The Martin Chronicles believes we all may have to take another look. Certainly we didn't hear Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin say that he removed Councilwoman Amy Balson-who is a practicing CPA-from the City's Finance Committee because she had "shortcomings", did he? We must have heard that wrong.
Look, we don't know Amy Balson from the original Eve. But if we simply do a quick review of Martin's financial foul-ups, bleeps and blunders its hard for us to imagine him assigning "shortcomings" to almost any CPA. Not now. Not ever. Never.
Let's just look at a few:
- Wasn't Martin the guy who appeared-to be kind-mystified when he was advised that the revenues and disbursements must balance on the City budget's bottom line?
- Wasn't Martin the guy who explained away the fact that he signed a deceased person's name on that deceased person's checks and cashed them by saying that he didn't know he shouldn't do that then but he knows he can't do that now?
- Wasn't Martin the guy who came to the previous council in a panic, demanding that they pass a $300,000 budget amendment because he was caught off-guard by a massive amount of police overtime?
- In fact, wasn't Martin the guy who has had to ask City Council to pass budget amendments to cover shortfalls in every annual budget for which he has been responsible?
- Wasn't Martin the guy who didn't anticipate the legitimate questions that would be raised when he signed the purchase order that generated a check of more than $23,000 of taxpayer money for well, uh, er, himself?
Martin is quite fond of telling the residents about all the money he supposedly "finds". He seemed especially fond of hanging his size 5 1/4 hat on the tale that he saved "a whole bunch of money" by getting rid of the City's postage meter. A sober review of the reality of what has transpired over his thirty-two painful months in the mayor's office tells a far different story.
One final note. And it is important to say that we are not picking on new Councilwoman Amy Balson. Not in this post anyway. But we sure wish she had objected to Martin's highly insulting comment about "shortcomings". Yes, we have seen who Martin is. We know he is a vengeful, spiteful little jerk. We understand the reluctance to risk incurring the wrath of whatever is left of Martin's pathetic hillbilly lynchmob.
But Martin has gotten away with far too many asinine comments and actions already.
The Martin Chronicles staff continues to compare notes on last night's Villa Hills Council meeting. There seems to be the same question from every reporter who either attended or watched the meeting.
What is the question? Well, why does Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad McMurtry believe it is his place to tell City Council that they are "making a mistake" if they don't rush out and incur $1,000,000 in new debt for the taxpayers to repair the City's streets?
The unanimous conclusion? Toad is simply carrying the water for malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's desire to borrow $1,000,000.
Doesn't Martin have the guts to push for this himself?
The Martin Chronicles continues to sift through the events of last night's Villa Hills City Council meeting. Here are two more items of interest.
How many officers?
Resident Larry Heinzelman made an excellent point about the number of officers the Villa Hills Police Department should have if they want to follow Park Hills' model of a combination of full and part-time officers. Using that police department model, Villa Hills is actually several officers short of being fully staffed.
Councilwoman Mary Koenig has been a full-throated supporter of Villa Hills moving to the Park Hills model. She had absolutely no response to Mr. Heinzelman's astute observations, however. Koenig's silence spoke volumes.
Is there some history?
We aren't sure why Councilwoman Menninger-Isenhour snapped at Councilman Rod Baehner. Here's what happened. Councilman Cahill was giving one of his committee reports. Menninger-Isenhour asked a question. Baehner-who also serves on that committee-began to add some detail to help answer the question.
Suddenly, Menninger-Isenhour fired back at Baehner, "I'm not talking to you!" It was certainly an awkward and odd moment. So much for civility.
The Martin Chronicles watched last night's Villa Hills City Council meeting. What did we all see? More of the same from malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Martin continues to operate in a way that he himself would have found completely unacceptable when he served as a member of council.
First of all, a vote to approve changes to the City's personnel policy manual had to be delayed. Why? Well, council people did not receive answers to questions they had about those proposed changes until a few hours before they were expected to vote to approve them.
To be fair, we aren't sure how long Martin and his taxpayer-funded entourage were sitting on those questions. But even if it was only one day, we know that "Councilman" Martin would have complained bitterly if asked to vote on an issue where he was only given a few hours to digest the information. Martin is fortunate that the council members who forced the delay were extremely gentle with the diminutive dictator. The always-grandstanding Martin would not have been so gentle if the roles were reversed.
We also found the "lecture" from Martin and Councilwoman Koenig about not displaying "Keep OUR Villa Hills Police Department" signs in "right-of-ways" hypocritical. We agree the all yard signs should be place in accordance with City regulations. But the City is not setting a good example. How so? Signs promoting the "City-Wide Yard Sale" can be found in right-of-ways" all over Villa Hills.
Perhaps the City is exempt from obeying its own rules. The events of the past thirty-two months certainly prove that Martin believes the rules do not apply to him.
But why not set a good example?
More on last night's meeting to come.
The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher has been known to play the ponies. We have learned that he also plays the odds posted in Las Vegas about Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin's upcoming council meetings. The next meeting is tonight. So place your bets!
- The Vegas odds that Martin tells a lie during tonight's council meeting: 1 to 1 (a very bad bet).
- The Vegas odds that all of the questions about Martin's screwed up financial reports will be answered: 1 to 1 (also a very bad bet).
- The Vegas odds that there is an Executive Session to discuss all the lawsuits Martin has caused: 3 to 2.
- The Vegas odds that Martin blames either the previous mayor, the previous council, the Civil Service Board or anybody else for his mismanagement and corruption: 3 to 2.
- The Vegas odds that a reluctant council person couches a serious question about Martin's ongoing mismanagement and corruption by saying "This isn't about Martin": 3 to 2
- The Vegas odds that Councilhag Mary Koenig makes a proposal that will somehow cost the taxpayers more money: 3 to 2.
- The Vegas odds that someone on council proposes some wacky new tax to replace the current UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX trying to convince low-information voters that it really isn't something they'll pay at all: 2 to 1.
- The Vegas odds that a dim-bulb councilwoman prefaces a comment by saying "I may be stupid, but...": 2 to 1.
- The Vegas odds that police department outsourcing is discussed: 2 to 1.
- The Vegas odds that Martin answers any questions from attendees during the "Public Comments" section of the meeting: 2 to 1.
- The Vegas odds that Martin's personal-and now taxpayer-funded City-Attorney Toad McMurtry will be late for tonight's meeting: 2 to 1.
- The odds that Martin will preface some cloying comment by saying, "My head tells me (fill-in-the-blank), but my heart tells me (fill-in-the-blank): 4 to 1.
- The odds that Martin will remove someone from a chairpersonship from a City committee because they "aren't giving me what I need": 8 to 1.
- The Vegas odds that anyone is arrested for questioning Martin's mismanagement and corruption: 20 to 1.
- The Vegas odds that the meeting is well-run from beginning to end: 500 to 1 (what have you got to lose).
Again, place your bets!
The Martin Chronicles reminds you that the monthly Villa Hills Council Meeting will be held tonight. It begins at 7PM. If you want to see it in person, we suggest you get there a little early to get a good seat.
If you can't make it to the meeting, it will be broadcast live on Time Warner Channel 16 or Cincinnati Bell Channel 816. You should tune in.
We aren't sure what malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has in store for the residents this time, but rest assured that we'll give you our take on tonight's meeting beginning tomorrow.
The Martin Chronicles readily admits that its happy to see non-controversial signs springing up around war-torn Villa Hills. For what? A City-wide yard sale that will be held September 6, 7 & 8.
What the heck? At least no one is being sued. The police department isn't being disbanded-yet. The mayor isn't being chastised by a judge or convicted on seven of nine counts of official misconduct and neglect of duty-again, yet. The Ethics Board isn't handing down any confidential reprimands. All in all, a nice change of pace.
We are even happy that the City is participating in the yard sale. We have secured a partial list of items that Martin has available for purchase during the yard sale.
- 1 (one) slightly-okay, severely-damaged safe.
- 1 (one) slightly used fire pit.
- 100 (one hundred) slightly singed file folders.
- 8 (eight) tins of Christmas cookies purchased the day after the City Tree Lighting in 2011.
- 4 (four) paper shredders.
- 3 (three) unused copies of Villa Hills' Book of Ordinances.
- 24 (twenty-four) skirts worn in the City's 50th anniversary skirt game.
- 1 (one) autographed copy of the missing reprimand given to the formerly interim City Clerk.
- 1 (one) unused copy of handbook detailing State-mandated ethics guidelines.
- 1 (one) unused copy of handbook detailing State-mandated Open Records guidelines.
- 1 (one) unused copy of handbook detailing State-mandated Open Meetings guidelines.
- 1 (one) copy of the RFP outlining the wasteful expense approved by the malfeasant Martin for pouring more than 15,000 taxpayer dollars in to the little-used Harry Rigney Park that abuts the property of Councilmembers Koenig and Menninger-Isenhour.
- 1 (one) unenforced contract for bookkeeping services.
- 1 (one) breached contract for building and zoning services.
- 9 (nine) used chairs from the City Council chambers.
- 58 (fifty-eight) "recovered" "Keep OUR Villa Hills Police Department" signs, frames included.
- 27 (twenty-seven) "recovered" "Mayor Martin, Please Resign NOW" signs, frames included.
- 7 (seven) unused gallons of paint from Mary Koenig's most recent decoration of Council chambers.
- 5 (five) computers. Hard drives erased.
Maybe the best item of all?
- 1 (one) house located at 720 Rogers Road. Formerly known as "The City Building". No reasonable offer refused.
Suspected Items?
- Several police cruisers. Heavy city mileage. Must move.
We suggest you make the City Building one of your first stops during the yard sale. Why? Because sources tell us that the Museum of Government Corruption intends to by as many of these items as possible.
If ya snooze, ya lose. Kinda like in the 2010 election.
The Martin Chronicles wants to begin by making it abundantly clear that the purpose of this post is not-repeat not-to accuse anyone of any manner of wrongdoing. There has been no suggestion by any of our sources that anyone employed by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin has done anything even remotely close to those involving the current problems related to the investigation of the City of Covington's Finance Director.
For those who are not aware, local media has reported that Covington's Finance Director is under investigation for allegedly misappropriating $300,000 over the past three years. The Finance Director has been suspending pending the outcome of a complete investigation.
Now, back to malfeasant Mayor Martin's Villa Hills-a City divided. Martin is paying a friend $47.50 per hour to oversee Villa Hills financial records. One could argue about the wisdom of that. What can't be argued is that Martin took it upon himself to disregard an ironclad clause in the contract the City has with his friend requiring that friend to have Errors & Omissions insurance.
That issue has been raised multiple times. Martin still claims that the bookkeeper is not required to have the insurance, despite the fact that the contract says the bookkeeper must have the insurance. The City Attorney at the time (2011-12) opined that he would not recommend that the bookkeeper perform the contracted duties without the contractually required insurance. Not surprisingly, the mule-headed Martin has never moved off his strange position. Also not surprisingly, Martin has since hired his personal attorney to also serve as the new City Attorney.
Given the potential for "problems", why doesn't Martin enforce the contract and require that the City's bookkeeper have the proper insurance? Why doesn't Martin do everything possible to protect the taxpayers? Does Martin think contractual obligations simply don't apply to him and his friends?
Doesn't the dictatorial Martin see the justifiable questions that his actions raise? Is he just stupid? Is there something more? He recently went so far as to remove a qualified CPA as Chairperson of the City's Finance committee. Many think he did so because she dared to question his actions. Besides, even the new' "golden moment" council has expressed frustration that Martin is playing "keep-a-way" with their finance questions. These "oddities" open the door for even more uncertainty. These are the last things "a City divided" needs right now.
This represents yet another example of-at best-Martin's dreadful judgment. Will the voters send the mismanaging and malfeasant Martin packing once and for all in 435 days?
The Martin Chronicles has intentionally stayed away from any and all Nazi or Soviet references when writing about Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. This is a result of a decree issued by our publisher in early October, 2011 as we were preparing to launch our blog. Why? The subject is as close to taboo as one can get when writing about political and governmental events. Besides, we don't want to do anything that will generate any sympathy for the malevolent Martin. He doesn't deserve any sympathy for the abject mess and neighborhood division he has created.
But the subject was thrust in to a public discussion by a sign that is displayed in a yard on Buttermilk Pike which simply reads "Germany 1933". For those who may not be aware, 1933 was the year that the Nazis took power in Germany and established a brutal dictatorship. Historians have carefully recorded everything that happened as a result.
All of our reporters fanned out at the recent St. Joes' End of Summer Celebration Church Festival heard a great deal of public chatter about Martin in general and that sign in particular. Surprisingly, there was virtually no sympathy created for Martin by the sign, Instead, there was a large amount of agreement that there may be some parallels.
Look, we do sometimes describe Martin as "the diminutive dictator". We don't want our readers to get even an inkling that we're defending Martin or anything he has done. We are fully supportive of the First Amendment rights of the homeowner who has displayed the sign that has generated so much worthwhile discussion as well.
So what were people saying at the festival?
- That Martin did get himself elected by creating a phony "cult of personality", falsely portraying himself as a "do-gooder" who was set-up by people trying to derail his efforts.
- That Martin has used below-the-belt tactics and deception to consolidate his power, surrounding himself with venal lackeys who will do his bidding.
- That Martin does use the concept of "The Big Lie" to dupe people in to believing he is saving them "a whole bunch of money" despite his profligate spending and the abject waste of taxpayer money to do nothing but advance his personal vendetta.
- That Martin will go to virtually any length to squelch opposition, issuing Executive Orders designed to silence his critics at public meetings and attempts to marginalize those who oppose his radical views as "part of the problem".
So, Martin clearly fits most definitions of a dictator. But he is barely a fifth-rate dictator. In point of fact, we tend to believe that Martin suffers from what blogger Jay P. Greene once famously described as Petty Little Dictator Disorder (PLDD). You know, "if people only understood how smart I am and how much better things would be if they simply do exactly what I want". But that is about as far as it goes.
We don't think the mendacious Martin will be remembered seventy years from now. We believe this is mostly just a momentary blip of very bad government. We are more inclined to think that Martin will end up in what has often been called "the ash heap of history".
But we won't know that for sure for awhile.
The Martin Chronicles has been in contact with a number of its sources. What they tell us indicates that close pals malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus may be cooking up a "Plan B" to help the radical mayor make his equally radical plan to disband the Villa Hills Police Department to "outsource" protection from another agency a bit more palatable to the unhappy residents of their hometown.
So what are Arlinghaus and Martin cooking up? Well, our sources are telling us that Arlinghaus is browbeating both Martin and Crescent Springs Mayor Jim Collett in to forming a "police authority" to provide protection for Arlinghaus' hometown and for the neighboring City of Crescent Springs.
What does that tell us?
- First of all, Arlinghaus is looking for a campaign issue. Why? Because the Judge Executive knows he is facing a tough primary challenge.
- Secondly, it tells us that even a dimwit like Martin understands that the people he currently "rules" are strongly opposed to his radical plan to disband the VHPD.
- Thirdly, the people of Villa Hills should strongly consider the following fact. If Crescent Springs is even remotely interested in considering Arlinghaus' "Plan B", what does that tell you about the success of their "outsourcing"?
So what is going to happen?
- Look for Martin to soon begin to suggest the possibility of a "police authority" with Crescent Springs.
- Look for members of Martin's hillbilly lynchmob to soon try to make seemingly reasonable comparisons to a "police authority" with the current "fire authority" between Crescent Springs and Villa Hills.
- Also look for Martin supporters to chide those who oppose Martin's radical plan by saying, "How can we criticize elected officials for just trying to save money?". Despite the fact that there is no evidence that "outsourcing" or an authority would actually save money. The only solid evidence that is available is that police protection suffers. Not what Villa Hills needs in the middle of a huge crime wave.
- Look for Martin to cloyingly claim that he "has listened to the people" and just wants to "save a whole bunch of money" for street repair.
But what should the residents of Martin's troubled town remember?
- The facts clearly show that Martin only wants to finish his strange vendetta against Police Chief Goodenough and Assistant Chief Schutzman. Martin could care less about any financial savings. His dreadful mismanagement of the City budget is all the evidence you need for that.
- That there is no clear evidence that some combined PD will in any way benefit them.
- If "police authorities are such a wonderful idea, why did Crescent Springs kill the Dixie Police Authority all that many years ago?
So much for "the foreseeable future".
The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher launched a perky little blog on October 8, 2011. Why? To cover the ongoing mischief, mismanagement and corruption of that total stranger to the truth, Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. We have uncovered a tainted treasure trove of Martin's corruption and incompetence and he just keeps bringin' it.
Yes, we know that some people absolutely hate us. They call us "infamous, "vile" and complain the we are "picking on" Martin and other elected officials. But guess what? We're proud of those criticisms. Why? Well, first of all, we know we are touching a legitimate nerve of the venal people who dishonestly promoted Martin. And, we have no use at all for otherwise-good-people trying to defend the indefensible mess that the mendacious Martin has created. Martin is a corrupt boob who has no business destroying the City that was voted "The Best City In Northern Kentucky" just a few months before he was elected. But that is exactly what Martin is doing.
The Martin Chronicles now has a full staff of talented reporters, researchers and sources all over the region. While it may read a bit immodest, we have also pulled the dinosaur media in to the search for the sordid truth about the dishonest Martin. We're proud-and a little saddened-about that fact.
Most importantly, we have attracted a substantial audience who is following our search for the truth. And, we are about to reach another readership milestone. How so? We are about to welcome reader number 150,000. Yes, 150,000 readers have checked out Martin's ongoing malfeasance and mismanagement on our blog.
Not bad for a blog that reports on a City 3.5 square miles in size.
The Martin Chronicles reads the Facebook and comments with interest. These posts reveal a deep mistrust of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. We are told that Martin has announced that he has decided to set aside his radical plan to disband the Villa Hills Police Department and outsource coverage "for the foreseeable future".
Despite the mendacious Martin's pronouncement, the only yellow "Keep Our Villa Hills Police Department" signs that have come down are those that have been stolen. Our sources tell us that the growing efforts to oppose Martin's radical plan are actually going to escalate.
So why don't people trust Martin. Let's look at Martin's track record for some clues:
- Remember Martin's dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign? Of course you do. Martin wrote that he was "happy" to tell the residents that he wasn't suing them. A former councilman wrote on his alternate reality website that he couldn't understand how anyone could say Martin was suing the residents "with a straight face". Well, that's easy. No less an august body than the United States Supreme Court offered an opinion that clearly proves Martin was suing the residents for $1.505 million. In fact, Martin actually appealed the first dismissal of his lawsuit against the taxpayers. A growing number of people now understand that Martin was lying.
- During his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign, Martin plainly stated that Schutzman Inspection Services would not be providing building and zoning services for the City. Despite that statement, Martin signed Schutzman Inspection Services to a contract to provide, well, uh, er, building and zoning services. What happened a few months later when Martin breached the contract only puts the taxpayers at even greater risk. It is now clear to everyone who is following this story that Martin was lying.
- Many residents tell us that Martin promised them he planned to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX during his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign. What has happened since has clearly demonstrated to those residents and many others that Martin was lying.
- Martin provided a bogus list of documents he claimed were destroyed in his infamous "records barbecue" of January 2012. He was asked multiple times if his bogus list included all of the records he burned. He said it did. A growing number of people now understand that Martin was lying.
- Martin falsely claimed that he had never been asked to have a "sit down" with the Special Counsel investigators (that would not have been necessary if Martin hadn't stonewalled city council's questions for month after month). An email trail clearly demonstrated that Martin had indeed been asked by Special Counsel to sit down to clear up all of the questions. Martin's weird response when caught in his deception? "You got me on that one". A growing number of people now understand that Martin was lying.
- Martin falsely claimed for years that he had no intention of disbanding the Villa Hills Police Department. It was later discovered that Martin has contacted Ft. Mitchell and other agencies to do exactly that. A growing number of people now understand that Martin was lying.
So no wonder a growing number of people simply don't trust anything Martin says. Besides, what does Martin mean by "foreseeable future"? His actions indicate that Martin only tries to lie his way out of the problems immediately in front of his face. He'll worry about lying his way out of tomorrow when it gets here.
It seems tomorrow is here.
The Martin Chronicles watched Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin casually announce that he intends to pour ONE MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS into the replacement of the main artery known as Valley Trails with great interest. Just how casual was Martin? He announced that shocking plan at the last secret (non-televised) meeting with the ease of someone telling his family that they were going to Golden Corral for dinner. The big difference? Martin won't be spending his own money on this costly road replacement.
The context of Martin's comment was even more alarming. How so? Martin's comment was in response to Councilman Wischer's suggestion that the City should borrow ONE MILLION DOLLARS to repair City streets. Are you with us? Martin wasn't saying that he didn't see a need to add ONE MILLION DOLLAR IN DEBT to the taxpayer burden. Martin was saying that ONE MILLION DOLLARS isn't nearly enough.
Does that presage what might really be coming? Is Martin looking for TWO MILLION DOLLARS? Is Martin looking for THREE MILLION DOLLARS? That is certainly our take-a-way. So, how does the diminutive dictator plan to get the money he thinks he needs?
Consider this. The entire annual City budget is a shade over THREE MILLION DOLLARS. Is Martin saying he may need twice that much to carry out his radical agenda. A reasonable person could certainly come to that conclusion.
Here are our questions:
- How can a mayor who is saying we can't afford a fully-staffed, local police department also say the taxpayers need to pony up more than ONE MILLION DOLLARS to repair just one street (albeit a main artery)?
- How can a mayor who is incurring the TAXPAYER-FUNDED expense of at least a half dozen attorneys for all manner of legal action say he needs the taxpayers to pony-up MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MORE for street repair?
- How can a mayor who had absolutely no compunction to sign a purchase order that generated a $23,000 TAXPAYER-FUNDED PAYDAY to himself say that the taxpayers need to pony up MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MORE for street repair?
- How can a mayor who thinks the City is so financially strapped that it can't afford a postage meter say that the taxpayers need to pony up MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MORE for street repair?
- How can a mayor whose refusal to answer any questions from City Council directly led to spending thousands and thousands of dollars on a Special Counsel investigation that led to that mayor being convicted on SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT and NEGLECT OF DUTY say that the taxpayers need to pony up MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MORE for street repair?
- Where is the outrage that often came from a former City councilman on various alternate reality websites railing against such a wasteful proposal?
So what is coming? Well, look for new proposals for HIGHER TAXES. Martin will tell the residents that much higher taxes are necessary to keep up property values. Martin will tell apocryphal stories of realtors who won't take potential buyers down certain streets because they are in such tremendous disrepair. Martin will tell us that his heart says he doesn't want you to pay higher taxes, but his head tells you that it is your civic duty to do so.
Let's put this in perspective for you. Let's say that Martin was able to secure just ONE MILLION IN NEW TAXPAYER-FUNDED DOLLARS. That figure-which Martin says is not nearly enough-would mean that the City would have to generate an additional $96,000 each year in revenue to cover that debt load. That is far more than what increasing Villa Hills property tax by THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW would generate. So multiply that figure by a figure of two. Or, multiply it by a factor of three.
Any way you slice it, it certainly appears that the mismanaging Martin is planning HUGE TAX INCREASES FOR THE RESIDENTS OF VILLA HILLS. Will we ever see a former councilman launch another one of his alternate reality websites, warning the residents about huge tax increases and the lack of a coherent road plan? If not, then why not?
How about this? Martin has now been mayor for almost three years. Has he set aside any significant amount of money in a pool earmarked for future street repairs? If he has, perhaps he could hen lay out a reasoned, compelling case for the need for a great increase in spending on the City's streets. Martin could show the alternative ways to generate the revenue to support such an increase in spending. Then he could work with the council to once again ask the voters to decide if they support that compelling case, asking them to approve a ballot initiative.
Did you really believe Martin when he told you that you were getting what you voted for?
The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher loves his research staff. Why? Because they are always on the prowl for information that provides context for the current disaster that is the misadministration of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. And Martin's leadership has indeed taken the once justifiably proud City to unmitigated disaster.
Remember the huge, recent front page story in The Kentucky Enquirer titled, "Villa Hills, a city divided"? Well, a similar headline appeared in the Saturday, January 27, 2001 Kentucky Enquirer, "Villa Hills divide widens".
There are many similarities to the problems sparked by former Mayor Steve Clark in the early days of the new millennium and the current mayhem that has been created by current corrupt and incompetent Mayor Martin:
- Both disasters seem to be prompted by personal grudges a Villa Hills mayor held against the local police department.
- Both mayors were closely scrutinized for their activities. The embarrassing turmoil that followed was perceived by many residents as retribution for that close scrutiny in both instances.
- In both cases, a large contingent of Villa Hills residents decided to rise up and speak out against the unwarranted actions of their mayor.
- In both cases, Mary Koenig was intimately involved in a troubling way.
- In both cases, a large amount of taxpayer money was spent on lawsuits, lawyers and legal actions precipitated by the mayors.
- In both cases, a large number of residents responded-and were unfairly criticized for their response-to the reckless actions of their mayors.
But there are differences:
- The early-millennium council was very proactive in addressing the problems created by the mayor despite great personal cost. The reasonable members of the current council are hamstrung in their efforts to block Martin's recklessness and radicalism now. Koenig, Wischer and Menninger-Isenhour are fully supportive of Martin's efforts and provide the diminutive dictator the opportunity to break every tie vote to advance his extremist agenda.
- The early-millennium mayor was smart enough to know when it was time to exit stage left. The current mayor is a dim-witted dolt who thinks he is some kind of messiah who will destroy the entire City if he thinks he must to accomplish his ultimate goals. This despite that fact that Martin has never clearly articulated those goals
- The reckless actions of the current mayor have directly caused an unprecedented crime wave in the City he falsely professed to "love". His answer to the crime wave? Everyone needs to buy guns and a whole lot of ammo.
The current disaster will only be solved by the voters removing Martin once and for all in 445 days. It should now be abundantly clear that Martin's exit is the only thing that will-to borrow a recent phrase-return the City to "lawfulness" and "normalcy". Will enough voters be paying attention to the terrible mess Martin has created on November 4, 2014?
That remains to be seen.
The Martin Chronicles has been talking to several sources about last night's monthly secret (non-televised) council meeting held in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills. We'll give you a few highlights of the festivities.
- Let's hope the idea of the City BORROWING ONE MILLION DOLLARS for street repair offered up by Councilman Brian Wischer doesn't gain any traction. We have learned that some thoughtful reasons for not creating seven figures in new debt were put forward by another councilman. We can think of one very good one which should be more than enough. The taxpayers do not need to be on the hook for any more of Martin's mess. Will this idea gain momentum with Martin and his council majority? We'll see.
- On a related note, Martin announced that he needs ONE MILLION DOLLARS to effect street repairs on Valley Trails. Will that become the justification for BORROWING ONE MILLION DOLLARS sometime soon? We'll see.
- Martin's personal-and now taxpayer-funded City-attorney has seemingly decided to step in to the realm of policy. How? The City Attorney strongly defended the idea of council raising property taxes by THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW. Observers report that Martin also wants another $60,000 of your money to be collected that way. Will property taxes be increased. We'll see.
- As you know, Martin is paying an outside attorney to sue for collection of any unpaid UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAXES. Some might say that is bad enough. We learned last night that Martin and his "Gang of Three" are considering offering some form of "amnesty" to those who have not paid their property taxes. We don't quite understand the inconsistency. Will Martin offer amnesty for unpaid property taxes while still continuing to sue people to collect the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX? We'll see.
- Police Chief Dan Goodenough confirmed that the reason that local police officers are leaving is "lack of job security". Will Martin's destruction of the Villa Hills Police Department continue unabated? We'll see.
- On a related note, one councilman asked Martin to put an official end to the quest of his radical plan to disband the local police department. Observers say that Martin, Koenig and Wischer greeted that proposal with stony silence. Menninger-Isenhour skipped the meeting. Did Martin's odd silence tip the hand of his true intentions? We'll see,
We have one final question for now. Will the voters finally decide to put a final end to Martin's misadventures in City government in 446 days?
Once again, we'll see.
The Martin Chronicles finds it quite ironic that an event took place on the night of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's monthly "safety" committee meeting that betrays Martin's plans for the local PD to be the foolhardy vendetta that most people now know it is. So what happened?
Well, many of you read The Kentucky Enquirer article, "Villa Hills, a city divided" last week. Kenton County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus presented himself as a generous benefactor to his vote-rich hometown of Villa Hills. How? Well, he said he is providing "free police protection" to the city to help his pal Mike Martin through his (three year long) rough patch.
Several sources have just confirmed that Villa Hills is getting exactly what it is paying for. You see, Arlinghaus' County Police "no-showed" their shift again last night. So the taxpayers are stuck with an overtime bill to bring in one of Villa Hills few remaining officers to cover.
We'll have more on Martin's latest foul-up as details become available.
Filing deadline is the 2014 Kentucky fall general election is Tuesday, August 12. So, we will know "the lay of the land" for Villa Hills next mayoral election at 4PM exactly one year from today. If this fact proves only one thing, it has that time flies even if you're not having fun.
Current malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin entered his 2010 campaign with some distinct advantages:
- First and foremost, almost no one knew what an insatiable LIAR he is.
- Martin was running against a long-time incumbent, making it fertile ground for the tried and true "It's Time For A Change" approach.
- Residents routinely tell us that Martin falsely promised to repeal the much-hated UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. For the uninitiated, not only did Martin walk away from his promise, he is now suing residents who haven't paid the tax. This despite the fact that he gives a free pass to residents who aren't paying their property tax.
- Martin had a goodly number of inattentive residents believing that he was a victim of dark forces who were trying to derail his good government zealotry. Four impartial judges have since betrayed that false claim to be the lie that it is by finding that what Martin did does indeed fit the very definition of FORGERY.
- Martin insulated himself by refusing to talk to the most media outlets and refusing to debate his opponent. Instead, he and his hillbilly lynch mob simply distributed their pack of defamatory lies door to door.
If Martin runs for re-election in 2014-which we believe he will-he will have a dismal track record to defend:
- A reprimand from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for misuse of City employees and resources.
- Convictions on seven of nine counts of Official Misconduct and Neglect of Duty.
- A severe judicial reprimand for his illegal destruction of City records.
- The revelation that Martin has been running an unlicensed contracting business despite the fact that-as mayor-he is statutorily charged with ensuring that residents are served by properly licensed contractors.
- Mismanagement of the City's budget that has led to yearly budget amendments.
- Wasteful spending on lawyers and legal actions, furthering his personal vendetta against the Villa Hills Police.
- Flip-flopping on his solemn promise that he had no intention of dismantling the City's local police department.
- Misleading residents in a failed attempt to get them to vote "YES" on a huge property tax increase by telling the LIE that a "YES vote was simply to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. Many residents tell us that-in his typical, dishonest fashion-Martin advised them he opposed the increase in the property tax, despite the fact that he campaigned for the tax increase.
- Turmoil that continues to engulf City business despite the voters giving Martin a whole new council. It is now quite clear that Martin has problems working with most people. Those he can work with? Koenig? Menninger-Isenhour? Wisher? Well, hell, they need to go next year too!
Oh, rest assured, there is a lot more "baggage". The ones we've listed are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
But, as we have posted before, a "candidate Martin" will not go quietly into his much-deserved dark night. The diminutive dictator will task whatever is remaining of his hillbilly lynch mob to spread all manner of lies and defamation against whoever his opponent-or opponents-might be. Rest assured-while it won't be true-it will be very ugly.
Here are just a few of our questions:
- Will a former, oddball councilman who specializes in alternate reality websites pay a late-night visit to Martin's opponent-or opponents-pounding on their door demanding some whacked-out redress of grievances?
- Will a former, oddball councilman put up one of his aforementioned alternate reality websites touting Martin's wonderful trips to Haiti?
- Will a local wingnut erect a homemade sign in their yard declaring Martin's opponent a "LAWBREAKER"?
- Will a local wingnut go door-to-door with rubber-banded coroner toe tags containing bizarre allegations against Martin's opponent?
- Will the dwindling civic club ass hats once again sully what might be left of their reputations by defending Martin's indefensible failures and lies?
- Will Martin threaten anyone with gun violence on the weekend prior to the vote as he did in 2010?
We aren't sure what exactly will happen. But we know it's going to be crazy-and a whole lot of fun to report!
The clock is now operating.
The Martin Chronicles continues to find all kinds of juicy tidbits in Friday's Kentucky Enquirer titled "Villa Hills, a city divided". We have to ask. Why did Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin feel compelled to take a cheesy cheap shot at the gentleman who has rallied a large number of residents in support of the local police department? Martin said he believes this fine gentleman doesn't want both sides of the story and would prefer to be part of the problem instead of part of the solution. Man, is that a ridiculous-and very insulting-comment.
The problem is Martin. He lied to residents for more than two years about his secret, radical plan to disband the local PD. It is now known that Martin and a former councilperson met with the City of Erlanger about providing police coverage even before Martin was elected. He lied to residents during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign, deflecting voters' concern for Martin's vendetta against the local police by disingenuously saying "we all have to learn to work together".
Now Martin is scrambling. His big lie was revealed. Martin was hoping to keep his radical plan a secret until the deed was done. Even now, he continues his full-scale attack on the police department. That is why officers are leaving. We are convinced that Martin is intentionally making it so bad for the officers that they leave. Then he can smarmily claim that he has "no choice but to outsource coverage" and cloyingly profess that he "loves the City" and "safety is his first priority". The facts betray those claims as nonsensical lies.
Do very many people believe that Martin's hiring of part-time police officers demonstrates some real desire to restore the Villa Hills local department? Folks at St. Joes' festival certainly didn't think so. They believe this is just a temporary stop-gap measure Martin is using to bridge to his ultimate goal of eliminating the local department. These unsolicited festival attendees understand that Martin is a serial liar. If Martin's radical plan is put in to place, these part-timers will become just more debris in the diminutive dictator's vendetta against the people he wrongly blames for his 2007 forgery arrest.
The majority of residents-and it is a majority (three days of hearing people's comments at St. Joe's festival convinced our reporters of that)-who oppose Martin's radicalism and vendetta face tough sledding ahead. Why? Because County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus appears to be the real leader for what has been euphemistically dubbed "outsourcing".
Why would Arlinghaus do this? Probably because Arlinghaus is facing a very serious primary challenge for what he believes is his Kenton County kingdom. Arlinghaus is hoping he can portray himself as the "white knight" who rode in on his stallion to save his hometown of Villa Hills to secure a huge majority of votes. Arlinghaus is making a brazen, cynical political calculation.
But Martin is the problem.
The Martin Chronicles reporting staff is spending a great deal of time at the wonderful St. Joe's End of Summer Celebration this weekend. And, brothers and sisters, we are learning more than we could have hoped for. One of the best stories we have confirmed through multiple sources deals with the now-at-best-fairly-new Councilmember Holly Menninger-Isenhour (the one and only HBM-I, or Holly Boo-Boo).
It seems the also-intoxicated-with-her-new-found-"power" HBM-I had a very recent confrontation with the football playin' Spartans. The incident reveals a great deal about the mindset of not only Holly Boo-Boo but also the rest of her Martinite crew.
So what happened? Well, the Spartans have been holding a "Welcome to the Spartans" event at the Villa Hills Civic Club event on Franzen Field now for 22 years. This year was no exception. Scores of Spartans and their families gathered on Franzen Field-with the blessing of the Villa Hills Civic Club-as a team building exercise for their upcoming football season. As always, it was going well.
Enter Holly Boo-Boo. Our reporters are told that HBM-I approached Spartan adult leadership demanding to know "who gave them the authority to do this?". She advised the leadership that she "is in charge of recreation" in Villa Hills. Boo-Boo was informed that the Spartans have been holding this event with the blessing of the civic club for more than two decades.
Not satisfied with the response, HBM-I then asked what would have happened if she had "given permission" to a sports team to play on the field? She was correctly told that the team she had promised the field to would not have had a game.
Obviously agitated, Menninger-Isenhour then demanded to know about the alcohol sales at the Franzen Field concession stand. Again, Boo-Boo was correctly advised that she would have to address her concerns with the contractor who runs the concession stand.
This exchange is very revealing. It reminds us of Abraham Lincoln's correct assessment that a true test of a person's character is to give them power. Much like her hero Mike Martin, HBM-I believes her election gives her the power to do whatever she wants. It doesn't work that way in the American Democracy. Much like Martin, she needs to remember that she is a public servant, not a despot.
The answer to this ongoing abuse of power isn't a mega-merger of the Cities of Villa Hills, Crescent Springs, Ludlow and Bromley. That won't change anything.
The answer is throwing HBM-I, Martin and the rest of those tin-pot dictators out on their asses on November 4, 2014.
The Martin Chronicles is enjoying the comment section of yesterday's online version of The Kentucky Enquirer front page story almost as much as the story itself. The headline of the story is "Villa Hills, a city divided". Judging by those comments, this is one of the few stories where a Kentucky Enquirer headline is more or less correct.
There are also some tidbits in the article that make us chuckle. Councilman Jim Cahill says that so far as he knows, "nobody's approached anybody" about outsourcing police service. Sure, Mr. Cahill. That is if you don't count the recent admission by Ft. Mitchell's mayor that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin approached him about, er, well, uh, outsourcing police service.
We're also relieved to read that County Judge Steve Arlinghaus will meet with the chiefs of the two departments (Kenton County and Villa Hills) and the mayor (Martin) before any decision is made to charge Villa Hills for the "free" coverage. We do wonder why every other City isn't camping out on Arlinghaus' doorstep asking for their "free" stuff. That may be coming.
We also wonder what Councilman Mary Koenig meant when she said that Martin used "an unfortunate word" when the diminutive dictator sparked the recent conflagration over his radical plan to disband the local PD. What "unfortunate word"? It must have been a real doozy. Koenig assures the readers that Martin "meant well" though. Oh, that is good news.
But back to the comments. We really like $47.50 per hour, crony-hire bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber describing The Martin Chronicles as "infamous". That is pretty cool. But we aren't making fun of you Cordie. We are simply reporting the facts about you. And the facts speak for themselves.
By the way Cordie, your husband isn't being sued because he "dared to speak out". He's being sued because be LIBELED and DEFAMED someone. Big difference.
How bad must things be when some commenters believe the only way to fix the City's problems is to, in effect, dissolve the City through consolidation? Yes, they are that bad right now. But are these commenters saying the problems are beyond fixing? If so, Martin has made a far worse mess of things than even we thought.
Another chap describes The Martin Chronicles as "vile". We kinda like that too. Fortunately, this genius then proceeds to put our web address in his comment. Hence, we are experiencing new records in page views. We have been advised to be careful with this fellow though. Word is that he was once employed by the National Security Agency. But then so was Edward Snowden.
Finally, for all of those people who bitterly complain about the negative publicity Villa Hills continues to receive, perhaps they should consider the root cause. Then remember that root cause can be removed on November 4, 2014.
Let's hope it won't be too late.

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher walked in to our offices ranting about the article on today's about on ongoing problems in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills. His observations?
- Martin is lying.
- Koenig is lying.
- Wischer is lying.
- Holly Pass-a-round is lying.
- Arlinghaus is a stupid prick.
- The Kentucky Enquirer is a FU&#ING joke.
- Cahill is a fool.
- At least Stein has the sand to tell the truth.
- Cordelia Schaber is clueless.
- Who gives a flying F*#K what that asshole Rob Hudson thinks? He hasn't done one damn thing to help.
For now, 'nuff said.
The Martin Chronicles is passing along news first reported on the Voice of Villa Hills site. A number of car break-ins have been occurring again in Villa Hills. Some wise commenters to the story on the Voice site made suggestions on how to make yourself less susceptible to these break-ins that are worth following.
- First, make sure all of your car doors are locked. Don't make yourself an easy target.
- Second, don't leave valuables in your car. Short of that, certainly don't leave any of those valuables in plain view for criminals to spot.
- Third, leave a porch light on to discourage criminals from risking easy detection.
Following those three simple suggestions is no guarantee that nothing will happen. But these commenters are exactly right that it makes criminals far more likely to look elsewhere for a victim. These crooks work in the dark for a reason.
The Voice also reported that a number of "Keep Our Villa Hills Police Department" signs are being stolen. Is malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin the only one who is still too dense to see the connection? Perhaps he is.
It has become obvious to most that Martin's mindless decimation of the local PD makes Villa Hills a far more attractive target for all manner of crime. While Martin has yet to figure that out, the criminals obviously have.
The Martin Chronicles spends a great deal of time reporting on the corruption and incompetence of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and others in his entourage. At times, we are criticized for being too hard on them. Those criticisms usually represent the classic tactic of "attacking the messenger" as a way of deflecting attention away from the problems. We will make no apologies for our efforts. They will continue.
We have also made it clear that we believe the mess was made possible-in part-by an inattentive community that ignored the obvious warning signs of what Martin would do if the voters put him in the mayor's office. That belief has not changed. Martin's narrow 2010 victory has led to a stream of embarrassments for Villa Hills. This disaster doesn't represent the first time voters gave themselves a self-inflicted wound however. And we're sure it won't be the last. In fact, it happens frequently.
Having written that, there are also many good people doing admirable things in the Villa Hills area. A great deal of time, talent and treasure has been donated to improve the community, aid those in need, promote civic pride, support our troops, benefit education and memorialize our veterans and victims of September 11, 2001. People should be commended for all of these efforts. Even though almost all of them do these things wanting no recognition.
The recent fundraiser for a local family is a great example of a community rallying to provide support. The upcoming St. Joe's Church Festival is another instance where scores of people give their time in an effort to showcase their parish, support their fine elementary school and provide a weekend of fun for thousands of people. All of these ongoing efforts are examples of the best in people.
There is more good news. The voters will get the opportunity to fix things in 2014. If the voters choose correctly, the local police department can be repaired and the surge in local crime better addressed. A comprehensive street repair program can be revived. Wasteful spending on legal actions and squads of attorneys can be stopped. Sensible things to promote more efficiencies and economies between Villa Hills, neighboring Cities and County government can be pursued. Most importantly? Faith in the positive power of local government can restored and the senseless strife, backbiting and division reduced. Never eliminated mind you. But certainly reduced.
But these things can only happen if the City chooses new leadership in 455 days.
The Martin Chronicles truly understands the frustration and embarrassment of the people living in Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills. Who wants all of this terrible publicity? Who wants all of this negative press? Again, we get it.
We sort of-again, sort of (but not really that much)-even understand why a majority of voters decided to surround the miscreant Martin with an entirely new council in the 2012 election. These desperate voters were hoping-against all hope and clear evidence as witnessed by guilty verdicts on seven of nine counts of Official Misconduct and Neglect of Duty, a reprimand from the Villa Hills Ethics Board and a strong warning from a judge speaking from the bench-that giving Martin a new group to work with would somehow calm things down. But it hasn't worked. And it's now clear to all but the most fanatical Kool-Aid drinkers that the common denominator in all of the ongoing trouble and turmoil is the mendacious Martin.
In fact, we believe things have actually gotten a whole lot worse. And, brothers and sisters, that is truly saying something.
- There are more questions than ever about the City's finances.
- Martin has hired his own personal attorney to serve as the City Attorney. And this City Attorney often "no-shows" key events, instead covered by ill-prepared, junior underlings who in the long run end up costing the taxpayers a great deal more.
- Martin has signed a purchase order that provided him a $23,000-plus payday.
- Martin has put Executive Orders in place that can lead to the arrest of residents who speak out against the policies of his misadministration and mismanagement.
- The City is on the verge of losing its local police department.
- There are more taxpayer-funded City employees on Martin's payroll.
- Despite the fact that the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX continues to be collected by Kenton County, there is still no road work of significance being done in the City.
- Martin is allowing Council members Mary Koenig and Holly Menninger-Isenhour spend $15,000 of taxpayer money to improve a scrap of land that abuts their private property.
- Witnesses say Council member Mary Koenig is now openly mocking residents for speaking out against serious problems during televised City Council meetings.
And look at what is happening now. Martin is using tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars-that is on a trajectory to easily crack the $100,000 barrier-to fund a bevy of lawyers and legal actions to carry out the revenge he has always wanted against the Villa Hills Police Department-especially Chief Goodenough and Assistant Chief Schutzman-to somehow justify his 2007 forgery arrest. Despite the fact that four judges have opined that Martin did indeed commit forgery.
So has the public engaged? We can report that we are hearing much more talk about Martin's profligate taxpayer-funded waste on attorneys and legal bills than ever before. Even in such places previously solidly backing Martin like the civic club.
Martin's wasteful spending of other people's money to fund his personal vendetta against the police department is not open to debate. Only the looniest Martinites would have the nerve to describe criticism of and questions about this senseless spending as "a witch hunt". Only the clueless of the truly clueless local headline writers would call disputes about the money being squandered on attorneys as "bickering" or "infighting". This is a very real problem.
Here are some of the questions that are being asked -
- Should the taxpayers be funding the incredible cost of the City Attorney-who also served as Martin's personal attorney-and a bevy of other attorneys (that may number as many as six) to prepare lawsuits, briefs and other documents?
- Should the taxpayers be funding the incredible cost of a lawsuit intended to wrest away the right of the City's Civil Service Board to decide the merits of Martin's flimsy allegations against Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman?
- Should the taxpayers be funding the incredible cost of a lawsuit against Schutzman Inspection Services for allegedly destroying City records when there is absolutely no evidence that Martin or his City Attorney has ever sat down with Schutzman to discuss the diminutive dictator's concerns?
We still have to wait to see if a majority of voters finally send Martin packing-hopefully for the final time-in 456 days? Why? Because two former council people went "in to the tank" and voted against removing Martin from office last October-despite the overwhelming evidence. A great deal of difficult-to-repair damage will occur between now and then. Will people continue to pay attention between now and then?
The Martin Chronicles has been watching the recent trend of local cities giving themselves contemporary, cool nicknames. No, it isn't a completely new idea. But it is an idea that is suddenly catching on.
Let's look at some local town tags:
- Edgewood has long used the nickname "The Wood".
- Cincinnati is now referring to itself as "The Nati".
- Newport denizens have termed their historic river town as "The Port".
- Crescent Springs is now calling itself "The Springs".
- Crestview Hills sometimes calls itself "The View".
- Taylor Mill residents have been overheard calling their city "The Mill".
- Lakeside Park is often called "The Park".
- Ludlow has been known to be referred to as "The Low".
- Cold Spring residents have dubbed their town as "The Cold".
- Kenton Vale's 110 residents have called their hometown "The Vale".
- Elsmere folks have been overheard referring to their city as "The Mere".
- Florence residents-perhaps in honor of the Progressive Insurance spokeswoman-call their turf "The Flo".
- Fort Thomas bluebloods often describe their city as "The Fort".
So what has happened in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills? You know, the city that Martin is running in to the ground? We have learned that many residents of the diminutive dictator's embattled municipality use the derisive tag of "The FUBAR".
For those of you who aren't sure what FUBAR means, ask a WWII combat-and it has to be combat veteran-how he decribes FUBAR. It ain't good.
And we owe it all to malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.

The Martin Chronicles remembers an early 2011 council meeting dreadfully presided over by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. At one point during the proceedings, Martin borrowed the late Lee Atwater's famous phrase, "Perception is reality". We doubt if Martin realized just how on-the-mark that phrase is. Especially when it comes to explaining how someone as incompetent and corrupt as the diminutive dictator rose to a position that enables him to now dismantle the City he mawkishly claims to love.
We've written about it before. You know the drill.
- Pay no attention to the fact that Martin signed a deceased person's name on that deceased person's checks and cashed them. No, Martin convinced enough people that he was an innocent victim of "dark forces" trying to derail his "good government" crusade.
- Pay no attention to the fact that Martin was suing the taxpayers for $1.505 million (until two separate courts summarily dismissed his suit as baseless). No, Martin convinced enough people that he was simply exercising his American right to settle accounts with those aforementioned "dark forces".
- Pay no attention to Martin's overt hostility towards the Villa Hills Police Department in general and Chief Dan Goodenough and Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman specifically that has clearly been a factor in a huge spike in crime in Villa Hills. No, trust him when he blathers that "safety is his first priority".
But Martin's biggest escape from reality has been his outrageous claim that he is a "budget hawk" and "runs a tight ship".
- Pay no attention to the budget amendments.
- Pay no attention to the inexplicably rising payroll costs and unnecessary overtime.
- Pay no attention to local taxes that have not gone down, but have actually risen during his tenure.
The latest financial fiasco? The incredible waste on lawyers, legal actions and lawsuits. Martin is now on a pace of filing roughly one lawsuit a month.
Look, we are now nearly three years in to this mess. Martin spent a lot of time blaming other people for his woes. Those words ring tired and hollow except to the most die hard of Martin's dwindling supporters. Are we really supposed to believe he inherited so many problems in a City that had been designated "The Best In Northern Kentucky" mere months before he was elected?
The Martin Chronicles is pouring over the tangled City financial records, identifying all of the unexplained spending. We hope to have a report for you soon. All we ask is that you examine it yourself.
Then decide if the elimination of a postage meter offsets it all.