martin had cut himself a check larger than the one paid to Special Counsel.
The result? Another year of more turmoil, waste, fraud and abuse. It is worse than it ever was. This year has been an abject disaster that is the sole responsibility of Martin and his willing accomplices. And there is more than another year to go until the next election.
Oh, by the way, the Villa Hills monthly televised Council meeting will be held tonight. The collection and expenditure of large amounts of taxpayer money will be discussed and perhaps action taken. There is a great deal at stake. Just as there was one year ago.
Will the voters correct their mistakes from the past two election cycles 377 days from now?
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Martin Chronicles has been checking and double-checking a number of sources. Why? We are attempting to get a sense about whether or not VILLA HILLS' MALFEASANT MAYOR MIKE MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX will become law at the monthly televised City Council meeting this Wednesday night.
Please keep in mind that the mendacious Martin only needs three votes to get it done. Once again, why? Because if a vote ends in a three-to-three tie, Martin can break that tie to enact HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX.
To be blunt, we aren't sure how a vote will go. We do know that Martin desperately wants to pass HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX. Yet again, why? Because he wants to be able to go door-to-door in his looming re-election campaign, beating his chest and claiming he kept his as-yet-unfulfilled promise to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. This despite the undeniable fact that he voted to impose that UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX ALL THOSE YEARS AGO.
City Council needs to decide if that is sufficient justification for jamming senior citizens, River Ridge Elementary, Villa Hills Ameristop, Villa Madonna Academy and Madonna Manor with A MUCH HIGHER TAX. We aren't sure if they will.
City Council also needs to decide if that is sufficient justification for replacing one tax that is directly linked to roads-cars are what drive on the allegedly deteriorating roads, after all-with one that has absolutely no linkage-direct or otherwise-to the wear-and tear on the City's streets. We aren't sure if they will.
Besides, if the miscreant Martin is truly dedicated to street repair, why is he asking City Council to TAKE TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS OUT OF THE PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET TO PAY HIS ATROCIOUS LEGAL FEES? To be kind, that makes absolutely no sense at all.
There is more evidence that Martin's professed commitment to street repair is just another LIE. Despite the fact that several people and organizations in the town Martin falsely professes to love will be taking it squarely in the shorts, MARTIN'S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX actually brings in less revenue than the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. Martin's entire proposal is nothing more than an election-year boondoggle.
Here's a novel idea. At least novel for Martin. Perhaps the diminutive dictator could step out from behind all of his Executive Orders empowering him to arrest dissidents and his taxpayer-funded hired guns and show some leadership. He is the self-proclaimed "CEO" after all.
Why doesn't Martin launch a nearly year-long campaign to inform voters about the real problems with Villa Hills streets? Why doesn't Martin ask the voters to finally approve a road tax ballot initiative that will provide sufficient funding?
Why? We believe its because Martin's only concern is being re-elected. Everything else is just for show.
What will City Council do Wednesday night? We aren't quite sure.
How about the voters. What will they do on November 4, 2014?
We'll know the answer to that question in 378 days.
Please keep in mind that the mendacious Martin only needs three votes to get it done. Once again, why? Because if a vote ends in a three-to-three tie, Martin can break that tie to enact HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX.
To be blunt, we aren't sure how a vote will go. We do know that Martin desperately wants to pass HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX. Yet again, why? Because he wants to be able to go door-to-door in his looming re-election campaign, beating his chest and claiming he kept his as-yet-unfulfilled promise to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. This despite the undeniable fact that he voted to impose that UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX ALL THOSE YEARS AGO.
City Council needs to decide if that is sufficient justification for jamming senior citizens, River Ridge Elementary, Villa Hills Ameristop, Villa Madonna Academy and Madonna Manor with A MUCH HIGHER TAX. We aren't sure if they will.
City Council also needs to decide if that is sufficient justification for replacing one tax that is directly linked to roads-cars are what drive on the allegedly deteriorating roads, after all-with one that has absolutely no linkage-direct or otherwise-to the wear-and tear on the City's streets. We aren't sure if they will.
Besides, if the miscreant Martin is truly dedicated to street repair, why is he asking City Council to TAKE TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS OUT OF THE PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET TO PAY HIS ATROCIOUS LEGAL FEES? To be kind, that makes absolutely no sense at all.
There is more evidence that Martin's professed commitment to street repair is just another LIE. Despite the fact that several people and organizations in the town Martin falsely professes to love will be taking it squarely in the shorts, MARTIN'S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX actually brings in less revenue than the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. Martin's entire proposal is nothing more than an election-year boondoggle.
Here's a novel idea. At least novel for Martin. Perhaps the diminutive dictator could step out from behind all of his Executive Orders empowering him to arrest dissidents and his taxpayer-funded hired guns and show some leadership. He is the self-proclaimed "CEO" after all.
Why doesn't Martin launch a nearly year-long campaign to inform voters about the real problems with Villa Hills streets? Why doesn't Martin ask the voters to finally approve a road tax ballot initiative that will provide sufficient funding?
Why? We believe its because Martin's only concern is being re-elected. Everything else is just for show.
What will City Council do Wednesday night? We aren't quite sure.
How about the voters. What will they do on November 4, 2014?
We'll know the answer to that question in 378 days.
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Ballad Of Toad V. McMurtry
The Martin Chronicles reporters work very hard tracking down the endless stories of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. But our reporters are human beings too. Sometimes they need a break from all of the waste, fraud and abuse of power.
Our beloved publisher entered the offices of The Martin Chronicles Saturday morning. He was greeted by two reporters who told him their work was inspired by his off-hand comment that Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry "must feel like he struck oil" with all of the money he is making off Villa Hills' taxpayers.
The reporters asked if they could show their work. Given permission, one picked up a guitar and the other a banjo and performed a song they had written to the tune of the Flatt and Scruggs classic "The Ballad of Jed Clampett". Please feel free to sing along.
Our beloved publisher entered the offices of The Martin Chronicles Saturday morning. He was greeted by two reporters who told him their work was inspired by his off-hand comment that Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry "must feel like he struck oil" with all of the money he is making off Villa Hills' taxpayers.
The reporters asked if they could show their work. Given permission, one picked up a guitar and the other a banjo and performed a song they had written to the tune of the Flatt and Scruggs classic "The Ballad of Jed Clampett". Please feel free to sing along.
The Ballad
of Toad V. McMurtry
Come and
listen to my story ‘bout a man named Toad
Gone to work
a lawyerin’ for a major pant load
Makin' tons of
cash ‘cause he don’t work for free
Fills up
his sack with stacks of money
money that is)
Well the
next thing ya know Toad’s tellin’ us what he thinks
everywhere say that surely stinks
But that don’t
matter, as all can plainly see
‘Cause no
matter how bad it gets, Toad gets his money.
that is. Long green. Major cash.)
Soon hope
we get to say goodbye to Toad and all his pals
We’d surely
like to thank you all for readin’ all the while.
You’re all
invited to the polls on next year's November Four
To send Toad
and his gang out that City Buildin' door.
(Branch Norwoodians, that’s what they call ‘em now.
Ya’ll don’t
come back now, ya hear?)
We think the song is sure to be a hit. Well, at least it had the entire staff laughing all weekend.
Now get back to work!!!
Friday, October 18, 2013
WEEKENDER: Housekeeping Issues
The Martin Chronicles has been receiving numerous e-mails and phone calls about a number of topics that have reported over the past several weeks. We decided to reply to them in a post, guessing that a number of people in our ever-growing audience have many of the same questions and concerns. We'll use an email we've received as a platform to answer each of the top questions and concerns.
Issue Number One:
"I take great exception to your description of (Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike) Martin as 'The Fourth Stooge'! The Three Stooges are American comedic icons. Those three were actually good guys. What that crooked doofus Martin has done to the City is far from funny. Besides he is a total piece of (EXPLETIVE DELETED)".
Our Response:
We are in complete agreement that The Three Stooges are comedic icons. We were simply reporting a current comparison that is making the rounds through the embarrassed Villa Hills.
Issue Number Two:
"Please explain something. How can Martin say that its not worth the effort to sue people over unpaid $100 property taxes when he continues to sue people for unpaid $40 license fees (the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX)?"
Our Response:
That is exactly our point. We believe Martin's choice of who to sue and not to sue makes absolutely no sense. At least when it comes to the arithmetic. And considering the fact that Martin is tasked with (mis)managing the City's THREE MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET, that should be of great concern to every citizen who has a functioning frontal lobe.
Issue Number Three:
"How can Martin justify trying to ram through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX when he hasn't dealt with any of the city councils' worries about it, refuses to answer any questions from residents and it brings in even less money for street repair than the (UNFAIR $40 PER CAR) sticker tax?"
Our Response:
Please don't ask us to try to understand Mike Martin's thought process. Frankly, we believe that could be hazardous to our collective mental health. We have always believed that there is very little common sense attached to what he does. Your best bet is to ask Martin to explain his rationale. And we wish you the very best of luck.
Issue Number Four:
"What in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) is wrong with what you call Martin's 'hillbilly lynchmob'? How stupid do you have to be to think that Martin has done anything but do great harm to what was once a well-respected town?"
Our Response:
We agree. You have to be incredibly stupid to believe that what Martin is doing is good for the City he cloyingly professed to love so much. But rest assured, there will be pinheads who go door-to-door sliming Martin's opponent-or opponents-next year and professing what a wonderful job the diminutive dictator has done. Remember, it hasn't been all that long ago that a nitwit took the podium to profess that she "trusts this mayor". How stupid do you have be to be to do that?
Issue Number Five:
"Is it legal for that goofball Martin to hire his own personal attorney to serve as the (taxpayer-funded) City Attorney?"
Our Response:
First of all, we believe you are giving Martin the benefit of the doubt by describing him as a 'goofball'. We are firmly convinced that Martin knows exactly what he's doing. And, yes, it is perfectly legal. That is if the City Council approves the appointment. And that is exactly what the majority of the current City Council did.
Issue Number Six:
"How could Villa Hills' voters elect that Mary Koenig back to council? Isn't she mostly responsible for the last big mess the City had?"
Our Response:
It is fair to say that Koenig was responsible for the last big mess. But you would have to poll the voters of Villa Hills to determine why they put her back on the current council. For the record, no member of Martin Chronicles staff who lives in Villa Hills voted for Koenig.
Issue Number Seven:
"How in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) do certain (EXPLETIVE DELETED) still support that idiot criminal Martin on Facebook?"
Our Response:
Because very few people are willing to admit they were wrong. That's the nicest response we can give. Beyond that, you need to ask them directly.
Issue Number Eight:
"Do you think Villa Hills voters are stupid or something?"
Our Response:
No. The voters of Villa Hills aren't stupid. They are a lot like voters everywhere. Many people are obsessed with the nonsense in Washington and don't realize that what their local government does has a far greater impact on their daily lives. Most voters take about thirty seconds to decide who to vote for in their local elections. If that. Then they have to wait until the next election to clean up any messes they've created.
Issue Number Nine:
"I've been thinking about joining the Villa Hills Civic Club. But I haven't because I'm concerned about exactly who the "Civic Club asshats are. Who are they?"
Our Response:
Don't worry about the asshats. Go ahead and join. If more good people become members maybe those asshats will have to find another place to sit around and spew their brainless venom.
Issue Number Ten:
"How can you possibly write that Martin can be re-elected in 2014?"
Our Response:
Because he can be re-elected in 2014. Especially if a large number of people continue to fail to pay attention to the mess Martin has created since he was elected in 2010.
We'll know for sure in 382 days.
Issue Number One:
"I take great exception to your description of (Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike) Martin as 'The Fourth Stooge'! The Three Stooges are American comedic icons. Those three were actually good guys. What that crooked doofus Martin has done to the City is far from funny. Besides he is a total piece of (EXPLETIVE DELETED)".
Our Response:
We are in complete agreement that The Three Stooges are comedic icons. We were simply reporting a current comparison that is making the rounds through the embarrassed Villa Hills.
Issue Number Two:
"Please explain something. How can Martin say that its not worth the effort to sue people over unpaid $100 property taxes when he continues to sue people for unpaid $40 license fees (the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX)?"
Our Response:
That is exactly our point. We believe Martin's choice of who to sue and not to sue makes absolutely no sense. At least when it comes to the arithmetic. And considering the fact that Martin is tasked with (mis)managing the City's THREE MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET, that should be of great concern to every citizen who has a functioning frontal lobe.
Issue Number Three:
"How can Martin justify trying to ram through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX when he hasn't dealt with any of the city councils' worries about it, refuses to answer any questions from residents and it brings in even less money for street repair than the (UNFAIR $40 PER CAR) sticker tax?"
Our Response:
Please don't ask us to try to understand Mike Martin's thought process. Frankly, we believe that could be hazardous to our collective mental health. We have always believed that there is very little common sense attached to what he does. Your best bet is to ask Martin to explain his rationale. And we wish you the very best of luck.
Issue Number Four:
"What in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) is wrong with what you call Martin's 'hillbilly lynchmob'? How stupid do you have to be to think that Martin has done anything but do great harm to what was once a well-respected town?"
Our Response:
We agree. You have to be incredibly stupid to believe that what Martin is doing is good for the City he cloyingly professed to love so much. But rest assured, there will be pinheads who go door-to-door sliming Martin's opponent-or opponents-next year and professing what a wonderful job the diminutive dictator has done. Remember, it hasn't been all that long ago that a nitwit took the podium to profess that she "trusts this mayor". How stupid do you have be to be to do that?
Issue Number Five:
"Is it legal for that goofball Martin to hire his own personal attorney to serve as the (taxpayer-funded) City Attorney?"
Our Response:
First of all, we believe you are giving Martin the benefit of the doubt by describing him as a 'goofball'. We are firmly convinced that Martin knows exactly what he's doing. And, yes, it is perfectly legal. That is if the City Council approves the appointment. And that is exactly what the majority of the current City Council did.
Issue Number Six:
"How could Villa Hills' voters elect that Mary Koenig back to council? Isn't she mostly responsible for the last big mess the City had?"
Our Response:
It is fair to say that Koenig was responsible for the last big mess. But you would have to poll the voters of Villa Hills to determine why they put her back on the current council. For the record, no member of Martin Chronicles staff who lives in Villa Hills voted for Koenig.
Issue Number Seven:
"How in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) do certain (EXPLETIVE DELETED) still support that idiot criminal Martin on Facebook?"
Our Response:
Because very few people are willing to admit they were wrong. That's the nicest response we can give. Beyond that, you need to ask them directly.
Issue Number Eight:
"Do you think Villa Hills voters are stupid or something?"
Our Response:
No. The voters of Villa Hills aren't stupid. They are a lot like voters everywhere. Many people are obsessed with the nonsense in Washington and don't realize that what their local government does has a far greater impact on their daily lives. Most voters take about thirty seconds to decide who to vote for in their local elections. If that. Then they have to wait until the next election to clean up any messes they've created.
Issue Number Nine:
"I've been thinking about joining the Villa Hills Civic Club. But I haven't because I'm concerned about exactly who the "Civic Club asshats are. Who are they?"
Our Response:
Don't worry about the asshats. Go ahead and join. If more good people become members maybe those asshats will have to find another place to sit around and spew their brainless venom.
Issue Number Ten:
"How can you possibly write that Martin can be re-elected in 2014?"
Our Response:
Because he can be re-elected in 2014. Especially if a large number of people continue to fail to pay attention to the mess Martin has created since he was elected in 2010.
We'll know for sure in 382 days.

Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Real "Bullies"
The Martin Chronicles distinctly remembers the wild claims supporters of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin made during last year's local election. Martin's supporters cleverly spoke to the embarrassment residents felt because of City government's well-documented dysfunction.
These residents see exactly who can't seem to work with others. The most recent example? Martin fully expected the council to approve HIS NEW ENERGY TAX at the last untelevised caucus meeting. Martin answered none of council's very legitimate questions about his tax. In fact, Martin refused to allow residents who attended the untelevised caucus to even ask any questions about his new tax. Despite his refusal to answer anyone's questions, Martin was obviously agitated by council's refusal to rubber-stamp his new tax.
Oh, and people are coming to understand who the really bully is as well. Martin is the mayor who threatened to fire employees for cooperating with last year's Special Counsel investigation. Martin is the mayor who threatened to have employees arrested if they attended his removal hearing last year. Martin is the mayor who signed an Executive Order that empowered him to have those he deemed to have stepped out of line at council meetings arrested.
What about all of the bullying with all of those taxpayer-funded lawsuits and threats of lawsuits? It's so bad that council is being asked to move TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS out of the Public Works budget to pay for the skyrocketing legal bills Martin is generating. That should be very troubling to the taxpayers because the City is barely one-third of the way through its fiscal year.
Martin's personal-and now taxpayer-funded City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry seems to be a happy participant in this outrageous bullying campaign. There are numerous stories circulating around town of McMurtry threatening legal action against elected officials, employees and even residents. Understanding that if you can't laugh you'll cry, one local pundit quipped that, "Toad V. McMurtry is actually a bully-frog." It would be funny. If it wasn't so true.
Martin and his hired-guns would be better equipped to be members of a Third World, despotic junta, ruling a frightened populace by fear and intimidation. You see, they face a looming problem. Because unlike in an oppressed banana republic, the voters will get an opportunity to express their feelings about the mess Martin and his hired guns have created in Villa Hills.
That opportunity is now 383 days away.
- The council is bullying Martin.
- The council is picking on Martin.
- The council is finger-pointing and blaming.
- Wouldn't it be great to see what Martin can really do with a council who will work with him?
These residents see exactly who can't seem to work with others. The most recent example? Martin fully expected the council to approve HIS NEW ENERGY TAX at the last untelevised caucus meeting. Martin answered none of council's very legitimate questions about his tax. In fact, Martin refused to allow residents who attended the untelevised caucus to even ask any questions about his new tax. Despite his refusal to answer anyone's questions, Martin was obviously agitated by council's refusal to rubber-stamp his new tax.
Oh, and people are coming to understand who the really bully is as well. Martin is the mayor who threatened to fire employees for cooperating with last year's Special Counsel investigation. Martin is the mayor who threatened to have employees arrested if they attended his removal hearing last year. Martin is the mayor who signed an Executive Order that empowered him to have those he deemed to have stepped out of line at council meetings arrested.
What about all of the bullying with all of those taxpayer-funded lawsuits and threats of lawsuits? It's so bad that council is being asked to move TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND TAXPAYER DOLLARS out of the Public Works budget to pay for the skyrocketing legal bills Martin is generating. That should be very troubling to the taxpayers because the City is barely one-third of the way through its fiscal year.
Martin's personal-and now taxpayer-funded City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry seems to be a happy participant in this outrageous bullying campaign. There are numerous stories circulating around town of McMurtry threatening legal action against elected officials, employees and even residents. Understanding that if you can't laugh you'll cry, one local pundit quipped that, "Toad V. McMurtry is actually a bully-frog." It would be funny. If it wasn't so true.
Martin and his hired-guns would be better equipped to be members of a Third World, despotic junta, ruling a frightened populace by fear and intimidation. You see, they face a looming problem. Because unlike in an oppressed banana republic, the voters will get an opportunity to express their feelings about the mess Martin and his hired guns have created in Villa Hills.
That opportunity is now 383 days away.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Witness Protection?
The Martin Chronicles has been hearing
the rumblings. We suspect many members of our ever-growing readership are
hearing those rumblings too. People are beginning to ask “where is Mary Koenig”? Some have
gone so far as to half-jokingly suggest that Koenig has entered Villa Hills
malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin’s “witness protection program”. She wouldn’t be
the first to do so, after all.
In case you haven’t been paying close enough attention, the number of Mary Koenig’s meeting absences is starting to pile up. Why does someone whom the voters entrusted to take the tough votes and make the difficult calls take a pass at crucial times? People are starting to wonder why Koenig seems to be doing exactly that.
In case you haven’t been paying close enough attention, the number of Mary Koenig’s meeting absences is starting to pile up. Why does someone whom the voters entrusted to take the tough votes and make the difficult calls take a pass at crucial times? People are starting to wonder why Koenig seems to be doing exactly that.
Let’s take a look at just the most
recent example. As most of you know, the mismanaging Martin decided to make the
attempt to ram through HIS ONEROUS NEW
ENERGY TAX at the last, untelevised caucus meeting. Despite the
indisputable fact that Martin answered none
of City Councils’ very pertinent questions about HIS ONEROUS NEW
ENERGY TAX, the diminutive dictator fully expected that the council
should vote to approve it without delay.
Sure, Martin’s insulting attempt to
TAX at an untelevised caucus meeting-where no public comment was allowed-was outrageous. Sure, Martin’s abject failure to address any of City Councils’
concerns betrayed the tiny tyrant's complete lack of transparency. Sure, the
malevolent Martin’s personal-and now City-Attorney
Toad V. McMurtry’s exhortations that the council should rubber-stamp MARTIN’S
NEW ENERGY TAX were completely inappropriate.
This is exactly why Mary Koenig should have been there. Koenig should have been there to represent the
voters who elected her to protect their interests. But she wasn’t there.
So why did Mary Koenig “pull an
Elvis”, telling the residents that “she has left the building” at too many critical
moments like the glaring one where Martin was attempting to ram through HIS ONEROUS NEW ENERGY TAX? The Martin Chronicles
reporters are hearing many theories. We’ll share just a few of them.
residents are willing to give Koenig the benefit of the doubt. These residents
remind our reporters that Mary Koenig is retired. She has a busy travel schedule
and doesn’t always have time to fulfill her sworn obligation to the taxpayers
of the City that elected her last November. Is that a good thing?
residents are saying that Koenig has always deftly avoided “the heat”. They
remind our hard-working reporters that she bailed out on her 1998 hand-picked
choice for mayor by choosing not to run for re-election in 2000. Just when her
hand-picked choice to run the City (in to the ground) needed her the most. Is
that a good thing?
see Koenig doing something far more nefarious. They remind our reporters that
Koenig is already on the off-the-record record describing the mismanaging
Martin as “a tool”. These townies are convinced that Koenig is perfectly
satisfied with the prospect of Martin continuing to hang himself. Why? Because
these people are convinced that Koenig plans to run for mayor in 2014. Is that
a good thing?
We are inclined to believe that Mary
Koenig intends to run for mayor in 2014. This would represent her best-and final-chance to shape Villa Hills in
to her own image and likeness.
Koenig is indeed “laying low” to position herself to run for mayor, we are
fully ready to give our readers a very full dose of facts explaining why she
would be a terrible choice in the election that is now 385 days away.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Today is National Bosses' Day. We wonder what Villa Hills City employees have planned for their boss today? Lunch? Flowers? A box of candy?]
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Can They Really Multi-Task?
The Martin Chronicles staff sat around at our meeting table this morning and discussed what Villa Hills will be like one year from today. The chat mostly centered around what will be an election campaign just entering its fever pitch. Malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin will be attempting to make a case for why he deserves another four years to mismanage the town. Martin's opponent-or opponents-will be rightly explaining to the residents why its way past time to mercifully turn the page.
Additionally, Martin's hillbilly lynchmob will be traveling door-to-door sliming their hero's opponent-or opponents. Residents will be entertained with tall tales of an opponent-or opponents-who may be a criminal, may be a drug addict, may be an alcoholic, may be a philanderer, may be too old for the job, may be too young for the job, may be a card cheat, may be an embezzler, may be too lazy, may be too busy, may be too mean, may be too nice, may be out to get Martin, may be a Satanist and on and on and on.
But Martin has a problem he didn't have during his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign. What is that problem? Well, Martin now has a record he has to run on. And, the record is dismal.
One local wag warns any possible 2014 Martin opponent that they better not underestimate Martin's hillbilly lynchmob to wreak deceitful havoc. He warns that they should be ready to punch back hard. His insightful comment? "They may be mindless yahoos. But I believe they will still be able to walk, tell BOLD-FACED LIES and chew tobacco at the same time"
That is certainly something to remember.
Additionally, Martin's hillbilly lynchmob will be traveling door-to-door sliming their hero's opponent-or opponents. Residents will be entertained with tall tales of an opponent-or opponents-who may be a criminal, may be a drug addict, may be an alcoholic, may be a philanderer, may be too old for the job, may be too young for the job, may be a card cheat, may be an embezzler, may be too lazy, may be too busy, may be too mean, may be too nice, may be out to get Martin, may be a Satanist and on and on and on.
But Martin has a problem he didn't have during his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign. What is that problem? Well, Martin now has a record he has to run on. And, the record is dismal.
- One of the first things Martin did after taking office in 2011 is hire one of his lowbrow cronies to foul-up the City's accounting and use taxpayer money to pay that crony $47.50 per hour and allow that crony to commit breach of contract.
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history to receive a confidential REPRIMAND from the Villa Hills Ethics Board.
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' to have a judge rebuke him from the bench for the diminutive dictator's ILLEGAL destruction of City records. All Martin's attorneys could do is meekly claim they had no answer for Martin's ILLEGAL behavior.
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history to be CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY. In point of fact, Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history to be convicted of anything.
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history to cut himself a TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR-PLUS BONUS CHECK.
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history to hire his personal attorney to serve as City Attorney.
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history who signed an Executive Order permitting him to ARREST ANY RESIDENT WHO DISAGREES WITH HIM AT A COUNCIL MEETING.
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history who has demonstrated an abject inability to work with TWO SEPARATE, SIX-PERSON GROUPS OF COUNCIL PEOPLE.
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history to try to convince an inattentive populace that spending ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS actually represents "saving money".
- Martin is the first mayor in Villa Hills' history to ask council to steer TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS out of a budget line-item that was supposed to be priority-one. Why? Because Martin doesn't have enough TAXPAYER MONEY to cover his ridiculous, sky-rocketing legal expenses.
One local wag warns any possible 2014 Martin opponent that they better not underestimate Martin's hillbilly lynchmob to wreak deceitful havoc. He warns that they should be ready to punch back hard. His insightful comment? "They may be mindless yahoos. But I believe they will still be able to walk, tell BOLD-FACED LIES and chew tobacco at the same time"
That is certainly something to remember.
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Martin Chronicles is well aware of many famous-and infamous-examples of people who
somehow become an additional force in groups comprised of a pre-set number of
Let's examine this.
A large number of Villa Hills’ residents tell us they no longer believe that Emil Sitka should be considered “The Fourth Stooge”. Despite the fact that Sitka appeared in almost forty films with Larry, Moe and Curly Joe (and sometimes the amazing Shemp), these townies believe their mismanaging Mayor Mike Martin deserves the coveted “Fourth Stooge” designation.
Let's examine this.
Some famous examples include the Texas
A&M Aggies, who trademarked the term “The Twelfth Man” in 1990 to describe
the home field edge their football team receives from their rabid fans. Record
producer-extraordinaire George Martin -and
a few others - came to be known as “The Fifth Beatle” for their excellent work
with the Fab Four from Liverpool. Some NASA veterans consider the homemade vest-wearing
Flight Director Gene Krantz “The Fourth Apollo Astronaut” on America’s
moon-landing missions. Batgirl worked her way into the “Dynamic Duo” of
Batman and Robin for her daring crime fighting exploits against the likes of
The Joker, The Riddler and The Penguin.
Villa Hills’
residents have provided us an infamous
example. Many locals are now describing malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin’s
personal-and now City-Attorney Toad
V. McMurtry as “The Seventh Villa Hills Councilmember”. Why? Because of Toad’s inappropriate ventures in to matters of
policy. Do you want examples? Toad recently-and
inappropriately-told the council they should borrow some seven-figure sum
of money for street repair. Toad also inappropriately
urged council to approve MARTIN’S NEW
ENERGY TAX at the October untelevised caucus meeting.
Most Villa
Hills’ citizens don’t think Martin’s personal-and now City-Attorney should be straying in to the realm of
policy-making. Nobody voted for Toad. They’re upset enough by the fact that
Martin needs the City Council to re-direct TWENTY-NINE
taxpayer-funded Public Works budget-that
should be spent on street repair-to pay for the diminutive dictator’s
out-of-control legal expenses. Most inhabitants
of strife-torn Villa Hills are complaining, “Enough is enough!”
A large number of Villa Hills’ residents tell us they no longer believe that Emil Sitka should be considered “The Fourth Stooge”. Despite the fact that Sitka appeared in almost forty films with Larry, Moe and Curly Joe (and sometimes the amazing Shemp), these townies believe their mismanaging Mayor Mike Martin deserves the coveted “Fourth Stooge” designation.
Even with
the election of six new councilmembers and the hiring of two new hired-guns to assist the struggling mayor, this growing number of people know that
things are still spiraling out of control in Villa Hills. No one would be the least
bit surprised if Martin repeatedly smacks himself in the face at the next
Council meeting, stands up, and walks around to the front of the council table,
lays down on his side and begins to do the famous, circular “Curly Walk”.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
Friday, October 11, 2013
WEEKENDER: Exactly Who Is Slinging Mud?
The Martin Chronicles can always tell when it's having its greatest impact. When is that? When supporters of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin choose to attack us and what we're reporting rather than face the very real mess that Martin continues to create. We hope it continues. Why? Because these diversionary attacks continue to drive our readership to new heights, exposing Martin's rampant mismanagement and corruption to an even larger audience.
The funniest allegation hurled at us lately is that we are "mudslinging". For the uninitiated, "mudslinging" is defined by the Oxford online dictionary as: the use of insults and allegations, especially unjust ones, with the aim of damaging the reputation of an opponent.
Have we made mistakes in our reporting? We have. Every information outlet does. After more than two years of reporting on Martin's mayhem in nearly 800 posts and a vast network of sources providing us a torrent of information on the virtually non-stop foul-ups, bleeps and blunders of the Martin Mis-administration, we have gotten it wrong on a few occasions. And when we do, we have admitted our mistake and corrected the record. We'll continue that policy.
We challenge Martin's dwindling base of supporters to do some soul-searching. We ask them to consider exactly who has made a career out of hurling unjust allegations at people for the purpose of damaging the reputations of others.
Consider the following:
Please keep in mind that this is only a partial list. Again, these events are all documented. These allegations were made. No proof has ever been provided for any of these claims.
In one way, we appreciate the loyalty of Martin's defenders. There is something to be said for "standing by your man". No matter how mendacious "their man" clearly is.
But people should think twice before hurling a dishonest stone when they are standing squarely in the middle of a house constructed of glass.
The funniest allegation hurled at us lately is that we are "mudslinging". For the uninitiated, "mudslinging" is defined by the Oxford online dictionary as: the use of insults and allegations, especially unjust ones, with the aim of damaging the reputation of an opponent.
Have we made mistakes in our reporting? We have. Every information outlet does. After more than two years of reporting on Martin's mayhem in nearly 800 posts and a vast network of sources providing us a torrent of information on the virtually non-stop foul-ups, bleeps and blunders of the Martin Mis-administration, we have gotten it wrong on a few occasions. And when we do, we have admitted our mistake and corrected the record. We'll continue that policy.
We challenge Martin's dwindling base of supporters to do some soul-searching. We ask them to consider exactly who has made a career out of hurling unjust allegations at people for the purpose of damaging the reputations of others.
Consider the following:
- Who is it who defended his 2007 FORGERY ARREST by claiming that he was nothing more than a good-government zealot being targeted by corrupt, dark forces hell-bent on maintaining some mythical status quo? Four highly-respected judges later opined that Martin's many scurrilous claims that he was an innocent victim were baseless.
- Who is it who claimed that a long-serving police officer committed perjury? Once again, those allegations were proven false.
- Who is it who made serious charges that there was some mysterious report that City computer files had been erased? When the accuser was finally confronted on those serious charges, we learned that no such report existed.
- Who is it who accused a long-serving police officer of stealing from the City? Going so far as to write that the alleged theft was "a fact"? To date, these "facts" have never been presented.
- Who is it who accused a long-serving police officer of planting evidence? To date, the proof of evidence-planting has never been presented?
- Who is it who accused a long-serving police officer of unethical behavior? To date, no proof has been presented.
- Who is it who released a statement to the press revealing the personal issues of someone who was about to testify against the person who released that statement? The release of that statement was later determined to be, at best highly inappropriate.
- Who is it who accused a long-serving police officer of intimidating his staff? To date, no proof has been presented.
- Who is it who accused a long-serving police officer of selective traffic enforcement? To date, no proof has been presented.
Please keep in mind that this is only a partial list. Again, these events are all documented. These allegations were made. No proof has ever been provided for any of these claims.
In one way, we appreciate the loyalty of Martin's defenders. There is something to be said for "standing by your man". No matter how mendacious "their man" clearly is.
But people should think twice before hurling a dishonest stone when they are standing squarely in the middle of a house constructed of glass.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The Martin Chronicles wants to point out again that the Villa Hills City Council did the right thing last night when they short-circuited malfeasant Mayor Martin's plan to ramrod through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX. Not surprisingly, Martin's proposal is muddled and he was completely unable to provide any clear answers to the many questions councilmembers asked him at the untelevised caucus.
The issue will be brought to the floor at the televised council meeting later this month. Hopefully, Martin can round up answers to the councilmembers' questions between now and then. They should have the opportunity to make an informed vote.
We have also learned that Martin is proposing an action which seems to fly directly in the face of his oft-repeated, but never followed-through on desire to "free up more money for street repair". What is that action? Martin plans to move TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS out of the Public Works Department Budget to-you guessed it-pay more outrageous legal fees.
While it should come as no surprise at this point, Martin's words and actions are contradictory. He has said he wants to disband the local police department in part to "free up more money for street repair". And yet, he wants to impose HIS NEW ENERGY TAX that hits area senior citizens, schools, retirement homes and small business the hardest. But, it brings in LESS REVENUE for street repair. Now he wants to move TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS out of the Public Works budget.
Public Works is the department tasked with street repair.
The issue will be brought to the floor at the televised council meeting later this month. Hopefully, Martin can round up answers to the councilmembers' questions between now and then. They should have the opportunity to make an informed vote.
We have also learned that Martin is proposing an action which seems to fly directly in the face of his oft-repeated, but never followed-through on desire to "free up more money for street repair". What is that action? Martin plans to move TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS out of the Public Works Department Budget to-you guessed it-pay more outrageous legal fees.
While it should come as no surprise at this point, Martin's words and actions are contradictory. He has said he wants to disband the local police department in part to "free up more money for street repair". And yet, he wants to impose HIS NEW ENERGY TAX that hits area senior citizens, schools, retirement homes and small business the hardest. But, it brings in LESS REVENUE for street repair. Now he wants to move TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS out of the Public Works budget.
Public Works is the department tasked with street repair.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Martin Chronicles admits we have been very hard on the new city council that has surrounded Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin since January of this year. We firmly believe our criticisms have well-deserved. But five of the council members took a stand against Martin's outrageous attempt to ram through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX at tonight's untelevised caucus meeting. They deserve a great deal of credit for doing so.
No, MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX isn't dead. But the council did table a possible vote until at least the televised council meeting that will be held later this month. For the record, all five councilmembers in attendance voted to table. Also for the record, Mary Koenig skipped yet another meeting.
Oh, there's more. Martin once again threatened to have residents removed from the meeting. Why? Because they wanted to express their views on MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX. And the diminutive dictator would have none of it. Transparency? Yeah, sure.
Holly Isenhour-Menninger may have provided the best pull quote of the night when she told Martin that "You may be in a big hurry (to pass MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX), but we're not!" Again, we aren't afraid to praise anyone when they do the right thing. Holly Menninger-Isenhour did the right thing. Or, at least she said the right thing.
The hits just keep comin'. Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry inappropriately strayed in to the realm of policy yet again. How so? He told council they should approve MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX at tonight's caucus. McMurtry needs to shut his pie hole on policy. But we hope he never does.
It continues to become more abundantly clear with each passing day that Martin is one of the most ill-equipped, unprepared mayors in the history of Kentucky. He couldn't coherently answer any questions. A meeting attendee asked the person seated next to him if Martin had recently had a stroke or a severe blow to the head. We are convinced that attendee was dead serious.
Martin also announced that he is going to continue to sue residents who choose not to pay the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. He also bizarrely announced that he wrote off the debt of a substantial amount of unpaid property tax-which surely totaled more than $40 per resident. The take-a-way? You should pay the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and skip paying your property tax. Martin will leave you alone then.
Our guess? Martin wandered over to visit with the civic club ass-hats after the meeting to throw back beer after beer and revisit his lunatic rant that no one will work with him..
It should be clear to most Villa Hills residents now why they won't.
No, MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX isn't dead. But the council did table a possible vote until at least the televised council meeting that will be held later this month. For the record, all five councilmembers in attendance voted to table. Also for the record, Mary Koenig skipped yet another meeting.
Oh, there's more. Martin once again threatened to have residents removed from the meeting. Why? Because they wanted to express their views on MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX. And the diminutive dictator would have none of it. Transparency? Yeah, sure.
Holly Isenhour-Menninger may have provided the best pull quote of the night when she told Martin that "You may be in a big hurry (to pass MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX), but we're not!" Again, we aren't afraid to praise anyone when they do the right thing. Holly Menninger-Isenhour did the right thing. Or, at least she said the right thing.
The hits just keep comin'. Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry inappropriately strayed in to the realm of policy yet again. How so? He told council they should approve MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX at tonight's caucus. McMurtry needs to shut his pie hole on policy. But we hope he never does.
It continues to become more abundantly clear with each passing day that Martin is one of the most ill-equipped, unprepared mayors in the history of Kentucky. He couldn't coherently answer any questions. A meeting attendee asked the person seated next to him if Martin had recently had a stroke or a severe blow to the head. We are convinced that attendee was dead serious.
Martin also announced that he is going to continue to sue residents who choose not to pay the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. He also bizarrely announced that he wrote off the debt of a substantial amount of unpaid property tax-which surely totaled more than $40 per resident. The take-a-way? You should pay the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and skip paying your property tax. Martin will leave you alone then.
Our guess? Martin wandered over to visit with the civic club ass-hats after the meeting to throw back beer after beer and revisit his lunatic rant that no one will work with him..
It should be clear to most Villa Hills residents now why they won't.
The Martin Chronicles continues to dig in to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's attempt to rush through HIS NEW ENERGY TAX at tonight's untelevised caucus meeting. Again, the information is coming fast and furious. So please bear with us.
Here is what we're learning:
Again, we hope at least four members of City Council insist on receiving satisfactory answers to their questions before approving the ordinance. It seems that the only way that will happen is for City Council to table the second reading of MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX ordinance at least until the televised council meeting at the end of October.
Tonight could be interesting.
Here is what we're learning:
- There is no provision in MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX ordinance to restrict the revenues it would collect to street repair.
- There is no provision in MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX ordinance that would repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX if the new tax is approved tonight.
- Duke Energy cannot exempt any person or organization from MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX. No homestead exemption for senior citizens. No exemption for any otherwise tax exempt organization like Villa Madonna Academy of Madonna Manor.
- Council has either received unsatisfactory of no answers to the many questions they have about MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX.
Again, we hope at least four members of City Council insist on receiving satisfactory answers to their questions before approving the ordinance. It seems that the only way that will happen is for City Council to table the second reading of MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX ordinance at least until the televised council meeting at the end of October.
Tonight could be interesting.
Caucus Casualties
The Martin
Chronicles has already reported the looming flimflam Villa Hills malfeasant
Mayor Mike Martin has in store for the taxpayers at tonight’s monthly caucus
meeting. Walking away from his promise not
to address new ordinances at untelevised caucus meetings, Martin is hoping to
ram through HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERY TAX and
knows what.
The voters’ hopes for greater cooperation between the mendacious mayor and the new City Council they elected last November are also being dashed. Why? Because at publication time Martin has answered none of council’s questions about HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX. Even still, the tiny tyrant will push the council to approve HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX tonight. While it isn’t entirely clear, Martin will probably get at the least the three votes he needs to impose HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX.
Oh, Martin
will have his emetic excuses ready. He’ll say that council has to approve HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX immediately
in order to have it take effect January 1, 2014. He’ll say that he wants to do
this so that he can repeal the UNFAIR
will comfort everyone by saying that HIS
SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX is fairer. He’ll reassure people that everyone will now be forced to pay the
tax. Gee, that is reassuring. And
he’ll make sure that someone other than himself is set up to take the blame.
He’ll tell people that the City’s Finance Committee proposed this new tax. But
make no mistake about it; this is MARTIN’S
Look, we hate
the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. Especially
since Martin has done very little actual street repair with work since taking
office in January 2011. But we aren’t so sure replacing the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX with MARTIN’S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX is any
There is no
doubt that some people will pay less. But other residents will be kicked in the
shorts by MARTIN’S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX. Want just one
example? How about senior citizens who were receiving a homestead exemption for
Many of these senior citizens are long-time Villa Hills’ residents who may live
in a less energy efficient home. The most they ever had to pay each year was
$40. You can rest assured that those senior citizens’ share of MARTIN’S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX BURDEN
will be climbing. In some cases, it will increase significantly.
Does Martin
think it is “fair” to shift a greater portion of the local tax burden to
seniors who are often on fixed incomes? He evidently does. The good news?
Senior citizens are typically the most reliable voting bloc. And you can rest
assured that there will be a strong effort to make sure they remember next
There are certainly
more casualties of MARTIN’S SNEAKY NEW
ENERGY TAX. Martin’s phony promises about “transparency” are now being
revealed as the LIES we always knew
they were. How can Martin justify trying to impose a new tax under the cover of
darkness? Is the timing so critical that the vote to approve MARTIN’S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX couldn’t
wait until the televised council meeting later this month? If so, that reveals
Martin’s gross ineptitude and mismanagement. The voters’ hopes for greater cooperation between the mendacious mayor and the new City Council they elected last November are also being dashed. Why? Because at publication time Martin has answered none of council’s questions about HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX. Even still, the tiny tyrant will push the council to approve HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX tonight. While it isn’t entirely clear, Martin will probably get at the least the three votes he needs to impose HIS SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX.
approved tonight. That won’t be the end of the tiny tyrant’s razzle dazzle. Remember
that a second reading and vote to take ONE
HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS out of the City’s taxpayer-funded cash
reserves is ready for the next televised council meeting. The residents are
being LIED to about the purpose of
that withdrawal. The money isn’t going to be used just to pay off “the
tri-level” and “free-up” money for street repair. Some still-undetermined
portion of the withdrawal will go to pay Martin’s ridiculous, tax-payer funded
legal bills.
Many insiders
are also convinced that Martin wants to pay off “the tri-level” so that he can
turn around and borrow a huge, seven-figure sum of money in the name of his
beloved street repair. Does imposing MARTIN’S
SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX, a significant draw-down of the City’s taxpayer-funded
cash reserve and incurring a colossal amount of new debt make any sense at all? Of course it doesn’t. No matter
what reassurances that may or may not come from the “human shield” City Finance
We hope against
hope that City Council moves to table the vote on MARTIN’S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX tonight. We hope against hope that
City Council insists that Martin answer all their questions before any vote is
taken. We hope against hope that City Council decides to go ahead and move to
TAX and amend the ordinance to impose MARTIN’S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX to ensure that the new revenue is
restricted to street repair before any final vote is taken. Even if the MARTIN'S SNEAKY NEW ENERGY TAX is a little late being imposed upon the taxpayers.
This is all so much nonsense and deceit. This is all so sneaky, sneaky, sneaky. This is
all so much Martin.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
A Better Idea
The Martin Chronicles strongly
believes it has a better idea for freeing up more money for street repair than
the one currently being pushed by Villa Hills’ malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and
the gaggle of lame-brained lemmings that continue to want to follow him as he
takes the entire City over the fiscal cliff. Martin and his fellow nitwits seem
RIGHT NOW is a great way to free-up roughly $40,000 a year for additional
street repair.
These dimbulbs actually equate SPENDING ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND
TAXPAYER DOLLARS to “saving money”. Even though under the best of
circumstance it would take more than three years to possibly break even. Do you
THOUSAND DOLLARS IS “SAVING MONEY”? Of course, most of you don’t.
If the interest being earned on the
taxpayer-funded City cash reserves is less than the interest being paid on the
loan for the City Building, you could make the case that you have lessened the
debt load. But you certainly aren’t saving money when you SPEND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. This is especially true
because some still undetermined portion of that ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS
is supposed to be used to pay the mismanaging Martin’s excessive legal bills.
What about this? It is a fact that
Martin is squandering taxpayer money on at least six attorneys and all kinds of
unnecessary legal actions. How can Martin defend this? Well, he chooses not to.
He simply chooses to avoid that part of the discussion. Whether by chance or
design, Martin’s personal-and now City-Attorney
Toad V. McMurtry failed to mention that some still undetermined portion of that
TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY CASH RESERVES will go towards Martin’s attorneys.
Wouldn’t it be far easier to simply
reduce the number of taxpayer-funded attorneys? Wouldn’t it be far easier to
drop the expensive lawsuit against the City’s Civil Service Board? Wouldn’t it
be far easier to drop the expensive lawsuit against a City employee and seek a
compromise solution? Of course it would. So, why not do it.
Martin could easily free up far more
money for street repair if he stopped using YOUR MONEY to fund his long-running vendetta against the people
he blames for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST.
So why doesn’t he do it?
you should ask Martin why he won’t do it.
Monday, October 7, 2013
The Martin Chronicles is asking our vast readership for a little forgiveness. Our investigative reporters have just uncovered and confirmed more chicanery by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and so we're reporting it to you on the fly. We'll flesh out more details as we uncover them.
A quick look back. Not long ago the mendacious Martin agreed with those on council who felt that the first reading of ordinances should not take place at caucus meetings. Why? Because those meetings aren't televised and many residents would not have enough time to digest the potential impact of the new legislation. That sounds great. We support that policy.
So, if the malevolent Martin is so concerned about giving residents time to digest the meaning of new ordinances and is equally dedicated to whatever he means by "transparency", why have we learned that Martin is planning to do the SECOND READING OF THE NEW ENERGY TAX and AN EMERGENCY(?) READING OF ANOTHER ORDINANCE at the untelevised caucus meeting THAT WILL BE HELD IN ROUGHLY FIFTY-TWO HOURS? To say Martin's plan to ram new legislation through at an untelevised caucus meeting is an outrage is a colossal understatement.
There are a few things the residents of Villa Hills should be mindful of:
Look, we are almost ashamed to admit that we have more-or-less come to understand how Martin's DISHONEST mind works. The diminutive dictator will say that he has kept his promise not to do first readings of new ordinance at caucus meetings. He is proposing a second reading and an emergency reading, after all.
And, Martin will say that he gave proper notice of the second and emergency readings. Maybe. But, at best, the mismanaging Martin is keeping the letter of the law. But certainly not the spirit of the law. Martin Chronicles readers will be the only ones who are aware that Martin plans to ram his NEW ENERGY TAX through at an untelevised caucus.
We suspect the deed is already done. It is most likely a fait accompli. Why? Because Martin's council cronies are almost certainly going to approve MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX. Even if the vote ends in a tie, Martin will certainly vote "yes". That is, of course, after we have to listen to his emetic soliloquy about what his "head" and "heart" are telling him to do.
Again, this is an OUTRAGE.
A quick look back. Not long ago the mendacious Martin agreed with those on council who felt that the first reading of ordinances should not take place at caucus meetings. Why? Because those meetings aren't televised and many residents would not have enough time to digest the potential impact of the new legislation. That sounds great. We support that policy.
So, if the malevolent Martin is so concerned about giving residents time to digest the meaning of new ordinances and is equally dedicated to whatever he means by "transparency", why have we learned that Martin is planning to do the SECOND READING OF THE NEW ENERGY TAX and AN EMERGENCY(?) READING OF ANOTHER ORDINANCE at the untelevised caucus meeting THAT WILL BE HELD IN ROUGHLY FIFTY-TWO HOURS? To say Martin's plan to ram new legislation through at an untelevised caucus meeting is an outrage is a colossal understatement.
There are a few things the residents of Villa Hills should be mindful of:
- NO PUBLIC COMMENT is allowed at caucus meetings. So if the residents who Martin claims to love so much have any questions, they just may be out of luck. And even if Martin somehow inserts some kind of "special meeting" provisions in to the caucus meeting to allow for public comment, how many people will ever know about it? No notice of the second reading or the emergency(?) reading has even been posted on the City Building door at the time of this post.
- THE MONEY GENERATED BY MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX IS CURRENTLY NOT RESTRICTED FOR STREET REPAIR. We looked at the ordinance that was the subject of a first reading. There is no provision to restrict the revenue for street repair. Will they amend it? Is that change substantial enough to require a new first reading? Perhaps.
- We have learned that council people have emailed numerous questions to Martin about his PROPOSED NEW ENERGY TAX. We have also learned that, as of the time of this post, NONE OF THE COUNCIL'S QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED.
- We don't know yet what additional fees residents will have to pay for Duke Energy to collect MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX. Keep in mind that Kenton County charged Villa Hills' taxpayers to collect the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. And, insurance companies charge a fee to collect the INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX. So, the residents may very well pay more that the additional cost of MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX.
- We don't know if there is any cap on the potential amount of MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX. Just how high will it eventually be raised because "we have to fix your streets"? This despite the fact that the ordinance-as currently written-doesn't even restrict the proceeds of MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX TO STREET REPAIR.
Look, we are almost ashamed to admit that we have more-or-less come to understand how Martin's DISHONEST mind works. The diminutive dictator will say that he has kept his promise not to do first readings of new ordinance at caucus meetings. He is proposing a second reading and an emergency reading, after all.
And, Martin will say that he gave proper notice of the second and emergency readings. Maybe. But, at best, the mismanaging Martin is keeping the letter of the law. But certainly not the spirit of the law. Martin Chronicles readers will be the only ones who are aware that Martin plans to ram his NEW ENERGY TAX through at an untelevised caucus.
We suspect the deed is already done. It is most likely a fait accompli. Why? Because Martin's council cronies are almost certainly going to approve MARTIN'S NEW ENERGY TAX. Even if the vote ends in a tie, Martin will certainly vote "yes". That is, of course, after we have to listen to his emetic soliloquy about what his "head" and "heart" are telling him to do.
Again, this is an OUTRAGE.
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